Given up on AC and gone to DF?



Well, I was playing DAOC on and for for quite a bit of the weekend.

I started out at my usual place, AC.
And it was either repetitive or ended up in grps where they just couldn't agree what to do, infighting etc etc.

So, I got disgruntled at this and did some RvR for a bit and then, on a whim, decided to try out DF.

I haven't been there for a few months now.
But anyway, I got in and got a group and what a refreshing change.

DF really comes into it own when you hit lvl 45+.


I spent 40-50 in AC. Only moved for guild events and the odd bit of RvR. The problem i had with DF was that 45+ grps are not in the main there for XP but for seals. Also not really many solo spots while waiting for a grp.


Originally posted by WardyWonderland
I spent 40-50 in AC. Only moved for guild events and the odd bit of RvR. The problem i had with DF was that 45+ grps are not in the main there for XP but for seals. Also not really many solo spots while waiting for a grp.

I think I just got Burned out with AC.
At the end of the day, when you're at 45+, you need to be in a group going to the sewers, which gets repetitive.

Now in DF (I've only been there for a few days mind), I seem to be able to get a group most of the time.
Since my main is a rejuv cleric, I never solo.

I usually end up joining a Diamond seals farming group, which is nice, as I have replaced my green con shield with a nice one.
Now I just sell off my Diamond seals, as I'm saving up cash to complete my set of crafted armor.

Also, the XP in DF is a lot better than AC, albiet more risky if you end up in an inexperienced group, but I'm learning the ins and outs of DF pretty fast now and know some of the good spots.

It's also kinda funny standing around the area where the merchants are and watching the lower level players running up screaming for help being chased by various demons.
It makes waiting fun helping them out and stuff.


Problem with DF is, that most of the time you don´t have acces. And when you can get in and found a group, chances are that Albion is losing DF and you´re getting wiped by a mid or hib zerg a couple minuts later.
When you´re deep in DF and somebody decides to leave the group, you have to fight your way all the way up to the entrance to get a replacement while walking to the entrance in AC is mostly pretty easy. When you´re soloing DF, chances are that you´re getting xp killed by some stealther muppet and you *have* to bind at pk bridge (or trust your luck to find a rezzer all the time). And no, xp DF is definitely NOT better than in AC, plus AC has some nice drops.
DF is good when you´re in a dedicated guildgroup and want to farm some money for an hour or two. For 45+ levelling, AC is definitely the place to go.


Originally posted by thorwyntf
Problem with DF is, that most of the time you don´t have acces. And when you can get in and found a group, chances are that Albion is losing DF and you´re getting wiped by a mid or hib zerg a couple minuts later.
I hear you.
But for me anyway, It has encouraged me to play more RvR, which is kinda fun.
And yeah, I remember when I used to play in DF ages ago, I'd get wiped when mids or hibs took DF, but it WAS kinda fun all the hiding and killing and other RvR stuff.

When you´re deep in DF and somebody decides to leave the group, you have to fight your way all the way up to the entrance to get a replacement while walking to the entrance in AC is mostly pretty easy.
That's true.

When you´re soloing DF, chances are that you´re getting xp killed by some stealther muppet and you *have* to bind at pk bridge (or trust your luck to find a rezzer all the time).

Not really experienced that problem at all yet, but I've not been here long this time around yet.

And no, xp DF is definitely NOT better than in AC, plus AC has some nice drops.
I've spent AGES in AC, going all over the place trying the XP, the BEST I've got so far with my Cleric is around 38 mil on one kill.
In DF for example, at the Umbral hulks , I can get over 40 mil just one one mob.
The drops in DF are OK I guess, but you can farm Diamonds and just buy decent Magic items.
you can't do that in AC.

DF is good when you´re in a dedicated guildgroup and want to farm some money for an hour or two. For 45+ levelling, AC is definitely the place to go.
Agreed, getting the right group is important, but the same applies for groups in AC.
What can I say, I'm basing my judgement after my personal experience in both places.
Whislt I agree AC can be OK, IMO, DF offers a lot more variety, challenges and rewards.


AC was good i found when SI 1st came out-i solo'd my inf there from 45+ on entrance mobs. But recently ive found that AC is heavily overcamped and xp there just aint as gr8 as it was. i think in DF once u get a grp which is doing shredders well, thats when the xp gets good in DF.

imho :)


hmm imo DF is mainly useful in the earlier levels, 20-30 can go extremely fast down there

40+ nothing beat AC: good money, chance of good rog drops and great xp. Most importantly there are always people there and litterally TONS of good spots to xp at.



geez looking at that for a while allmost made me think I'm an alb for a sec..iiiiik

bah show up as


And it was either repetitive or ended up in grps where they just couldn't agree what to do, infighting etc etc.

I can understand the repetitive bit - but what on earth was your group arguing about what to do for?

See drak.

Kill drak


You can debate exactly what level of drak I guess..?.. ;)

've spent AGES in AC, going all over the place trying the XP, the BEST I've got so far with my Cleric is around 38 mil on one kill.
In DF for example, at the Umbral hulks , I can get over 40 mil just one one mob.
The drops in DF are OK I guess, but you can farm Diamonds and just buy decent Magic items.
you can't do that in AC.

True, but DF has a limited number of such spawns, and they tend to have respawn timers set at 'not-quite-fast-enough'.

If you can organise 3fg of solid players and go high lord farming it's all very different of course.

And seals are nice, obviously.

Since you're a cleric, I wouldn't worry too much about drops; epic armour + easily questable jewelry can get you to near-as-damnit capped stats anyhow.

Agreed, getting the right group is important, but the same applies for groups in AC.
What can I say, I'm basing my judgement after my personal experience in both places.
Whislt I agree AC can be OK, IMO, DF offers a lot more variety, challenges and rewards.

All true - but AC is much more reliable as well; an awkward group in DF, or a few extra groups already camping the right spots in DF will waste an evening much more easily than in AC.



Originally posted by old.Ramas
I can understand the repetitive bit - but what on earth was your group arguing about what to do for?
See drak.
Kill drak
You can debate exactly what level of drak I guess..?.. ;)

Well, there's quite a few places to goto in AC.
I generally don't want to be in a grp that doesn't goto the Sewers these days.
However, If there's not many grps about I just go with any old high lvl grp.
Some like halbs, some don't some want to goto the sewer entrance some don't.
Then, you try to designate a leader and people split off into 3 directions.. *sigh*
I dunno, it seems the quality of grps in AC has gone down in teh last week, maybe I just got unlucky.

True, but DF has a limited number of such spawns, and they tend to have respawn timers set at 'not-quite-fast-enough'.
My experience with the various spots in DF is fairly limited ATM.
But I've been to about 4 or 5 diffrent spots so far and they were all pretty good...
2 of those were far better than any AC spot I've been to.
Regarding the respawn.
Yeah, the Umbral hulks have a slow respawn, but we were alernating between them and some other mobs in a cavern nearby. (the gatekeeper guy I think)
And if you go past the gatekeeper guy, the respawn there is very fast.

If you can organise 3fg of solid players and go high lord farming it's all very different of course.
Never done that yet.
well, I went on one raid with 2FGs to kill the prince and got a very nice Hammer out of it.

And seals are nice, obviously.
Since you're a cleric, I wouldn't worry too much about drops; epic armour + easily questable jewelry can get you to near-as-damnit capped stats anyhow.
I need one more item via diamond seals, a very nice ring to increase my piety and other stats, after that I'll be selling my diamond seals bigtime.
Actually I've been selling them quite a bit already and made a pretty penny.

All true - but AC is much more reliable as well; an awkward group in DF, or a few extra groups already camping the right spots in DF will waste an evening much more easily than in AC.
Having a crap/awkward grp is bad no matter where you go.
I had some gr8 times in AC before a week ago.
But it's IMO, a lot more entertaining in DF.
I remember a couple of days ago, we were XPing and then Alb lost DF and there were mids running about.
Well, we got killed, but I lost no XP and just went to RvR to raid a hib keep.

I may go back to AC at some stage after I mess around in DF for a while and I'll be able to judge better the diffrences between the two.


Originally posted by baphomet

I've spent AGES in AC, going all over the place trying the XP, the BEST I've got so far with my Cleric is around 38 mil on one kill.
In DF for example, at the Umbral hulks , I can get over 40 mil just on one mob.

Don't forget that in the time it takes your group to kill 1 hulk, you could have killed a pull of 3 Draks in AC! ;) 3x30ish mil > 1x40mil per pull... I agree 100% that hulks are great XP per kill, but you really need to look at the numbers over time - it's not fair to compare 1 hulk to 1 drak! :D


From 40-50 i never once entered DF, Now i'm 50 i go there often to farm diamond seals. But i have seen the XP you get from the diamond mobs and i imagine it'd be great for 45+ ppl :)


in mho i belive DF is the best place for 40-45 and AC 45-50 there is 3 good spots in AC at 45-50 and they are Swords(down past bugged house), Halb's and the libary (near halbs) all of these a easy to get to solo and at lvl 47 i was getting 60mil a kill at swords and was soon lvling like crazy(ask anny i caught her up) and now i survive more than 5 hits from bear zerker :)


One other thing about AC, is that you have to kill draks, which is unfortunate since draks are such nice fellows.

My cabby has been camped out in Devwy for some time now - killing constructs. I always try to do it around a drak camp because once you've killed enough constructs - they make excellent guard posts if you get a bad pull. And they don't even steal all the xp - unlike traditional guards.

So you see, you shouldn't go killing in Avalon City. Because Draks aren't bad at all.

They're just misunderstood.



I just bet that Cliffton and Little Haven really loves you :)


Anywhere is good with a good group... have to say I personally think DF is better if you have a fully 47-49 group. I don't like the wide variation in levels of AC mobs.


I have to say ...

I have got a bit bored of AC. Having levelled my Cleric, and helping with my lads Merc there.

I now trying to get my infil levelled (and what a task that it).

So off I went to DF last night to try my luck there ... but I still got the same message "sorry mate full", knowing damn well they had spaces.

I know infils are not the best of tanks, but played right, and kept alive, they can contribute greatly to the damage output of the group.

So it's not AC or DF, it's groups. In my view the most mundane levelling (trees) can be fun in the right group ;)

But .. don't forget the poor infil, it's hard enough work levelling them as it is, without the constant rejections :(




Not that anyone bothers with trees anymore. Odd though, right now I can't think of a good reason for that. :(|
Presumably they're just not good exp :p


trees have a nice camp bonus these days ;)

AC gets a bit dull but that's because peolpe have decided there are X camps ... not sure what they call them ...

When I levelled from 48-50 there in the first couple of weeks after SI... there was only ever a couple of other groups in the place. We'd go exploring, find a funny tower, some sewers with a big pit filled with monsters - 'cool' we'd say... and move on.

I'm not sure why you say there's only the sewers - there's plenty of very high level monsters in there outside the sewers.... lots of purple to 50 anyway, and more than that is generally too much effort for the xp.

Go to the academy, move inside and pbaoe your brains out ;) almost constant pulling of purples/reds. Very dangerous but great fun.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
Go to the academy, move inside and pbaoe your brains out ;) almost constant pulling of purples/reds. Very dangerous but great fun.

I know, and I've been trying to convince groups to go there at times.
But it's not well known, so ppl won't risk leaving the well trodden camp spots.


Originally posted by pbaz
Don't forget that in the time it takes your group to kill 1 hulk, you could have killed a pull of 3 Draks in AC! ;) 3x30ish mil > 1x40mil per pull... I agree 100% that hulks are great XP per kill, but you really need to look at the numbers over time - it's not fair to compare 1 hulk to 1 drak! :D

Well, in the last grp I was in, they were pulling 3 Unbral hulks ata time. So it was pretty impressive.
Although it was true that most of them were lvl 50.


The other thing with DF, is the money is obscene when you sell your diamond seals.


DF is an excellent place for exp at 45+. i hit 50 in a pbaoe group at shredders, and the exp there went soo quick!
and as for not having control of df, well, bout time to rally up the forces and take some keeps then :)
who knows, maybe with some motivation, alb can go back to having an equal share in df's opening times...


Originally posted by moo_work
mabye im just old but what the fuck is AC ?

Avalon City....
But you can't go there unless you get the SI addon..

..You DO know what SI is don't you?;)


Originally posted by baphomet
The other thing with DF, is the money is obscene when you sell your diamond seals.

Sell them all to me and I'll make even more obscene amounts of money hinging them mowahahahah :)))))))))))))

But seriously, imo you need to spend more time exping, and less time discussing where to do it :)

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