nuff said
L liste Guest Mar 13, 2003 Thread starter #2 guess they call it group heal, spread heal, group insta, etc...
G Gallak Guest Mar 13, 2003 Thread starter #4 no, Givf AE rezz! For all the times you see a full group lying there
O old.Elrond Guest Mar 13, 2003 Thread starter #5 No, give AE heal liste not group heal. Heal all ppl within range of target...whether in the group or not.
No, give AE heal liste not group heal. Heal all ppl within range of target...whether in the group or not.
C case-rigantis Guest Mar 13, 2003 Thread starter #6 how about AE PA? i`d like that please...PA bard, druid AND Chanter at same time
H hangianix Guest Mar 13, 2003 Thread starter #7 Rather give grp cure disease and heals with cure disease/poison like snare dd.
S Shike Guest Mar 13, 2003 Thread starter #8 I want to be able to use Snowsquall and Icy brilliance as an AoEattack, on range ofc But to nerf it a bit, only in Ratmode
I want to be able to use Snowsquall and Icy brilliance as an AoEattack, on range ofc But to nerf it a bit, only in Ratmode
C Cush Guest Mar 13, 2003 Thread starter #11 Just give shamans some more usefull in the mend line so maybe a few more will spec in it
O old.Ozird Rinfut Guest Mar 14, 2003 Thread starter #13 Originally posted by old.Elrond PBAOE heal!!! Click to expand...