Give ML3 raid pretty please :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
i too need to get ML 3 finished if theres eny raids goin soon


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 13, 2004
Knolan said:
wow thx for the very usefull reply. idiot.

i know vos and what i can find on it, but some people dont have the time to organise a raid and some do have the time.

now do me a favor and go post somewere where its needed, which is prolly nowhere.

Surley, if you have the time to go on the raid, play the game, and post on here, the you have time to organise a raid?

Perhaps your reply should have been ... some people can't he arsed to organised a raid and are happy to tag along on others raids and bitch all the way along ... and others try and organise raids and give up because of afkers and whiners. :kissit:

I suggest you stop asking, and organise! :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
Silvertrek said:
Surley, if you have the time to go on the raid, play the game, and post on here, the you have time to organise a raid?

Perhaps your reply should have been ... some people can't he arsed to organised a raid and are happy to tag along on others raids and bitch all the way along ... and others try and organise raids and give up because of afkers and whiners. :kissit:

I suggest you stop asking, and organise! :touch:

1st for posting on FH i really need to be home in my free time, yeh sure.
2nd you have no idea how much im online and when.
3rd leave the thread alone already im not asking for useless asking if people are organising a raid anytime soon. im not asking a bunch of people to come here and give useless replies to my post.

Really fun to see u assume im afk on raids and that im whining and bitching on raid leaders, dude you have no clue about what your talking about and who your talking about so i suggest you go take a hike.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
can some mod pls close this thread, its pointless now since some ppl are so bored irl that they troll forums and post useless replies making every thread a whine. :puke: :puke: :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
you must of been really bored then as this is a pointles thread from the start, asking someone to make a ML3 raid as you canot be bothered to run 1 yourself for your character/s


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
Jimmyjr said:
you must of been really bored then as this is a pointles thread from the start, asking someone to make a ML3 raid as you canot be bothered to run 1 yourself for your character/s

im not saying i want someone to organise a ML3 raid for ME. im asking if anything is comming up. whether someone is planning, yes PLANNING to do this raid.

now pls read again, because i explained this in the last posts i made in this thread.

furthermore, why do you bother to post in a thread that doesnt even has an effect on you! yet you come and have comments on the thread i made which is clearly not pointless because im asking something that i want to know, your reply's however....

and about the bored part, yes im quite bored here at work. but at least i dont feel the urge to post useless crap in every new thread i see.

now move along nothing more here to see for you.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
To be fair to the orignal poster, ML3 is a hard raid to organise and run, imo ;) And if your not a well known raid leader such as Eggy for example its unlikely you'll get the quantity / quality of people turn up to complete it successfully :mad:

You also need to be the sort of person that can take being flamed, whined at, moaned at or otherwise abused for running the raid with very little to no thanks :wij: Maybe he's not one of those people, I don't know him so don't know.

So just give the poor lad / lass a break please


Fledgling Freddie
May 8, 2004
It might be an idea to try and organise some presteps yourself and then that may get more people interested and someone may want to run a raid. I think I said in /as if any1 wanted to help me with grp steps for ML1 and three people stepped up to lead a raid :).

There have been a few raids recently for ML3 so I guess people who usually orghanise raids feel they have done enough, at least for now. If you really want ML3 it might be an idea to pm lead raiders who have previously posted asking them for hints on running a raid, or if they know anyone who would be willing.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
its not that i cant lead raids, and i can stand raid flames. its just like you said ML3 is a hard and time consuming raid to organise, and i simply dont have the time atm to organise it.

i just get a bit ill tempered when someone comes to a thread and post 1 liners like "do it yourself". that isnt something that helps, not only in my post but in countless other posts.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Knolan said:
wow thx for the very usefull reply. idiot.
Wow, calm down there. If you post to a public forum, then you should expect people to reply. Now, before you go off on a limb, please note that Jimmy's post was neither a one-liner, nor useless, since he did provide an URL to a ML3 walkthrough.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Irakaz said:
It might be an idea to try and organise some presteps yourself and then that may get more people interested and someone may want to run a raid. I think I said in /as if any1 wanted to help me with grp steps for ML1 and three people stepped up to lead a raid :).

There have been a few raids recently for ML3 so I guess people who usually orghanise raids feel they have done enough, at least for now. If you really want ML3 it might be an idea to pm lead raiders who have previously posted asking them for hints on running a raid, or if they know anyone who would be willing.

Actually ML3 is very easy raid to run, dunno why people struggle with it and can be done in 3 hours 30 mins, maybe less if people not afk :D


Can't get enough of FH
May 27, 2004


its just like you said ML3 is a hard and time consuming raid to organise in a way thats corect

if i get time i can hold that fore those needed

i do have hold some Mls here trow freddys forum

to made a ml 3 you would requre a Minium of 3 flg and would take about 3 to 4 houers to complet if all presteps are done by all .


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
Shannesa said:

its just like you said ML3 is a hard and time consuming raid to organise in a way thats corect

if i get time i can hold that fore those needed

i do have hold some Mls here trow freddys forum

to made a ml 3 you would requre a Minium of 3 flg and would take about 3 to 4 houers to complet if all presteps are done by all .

that'd be great but i just saw some1 is already doing the raid next thursday!
thanks a lot tho for the offer.


Loyal Freddie
Jul 5, 2004
PM Jaem, my scout did he's organized ml3 raid, perfect, 5 stars imo :p

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