Giving PL in ALB pryd , asking PL in Pryd Hib , pm me if ur interested



Giving PL in ALB pryd/Excal hib, asking PL in Pryd Hib , pm me if ur interested

wanna pl ppl on alb pryd/excal hib in exchange for pl in hib pryd , contact me if interested Noblestveralith @ daoc.prydwen or MSN

Indiana Jones

does that mean you have an account for alb/pryd and hib/pryd ???


So, you offering people in alb/prydwen powerlevel for powerlevel in hib/prydwen...Well, its illegal to have 2 accounts on the same server so dont expect much response here (I also dont think many people have accounts on both alb and hib/prydwen)

2ndly, you offer pl on hib/excal for pl in hib/prydwen...Why would someone want to play 2 same realms on 2 different servers???


Originally posted by thegreatest
Well, its illegal to have 2 accounts on the same server so dont expect much response here

Lol illegal :)

It's ok to play in 2 realm's on same server as long you dont pass any information etc.


Yup, not illegal. Personally cant see any wrong with it if you can close your mouth.


Originally posted by thegreatest
Well, its illegal to have 2 accounts on the same server so dont expect much response here (I also dont think many people have accounts on both alb and hib/prydwen)

2ndly, you offer pl on hib/excal for pl in hib/prydwen...Why would someone want to play 2 same realms on 2 different servers???

firstly, not illegal, as long as you dont pass on info (as already said)
secondly, I´m playing alb/pryd and alb/excal, you got a problem with that?


if its not illegale, why can u not log in to 2 accounts on different realms on the same comp at the same time? I mean if they do approve it, why not let ppl do it?


Originally posted by Sajko
if its not illegale, why can u not log in to 2 accounts on different realms on the same comp at the same time? I mean if they do approve it, why not let ppl do it?

For the same reason you can't log into 2 servers at the same time. You have 1 account which can only be in use on 1 server at any 1 time.

I'm certain GoA have stated in the past that having 2 accounts on one server is allowed and that it is cross-realming i.e. using information from one realm in the other realm that is banned.


Quoted from goa website itself!!

The use of two accounts on two different realms on the same server, simultaneously and in order to spy, is strictly forbidden. All offenders risk sanctions from game suspension to definitive ban of the concerned accounts.


Im not using the accounts SIMULTANEOUSLY and in order to spy so everything that was said about cross realming spy etc is out of the topic of the thread. I just dont have any 50s on that account to use /level and ask for a trade of PL , ur time spent for my time spent..... simple deal


Geez guy, that really makes me sick. Why would someone want to play in 2 realms of the same server ? Even if you dont actively spy, you get information on raids etc. etc. - willingly or not.

And you want to tell me, that you would keep the information you obtained just to yourself, not telling anyone? That you wouldnt use it for your own "profit" ? What do you do if one realm attack sthe others relic keep ? You dont go there ? You chose the, lets say, Alb side, knowing something on the tactic of mid side ? Will you keep the "secret" back ? You wont even tell your best friends ?

Sorry, cannot believe that. Knowing things about the enemy realm will always change how you act in RvR - no matter which side you play.

Shi, having 2 accounts but both in same realm


Originally posted by Shianna
Geez guy, that really makes me sick. Why would someone want to play in 2 realms of the same server ?

Because the alternative is playing on excal....

Tbh if I was playing another realm I'd want to play on Prydwen as well.

If you do play 2 realms on same server then you have to make sure you don't use the information gained on the other server i.e. you know a relic raid is going to happen but you don't let the raided realm know about it in advance. It's a matter of self control. If you can't control yourself then please don't play in 2 realms.


It is not only about giving information to the other realm. It is just about like, you knowing that, e.g., a full group of stealthers is in a certain bush on the left side of sauvage road. As you know that, wouldnt you avoid THAT side of the road ? The example is not the best, but, i hope you understand what i mean. Knowledge of what is going on in the other realm will change your RvR behaviour, and even if you dont give it to anyone else like "OMG there will be a RR in 2 hours" - would YOU let a group of friends run into 3 fg of Mids if you know where they are waiting ?
Sorry but i dont think that someone really would do that.

IMO the only possibility to handle 2 accounts on different realms on one server would be playing one for weeks, then switching to the other one and not looking to the other side of the war....

I see the problem with english servers being only 2, but hey - you are also welcome on the german servers, guess a maximum of 1% wont speak english and help :)



Originally posted by Shianna
you are also welcome on the german servers, guess a maximum of 1% wont speak english and help :)

I guess all the quest/NPC messages are in German, so doubt that anyone without German skill would go there and play. :)

Totally agree with Vae, I rather would play in other realms in Pry, than Exc.


Originally posted by Shianna
It is not only about giving information to the other realm. It is just about like, you knowing that, e.g., a full group of stealthers is in a certain bush on the left side of sauvage road. As you know that, wouldnt you avoid THAT side of the road ? The example is not the best, but, i hope you understand what i mean.

In my experience the people who do play on both accounts don't do so at the same time. They will play one and switch to the other later or the next day etc so they don't tend to have the opportunity to exploit info either conciously or subconciously unless they know about a raid in advance at which point they have to be careful not to react to the raid until everyone else does.


The guy was asking for a PL deal not about how u feel about him having 2 accounts on same server in 2 different realms.

Furthermore.. even though i'm not doing this i can perfectly understand how people can play like that without any trouble. It's just a matter of common decency and adapting to whatever realm you are in. If i play Alb, i feel Alb.. if i play Hib, i feel Hib and so on.

Spying is wrong in whatever case and believe me... you don't need to have two different accounts to do so. I believe most spying comes from irc and other ways anyway so please don't act like people having 2 accounts same server, different realms are the biggest threat to any realm cause i don't think they are.


All of you which dont offer him anything, fuck off, nothing illegal in having 2 accounts and playing 2 realms on same server, as long as he doesnt spy? which has been said a thousand times, now shut up and go away :(

SoulFly Amarok

Could and should go to hib still when I have the time to become good till toa ;P

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