If you are using auto train points, add the appropriate bonus points, for example with Paladins they auto train in chants and slash so an extra 77 points per spec so total of 154 bonus points, just don't forget to put the points in slash and chants, no idea what Reavers auto train in but at a guess, SR and flexi weaps
50fotmnes 50overpoweredness rest anything for 1.70!
Then, after 1/2 patch we are royally levied in the ass and sink in oblibion again
Unless you believe you will fun for more than the fotm patch, choose something that will be viable (=fotm) for more patches
Oh, and don't look at me. I have fun with reaver and passed through the tough times. Only hope this 1 patch will be good enough for final fun bits. If it wasn't for toa, mls, arties and all that crap I would probably have changed char for sometime now
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