
  • Thread starter Brannor McThife
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Brannor McThife

Just to let all in Midgard know in one place, rather than have to answer hundreds of PM's from my adoring fans. :D

Tonight I am leaving "The Unforgiven". This is due to one main reason, which lead to the other.

I have two accounts. I recently started playing on another realm because I was bored with my warrior. I will not delete him, nor will I switch realms completely. I am part of the Midgard PCC (Event team) and will not move. My loyalty to Midgard was called into question because of this. As many of you have read before, I hate spies. To me it is unethical, honourless and against the spirit of the game.

But, the leadership of TU decided that I had devided loyalties, and made this somewhat clear to me (this is more my feelings towards what has been said about me as a person, rather than direct SPY! calling). So, in the interest of both the guild, and the realm, I have chosen to leave TU (with all my alts). I'll still be around, and Glauthrong will get to L50, and he will be there when DF arrives. I just needed a change of scenery. And this way, I have no access to the AS.

I ask that you not question which realm I play or who I my alts are, I would like to enjoy the game and not be bugged. :p

Sorry for the interruption. I'll let you get back to your gaming now. ;)




You do have divided loyalties, IMO, Glauthrong, and your leaving TU is not at all entirely the fault of "TU Leadership", but dirty laundry should be kept private.

Nevertheless, been fun playing with you and certainly hope to group with you again in the future, G, either in DAoC or elsewhere.



lol this sounds like a bad joke to me!

Glauthrong has fought along side us middies even since the beta on mid/excal, i have never doubted his loyalty in anyway.

you really think he would be working with GOA on their event team if he ran around ruining the game?


That is very true.

Come back to Midgard!

Brannor McThife

Guys, please. I haven't left. I play Glauthrong from time to time...gotta make L50 eventually. Just that I'm playing an alt.

Midgard will always be my home. My characters are all seperate. To me, they don't even know about each other. If I play Glauthrong, I will kill everything I see (except greys) and dance on their corpses. With my alt, I play as him (or her :D ). They do not share information in anyway. I tend to schedule my gametime for either. So no matter what happens, I stick to that, and generally, it's for a few days at a time.

There's no animosity from me to anyone, nor do I believe the inverse. However, I did this to put the minds of my (ex)guild at ease. I have tried to explain the "alter-ego" scenario to people before, where, in a MUD I have THE most saintly paladin in the game, while at the same time, I have a cut-throat rogue that robs anything that moves (if you see the naked tortoise...Wasn't me). I learnt then, that a lot of people find it hard to accept true roleplaying. Yes, I will always hear things on one side that MAY affect what I do on the other side. But, since I play each totally seperately and for long periods, AND, I refuse to spy/cheat, that information is never used.

I cannot really convince anyone that I am trustworthy or not. I can only let my actions speak for me. Kemor knows who my alts are, so should there ever be a question of me, he can easily check the logs. In all honesty? I play this game for fun, having people suspicious of me was ruining my Midgard experience, so I chose to make it easier for them and me. No guild, no AS, no forums, no clue of what's going on. Seems a good enough solution to me.

For those that know this is how I approach all RPG's.

Est Sularus oth Mithas




Hehe with that quote I would think you be role playing a solamic knight on Alb :) Maybe you are , and if so have fun doing it :cool:


Its a shame that people have accused you of spying. I didnt think The Unforgiven were like that. Playing on both sides in the same realm does mean you could of got to known how both sides are thinking and you can't close your ears. I believe you wouldnt advise the other side when a relic attempt was on but as a Midgard - Prydwen player your characther Glauthrong can go on raids with the forces and you will learn not only there tactics but listen to how leaders think. It would be hard as an Albion to take any role of responsibility as you will have this knowledge and will find it very hard to lead a defense pretending you didnt.

That said this is only a game and no-one should feel they are untrustworthy.

Tesla Monkor

Actually.. Brannor is not the only one.

A good friend of mine is accussed by others for spying as well and shunned for that. Personally, I find that rather sickening, since said person has never shown any lack of dedication to Midgard, and is getting closer and closer to leaving Midgard altogether (and we'd loose a very nice person and a L50 character).

This whole 'spying' thing is sad. This is a game, people. Not a witch hunt. I have two accounts (Both Prydwen/Midgard).. If I wanted to spy, I'd buy a fresh one, and I'd sure as heck not tell anyone about it. These people told friends and guildies they have characters on other realms as well, for one single reason -- because they're your friends, and want to keep you informed. Don't treat them like they're not.

Keep that in mind when you decide to single out people, and consider the consequences, since we need a unified Midgard to survive, and internal strife will only create factions.


Sad to see your actions questioned, but I guess things have gotten a little paranoid lately...
Anyways, I guess you'll outlevel me with your alts anyways - so I risk getting stomped on by you as well :p


It's true too many accusations of spying have happened. Perhaps people will calm down now we proved Midgard is strong by getting relics back.


OK i'm going to rise to this even though the guild would rather I didn't (everyone has read and commented on this in private and we were hoping to keep it that way apart from Wend's post).

Please read this 1st line and memorise it, At no point in time has Brannor ever been accused of spying.

Right with that out of the way perhaps just a brief comment, TU have been around as a group of friends since beta and that includes Brannor, our roots though go way way back as a group of PA players who have moved between games together. Each game we add some people, lose some people but the core go's on and until recently we all assumed Brannor to be an addition to the like minded core. Even his playing as an Alb with 'potential' to spy wasn't a problem, others among us have switched realms but still access our private area Brannor was among the trusted few and NONE of us had a problem with it (hell he was still our RvR commander until recently).

So why the split? Well the exact details are our own dirty laundry as previously stated but the short of it is what started as some 'fun' rivalry on our private board quickly escalated beyond control and Brannor's strong char met a lot of other strong char's coming the other way. Im hindsight I agree some of the posts were over the line but these were only replys to equally over the line posts, both parties carry blame but Brannor chose to leave over it (not thrown out).

I'd like to draw a line here if possible and let this die, Brannor I have no problem grouping with you still, I also have no problem killing you, the choice is yours :)


Its a shame mate but I hope you find what you are looking for. I trust you will keep the crsfting going a bit at least.

Still have you in my friends list and hope to see you soon.

Brannor McThife

Yes E. This did start as a personal insults issue, but I decided that enough was enough (and I apologise for using this, but this is the quote that pushed me over the edge) when I got told this:
yep some ppl have loyalty and honner, other find out their realm is attacking and go join the other side. you know the stronge winning side where is nice and safe.
Like I said, no hostility, just that it bites when people question your honour, and to me, the only way to prove to those that doubted it, was to go guildless.

Hell, I still plan to go on raids, own DF, and pay my dues to the Relic Doors. This is just me letting everyone know that I chose to leave because my honour was questioned and to let them know I have two accounts. Nothing to hide. Well. Except her - I mean - HIS name. ;)


Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Starkill
I trust you will keep the crsfting going a bit at least.

Crafting? me? Um. I have 1 crafting. :D



I'm sorry but B but i'm not rising to that quote, context in a thread is everything and i'm not reposting threads here. If you want to start dropping quotes from out private boards well i'll butt out and let you get into a flame war with someone else.


For anyone reading this post.

Has the GM in question can I make it clear that I was question his loyalty to the guild and not that he was a SPY. I would hate to see his little out burst start to make people think that he would do such a thing, as i'm positive he would not

P.S can we not start a trend when anyone leaves their guild they make a post about it. (would think ex mods would know better)


I will rise to the comment though :D

The quote you refer to was a comment from Khan after Karlos made a joke about you coming to the TU boards and winding people up about standing with the Albs watching all of TU being killed in RVR the night before.

Khan then made that comment as a dig (friendly banter) at you....not a comment about you as a person...this was the point you over reacted (not for the first time)

Originally posted by Brannor McThife

And the comment:

was uncalled for, I joked about the raid, you got personal, again. Your jibe at me spying is an insult to me as a person, and I once expected more from you. So, you're saying I'm not allowed to have fun? I must be like Detrim and pick one class and stick with that forever, no matter how much I get to hate the class? Right? It's a game, I play it to have fun, if you can't handle an ingame taunt about the raid and have to start insulting me the person. Well. Maybe I have stayed too long.

Just one question, why do you always get personal with your insults? Insulting my honour and integrity as a person is beyond where I let anyone go.


Everyone could see that it was a wind up from Khan, but you decided that it was better to take the arguement to a personal level ? and the come to a public board to try and damage TUs reputation.

I was totally neutral in this argument between yourself and Khan etc. but I can not stand by and let a guild I work hard fors reputation be damaged by a post from you.

Lets get the first thing straight....nobody in TU ever accused you of spying....a joke was made (friendly banter, we all do it in TU) and you over reacted (not the first time)....kind of sad for somebody that promotes themself as a mature player and a representive of the GOA team, as you are acting anything but mature in your handling of this.

Comments on your we dont know Brannor the person it is very hard for anyone to make comments about you as such. As far as I remember you were winding people up and they wound you up back...sadly this is where the "give but cant take" comes in and for some reason you over reacted.

Also the fact you come to a public forum and say that TU are accusing you of spying and making comments about you as a person is a reflection that you are obviously trying to cause friction in the guild, you even highlight your position in the PCC team to make your comments look more important (and to some degree official)

Brannor McThife

Sorry you feel that way Mort. But yes, I took that "joke" as personal. My fault then I guess. I never once said TU was bad. I jsut said that the response I got to my playing two realms was not positive. I'm not going to go off or anything, don't see any point in it really.

(btw, I didn't actually see a single TU person on the night in question)
And yes, you don't know the real me, and I will say I do overreact sometimes. Can't really do much about that.

And for the record, TU is a great bunch of people, just I guess I'm not used to your sort of friendly banter, as I only started getting comments after I started the second acount. Circumstancial. Once again, my fault.

And yet, in your post Mort, you continue to make comments about me as a person. Why? Do I insult you personally? I came to a public forum because of what was proved in the first hour of me (Glauthrong) being online last night. I had numerous people asking me why I had left. This post was supposed to be a relatively simple answer to that. I guess this is also getting out of hand.

Oh, and Khan, here's one for you...for old time's sake...pity you can't mod this or my profile here eh? :p

If you really want, I'll close the thread.



Originally posted by old.Enigma
Its a shame that people have accused you of spying. I didnt think The Unforgiven were like that.

I use the quote above as it shows that your comments are effecting the reputation guild.

As you know the reason Im pasionate about TU is I have invested a lot of time and money (web, hosting, forum etc.) as I want TU to have the best equipment available to them.

I commented on you as a person because you yourself in your initial post, highlight your roles as a person to give weight to your arguement. In order to argue I have to attack the points you raise, I negotiate contracts for a living so I tend to highlight what people open as thier strengths and hit them there...

You should know me Brannor, I am a fair person and very rarely take sides, but I will argue to protect my investments. I have no personnal problems with you, just that your method of leaving and difference in opinions / thinking, is harmful to the guild, when really I think it was mostly a missunderstanding and blown out of proportion.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
I only started getting comments after I started the second acount. Circumstancial. Once again, my fault.

This post was supposed to be a relatively simple answer to that. I guess this is also getting out of hand.

Kind of would increase when you start posting about albs been better then mid. when you are posting on an mib allaince board :rolleyes:

If you really want, I'll close the thread.


since when did you need to ask ppl if you should lock a post :p

Brannor McThife

Nobody accused me of spying. Period. Mine was a reaction to questions of honour and how I fealt about that. Maybe a joke to you, but not to me. I can't recall all the comments I made previously, but I hope I didn't get too personal. Pot-kettle-black.

As for me using my roles in DAoC, I was using them to show my integrity, not my "worth". And yes, you have always been fair and just oh most worthy one. <grovels before the Immortal Mortal> ;)

Like I said, it came down to the fact that I didn't like (couldn't take, your choice) the comments that I was starting to get. Perhaps they were fully ment as joking, but I'd hoped my previous outbursts over similar things would have given some indication as to how I would react to something like that.

Oh well, c'est la vie. As I said elsewhere...

Till we fight side by side or face to face.



Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Khain

since when did you need to ask ppl if you should lock a post :p
Dunno. Thought I'd be different than you and Mort. :D




As my post was highlighted. I would like to say my personal stance is that The Unforgiven are a great bunch of people.
I mean it. I was really pointing out a fact and looking for him to back it up and confirm he had been accused of spying

He has confirmed noone did and admits he does have a tendancy to overreact.

Taking this to the public board was a misjudged angry response which you probably now regret.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife

Dunno. Thought I'd be different than you and Mort. :D



:p I even locked Khans posts...the power... :D

And as I said in my parting shall be missed and will always be welcome back.

Well thats my view anyway. nuff said from me, better get back to work.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Khain

Kind of would increase when you start posting about albs been better then mid. when you are posting on an mib allaince board :rolleyes:
Hehe...just re-read this... Did I actually say they were better? I think I said they were better organised, unlike us who at one point ran around the frontier like a bunch of lost farts. Which was true at one stage, I was there, I smelt it. ;)

Anway, Enigma, I don't regret saying that I left. I still feel my integrity was questioned. And I did say that that was MY feelings towards this. What was said is said. You've all now seen a little bit of what was going on.

I guess you could say it was all my fault. I shouldn't have told anyone about my second account, let alone try to share the fun I was having there. Guess that got taken the wrong way too.

/em shrugs.




Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Like I said, it came down to the fact that I didn't like (couldn't take, your choice) the comments that I was starting to get. Perhaps they were fully ment as joking, but I'd hoped my previous outbursts over similar things would have given some indication as to how I would react to something like that.

If you keep doing people will do Y, if you don’t like Y don’t do X. its easy.

No all your other out bursts did not make me think you. Would quit the guild then come to public boards and false accuses me on calling you a spy

Think you should lock the thread before you do your image any more damage here, if you dont agree dont lock it

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by -Mortal-
nuff said from me, better get back to work.

Bwahahahahahahhahahaaaa. Um. Bwahahahahahahhaha.

Work. Riiiiight.




Originally posted by Brannor McThife

Hehe...just re-read this... Did I actually say they were better? I think I said they were better organised, unlike us who at one point ran around the frontier like a bunch of lost farts. Which was true at one stage, I was there, I smelt it. ;)


Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Khain

false accuses me on calling you a spy

...rather than direct SPY! calling...
Nobody accused me of spying. Period.
Where in there do you see me saying you called me a spy? :confused:

You didn't. I stated mine was interpretation of the feelings I was getting. This was not, and is not meant as a personal attack on you and your guild.

/em goes looking for a different smiley.



Well i going to stop posting. You seem to be just going all over the place to try to justify your actions.

Wish you luck in the game

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