Giant Sale at Odysseus



I have decided to drop prices on some items.

Those that already bought such an item from me can pay recraft price to up their quality, I will however ask their old item in return for the new higher quality.
Those that have an order done and in my inventory will pay according to the new prices.
I am aware that this brings some inbalance in some of my prices in comparison, but this is to easy my way to 1050 fletching (to the benefit of all ofc).

Longbow: 270 +30
Shod Quarterstaff: 320 + 40
Shod Staff : 265 + 30


This pricing policy will continue until further notice. I claim the right to revoke it at any time without prior warning with immediate effect.


Hi m8,

After a new longbow for 36 Scout, altho his present one is OK so if it's a good bow for lvl 38-40 odd then that's ideal!

What would the damage be on 1 of those babies in the new stack em high sell em cheap bowshop? :)


Ah, read it again, no discount on lower items? :(


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
I claim the right to revoke it at any time without prior warning with immediate effect.

monopolistic beatchhhhhh !!!!!!! :p


Sry Cowled, missed that one.
Im at 1003 skill atm, allowing a slim chance for 97%.
99% would cost u a bundle, lets put it that way :)
I hope that these lower prices will make u scouts order some 96%, which i can make with some reliability, then switch it for a 97-98 when time comes.
The prices is one-third for recraft, so go ahead and order 20 retries :)

monopolistic beatchhhhhh !!!!!!! :p


Maska has still not picked up his _100%_ 13.2 dps long, so ill sell it to you if u hurry. Call me.

Orders can be placed on , I also gladly answer questions.


how many skill points approx for 100% lbows? the 16x heavy hard hitting, bt breaking, elf killing uber sexy shiny ones?

just so i know how long i have to save up T_T


The spd 4.0, 16.2 dps hunting bow is possible at 100% now. 250 +75 per retry.
I am using a 99% myself, 100 happens one in 50, so I dont recommend aiming for that.

The spd 5.4 one is 37 points from 100%. Yes, im working on it, thats why I dropped prices, now order some retries ;)

Herbal Remedy

dont worry gunnerr/winter is loaded we have to have two minstrels so he can can keep up in group one for everyone and one to speed her wallet along :p


i hope u die herb :p

im of course saying it in a nice way :) so dont get upset :fluffle:


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
Sry Cowled, missed that one.
Im at 1003 skill atm, allowing a slim chance for 97%.
99% would cost u a bundle, lets put it that way :)
I hope that these lower prices will make u scouts order some 96%, which i can make with some reliability, then switch it for a 97-98 when time comes.
The prices is one-third for recraft, so go ahead and order 20 retries :)

Ur way of crafting makes me confused.

It might be hard to give a price, since u can't make it 97+, but try.
I don't like the idear that i give 1.5p for a ½-done low qua wonnabee-bow-of-doom.


Originally posted by Cowled
I don't like the idear that i give 1.5p for a ½-done low qua wonnabee-bow-of-doom.

Ouch ! ;p


Blame Mythic then Cowled, not odysseus. If he's still charging like this when the qua of 1000+ crafters' items is random from 94 to 100%, THEN you can bitch. Not before.


I'll try to catch you tonight Odysseus, thanks!


It's equal chance for 94-99, lower for 100. MP's pretty rare still tho :/


Until we get patch 1.50 or 1.51 (dont remember which), I make 90-99%, 100% rarely.
Thus it is harder for me to make the better items.

Originally posted by Cowled
I don't like the idear that i give 1.5p for a ½-done low qua wonnabee-bow-of-doom.

OK Cowled, let me bend this in neon for u:
Doom: spd 5.2, qua 93, proc, 25% enchanted(maybe 30?)
My own: spd 5.4, qua 96, 35% enchanted

the 0.2 difference makes my bow give a higher damage on average and increases my cap damage with as much as 30-40 points.

qua is applied twice in the damagecalculation, giving my bow an average damage 10-14% higher than doom.

enchant increases the chance of hitting. my bow hits more, again increasing average damage.

Bow of Doom is a "½-done low qua wonnabee-bow" compared to mine. Get it!?!?
Beyond that, with the new prices, my bows are far less expensive, and u can get them any time u want, dont have to hunt/trade for them.
And i must divert your attention to the above clause about recrafts, enabling u to hand back your "½-done" 96% and improve it for 30g a retry!

Just telling my openion
Well your opinion is in no way based on fact or evidence.


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
Until we get patch 1.50 or 1.51 (dont remember which), I make 90-99%, 100% rarely.
Thus it is harder for me to make the better items.

Originally posted by Cowled
I don't like the idear that i give 1.5p for a ½-done low qua wonnabee-bow-of-doom.

OK Cowled, let me bend this in neon for u:
Doom: spd 5.2, qua 93, proc, 25% enchanted(maybe 30?)
My own: spd 5.4, qua 96, 35% enchanted

the 0.2 difference makes my bow give a higher damage on average and increases my cap damage with as much as 30-40 points.

qua is applied twice in the damagecalculation, giving my bow an average damage 10-14% higher than doom.

enchant increases the chance of hitting. my bow hits more, again increasing average damage.

Bow of Doom is a "½-done low qua wonnabee-bow" compared to mine. Get it!?!?
Beyond that, with the new prices, my bows are far less expensive, and u can get them any time u want, dont have to hunt/trade for them.
And i must divert your attention to the above clause about recrafts, enabling u to hand back your "½-done" 96% and improve it for 30g a retry!

Well your opinion is in no way based on fact or evidence.

Ehh? Shaddap?

Some how u read between my lines.
What i tried to tell u, was that i don't like giving 1.5p for a low qua bow, since u can't give me a promise that u'll hit over 96%+ qua.

Then again,... give me ur word that i'll get a qua 97 bow, and i'll give u X amount money.. if u fail - u have to pay untill i get qua 97 :).

It's the system, dude :)


that's my somehow whicked way to deal with this random-craft-qua.


2 bad then cowled, u'll have to do with your ½-done, low qual Doom crap.


Originally posted by Cowled
What i tried to tell u, was that i don't like giving 1.5p for a low qua bow, since u can't give me a promise that u'll hit over 96%+ qua.

Then again,... give me ur word that i'll get a qua 97 bow, and i'll give u X amount money.. if u fail - u have to pay untill i get qua 97 :).

It's the system, dude :)

OMG u rly mean this ???

Guess u haven't bought from any crafters in a loooong time (or never)

U dont rly expect a crafter to make u a promise to make a xxx%qual and if not then u wont pay ?

Thats NOT how the system works !!!


The only thing good about the Bow of Doom is that it's got +7 longbow, that can free up some slots for other stats you might need. And the fear factor, "xxx hits you with their Bow of Doom for xxxx damage" it can make people look at it twice, and give you a split of a second extra to take a hike or watch the scenery.

What we do need to do is to do more dragon raids so we'll get used to the tactics and then we can harvest the gems he will drop when alchemy/spellcrafting is implemented. That will give uber bows :) The best gems with the best stat attributes for spellcrafting will be Dragon drops only.


Originally posted by zlair

OMG u rly mean this ???

Guess u haven't bought from any crafters in a loooong time (or never)

U dont rly expect a crafter to make u a promise to make a xxx%qual and if not then u wont pay ?

Thats NOT how the system works !!!

Yes.. els i'll buy the Bow of Doom, sorry.


Ody have to say:

Qua 95: 500-700g, qua 97: 800-1200g, 99: 1p-1.5p (if posible).

If i can't get that kind of promise, then no, i wont go to u :). Soz.


Qua 95: 500-700g, qua 97: 800-1200g, 99: 1p-1.5p (if posible).

Dont think I ever posted those numbers....

base 267, 30 per retry.

95: 5 retries = 417
96: 7 retries = 467
97: 12-13 retries = 627-657 (maybe even 25 tries, still only 1017g)

I dont know where u get your numbers from? some random generator?


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
I dont know where u get your numbers from? some random generator?

An examble, for god sake.


the whole fuzz here is about the way you choose your way of marcheting.

In this case, ody is not competing with any other 1000+ fletcher (afaik) so he can do it like he want.
IF there were a competetion, one crafter might risc to guarantee to make 97%+ qua in 20 retries, and if he gets unlucky and does not hit 97% or more in those attempts, then he pays the rest, or maybe some compromise, ie. buyer pays for retries at cost price.

Its all about the bargain actually. Its like real life... If the buyer requires quality, and the seller cant promise anything without "maybe it will cost u another 25% of base price" then try and see how much he sells..

ofcourse, its bended a little here, since its alot harder to make a promise based on what seems to be randomly calculated...

cowled and ody should both try and see it from the others point of view;
odys dont wanna loose money/time on promising something that he is not master of himself (high qua)
cowled dont want to risc a bucketload of gold for 1-3% lower qua than promised/ordered...

My suggestion is that odys make an estimate on how many retries he will need to make the bow cowled wishes, and then after that set a new price for retries, maybe cost price, maybe a bit above.

odys can also just say forget it, im the only crafter in this realm who can make these bows, and after that he can rename to microsoft and call monopole, and pray to god that noone will fletch as high as him :)

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