Gis a story...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
I 0wn j00!

Two purple Bondancers, 1 purple Nightshade 1 green cleric were camping a spot and I couldn’t get past them to leave the dungeon, they’d ganked me before. I stood as far away as possible from the group and made sure there was shit loads of aggro infront of me. I opened up with bow on the two Bonedancers and managed to hit them both. Insta death to whole group :) . The Bonedancer pets were obviously left on defensive and as predicted the (purple) pets ran towards me and aggrod the whole camp I survived (just), although no rps.

I was Pwned!

I’d had a few skirmishes with an Infil but neither of us had scored a victory on the other. I found him and we engaged in an awesome fight, the fight was lasting an age, and then it came down to final blows, whoever got the next hit would win. Wtf Mezzed by a level 50 who wanderd past? We both stood there like fecking lemons with absolutely no one around. About 20 seconds later a lone fresh /level 20 comes along in his tatty armour, circles around the pair of us eyeing us up, he then hits me from behind, I’m killed in one hit. He then goes behind the Infil and kills him with one hit… so pwned…

Give stories of you uberness or someone elses!


Jan 12, 2004
hehe nice stories :)

This one day, I ran around in aerus with my minstrel, which atm is pretty gimped, some lvl 1 artifacts and half of my old sc suit and new items and stuff.. not really that uber, I then jumped another minstrel, and we had a pretty funny fight, I cast DD's and mezzes, rest abit, then stun him and DD's start hitting him, then he comes out of stun, stunnes me and mezzes me, then his resting for a long time, hits me and DD's me, now i could DD, stun him and mez him again, but i think he used purge, then I used IP, and this repeated itself for a couple of times and I finally lost to him :)

was pretty fun :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I had a couple of fun fights yesterday.

Was standing around MM minding my own business whenn DD, DD, Mezz from the only lvl 50 (toa'd up) there who was RR7 and who I was avoiding or trying to. Managed to resist a DD I think and as soon as he broke mezz I qcast pbaoe mezz, resisted, pet intercepts next attack and I land the mezz. At this point I usually run the fuck away, however, something said no fight. So I turned and started casting. I got my hps back to max nps and he engaged in melee again. I start casting like a mad man and he keeps running through. Some how I managed to gauge his run throughs and keep landing lifetaps on him thanx to my pet :). I also somehow managed to cast through his next set of DD's and I won. I was like wtf.

Did the same to a RR6 Mincer just after aswell pet (Bob) got a Victoria Cross that day :)

Not PvP related but still funy:

Logged my /level bard into DF on excal while Mid had control. I went for a wander around and almost walked into a Mid fg at the Drinkers. I hid but not well enough for a hunter spotted me and started to run towards me, I managed at about 10th attempt to land a mezz and ran. Hunter had already sent pet. Anyway pet chased and as I ran past the Rocots aggroed the pet and killed it since pet was on defensive it stopped to try and defend itself and as a result the entire spawn of rocots that is aggroed headed for the Hunter who had just come round the corner. Hunter was about lvl 44 or so and got totally owned by them. I laughed so hard, he got rezzed though and got revenge by killing me by portal :(.

Just to give a really sucky tale aswell:

Hanging around TNN, Magmell Enterance when a green chanter started to blast me, was really gimp dmg, so I didnt even bother sending pet and started to cast. Usually can get a cast out w/o qcast vs greens. It weren't working so I hit qcast and started to cast. The chanter picked the right sodding moment to stun me, I sent pet but it was too late :(. Got a pm from the chanter after along the lines of 'learn how to qcast n00b'.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Ehm well dark sms pwning melee classes are not a big deal really, soloed a rr6 infil with my rr2 dark sm.

Yes the pet didn't let him hit me :eek:. Though if I think of it, he might've hit me once in the start. Lifetapped back to 100% instantly.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
on my lvl 26 body cabalist i was killing all teh necro's at apple tree's. after 10 minutes they all started to come back so i killed them whilst they cast. after a while it was quit so i started to xp. all of a sudden a black spell is on me and i know its a powertap. i leg it with my pet on teh mob still.

now im ooe and get pet on passive. as pets always do he runs about 6000 mph and gets to me just as the necro tries to cast. the necro pulls aggro chasing me and i turn round /wave send pet in and nuke back to full hp.

then a sm appeas and tries to mezz. good old amber simulcrum stuns and 2 hit him (green con) im feeling kinda uber and making crap loads of rp's.

all of a sudden 2 necro's from earlier turn up must of grouped to kill me so i start casting. i manage to kill one and send me pet after the owner who died but teh other necro was full hp and i was ooe/oop. i accepted defeat and sat down.

i then got flamed about being a noob when i killed about 10 people. replied "only took 3 yellow necro and a green sm to kill me" son shut em up and logged.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
One shotted thid this blue BD with my 32 SB and I get this message:

xxxx: Gonna get my main and chain you!
me: I only killed you once you're blue chill out!
xxxx: Right I take my SB!
me: What roughly from behind?
xxxx: SHUT UP!!!

I laughed so hard nearly spat beer on my monitor.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
is it me or is all english player's about 20ish and all the french about 12. they get so mad so fast!!!!!!not all ofc but a majority

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