I'd call it the Althing, but hey, I read too much... here's the info since it may have been overlooked by the hordes of spam before it:
Originally posted by nemesisgm
As promised, heres the updated info regarding the festival, and the contact details for the various events.
Mr / Miss Midgard competition:
Open to people of all levels the entrance fee is 20g, payable on the day of the event. All entrants please apply via email to durgidaoc@yahoo.co.uk with the title Mr/Miss Midgard, with details of which character you intend on entering with. closing date for entrants is Friday 10th October at 8pm gmt. As stated in the original post, format for the competition will remain unchanged. Mr/Miss Midgard competition will take place on sunday time to come.
Great Midgard Treasure Hunt:
there are 2 levels on hunt, firstly lvl10-30, and secondly 30-50. Teams will consist of no more than 4 people, and the sharing of information regarding locations of treasures is prohibitted its ment to be a fun competition don't spoil it for others pls. Clues will be given to the location of hidden treasures, follow the clues to collect a new clue and token from an npc until your team has all 8 clues then rush back to the start first 3 teams home win a prize. Entrance fee lvl10-30 5g per person, lvl31-50 30g per person. Low lvl hunt will take place on Saturday, high lvl sunday, times to come.
Grand Midgard Tournie: the dueling competition will follow this format, seperated via lvl and class. lvl20-24,lvl25-29, 30-40, 41-49 and 50. The entrance fees are as follows:
lvl20-24 - 10g per entrant.
lvl25-29 - 15g per entrant.
lvl30-40 - 20g per entrant.
lvl41-49 - 30g per entrant.
lvl50's - 50g per entrant.
Prizes will be awarded for the first two in each class for each lvl range. time table is rough atm but as follows.
Lvls 20-24, lvl25-29, 30-40 Saturday, times to follow.
Lvls 41-49, lvl50's Sunday Times to follow.
Rules of combat: NO Buffbots allowed!!! All entrants will be grouped with their referee before the duel begins to ensure no one cheats, no alchemy potions allowed or outside intereference. Again pls honour the spirit this event is built upon. Active Realm abilities allowed, as are Realm totems. If you are bringing realm totems you may only begin the competition with the max number you can carry and may not restock during events. Duels will not be delayed cause someone doesn't have ip available etc.
The Grand Melee: Once a winner in each cataogry is decided a second Final Champion tournement will begin pitting our champions against other classes, all the luck of the draw of whom you face. Then at the end be it by luck or skill, Midgard First Grand Champion will be crowned.
Note: Should there not be enough entrants for any particular lvl range the organisors reserve the right to merge ranges, to make a more enjoyable contest.
All entrants apply via email to Durgidaoc@yahoo.co.uk, only 1 characters per lvl range per account pls. State the name and lvl range of which character/s you wish to enter. Closing Date for entrants is Friday 10th October 8pm gmt.
Great Auction: The Auction will take place on Sunday after the Mr/miss Midgard Competiton, we already have a number of rare and mysterous, as well as down right amazing items available for the auction, including such treasures as Novvki's Mauler, Ozur Shadow Ring from tg, and many more wonders of the realm. Nemesis is of course willing to accept any donations from across the realm to help out in such an event.
The Lucky Dip: With 25 prizes available ranging from the truely amazing to the omg i just won a bronze dagger, on the saturday afternoon the lucky dip will open, its 200g a ticket, and its the luck of the draw, once all 25 tickets are sold, then the raffle will begin, only 1 ticket per real person pls, again this is ment to be fun, so leave the bots at home
Middie Bowl: A Special event involving 2 teams of 8 people, the objective is to get the ball into your oppoenets goal more times than them in the alloted time. Entrance fee is 20g per entrant, Email names of teams and team leaders and Team Name to Durgidaoc@yahoo.co.uk. This is a new event designed by Kemor Prydwen's GM, and to assist in us perfecting it before the event, the first 2 teams to apply will be used to test out the game, to ensure it works properly in time for the festival.
In addition to this scheduled events many more attractions may crop up during the day.
Hope too see you all there.