Gggrrrrrr !

  • Thread starter old.<|SeeD|>Squall
  • Start date


FFS I am getting really pissed off by people in this league who think they are superior to others !

I don't get annoyed normally but this is getting really too much !

I "booked" BW 7 on Thursday night for my clan to practice!
I changed the topic in #bwtfcl-refs to :

"Finals/Champs -||- Prem : UE -||- Div1 : Dtm -||- Div2 : IM -||- Div3 : SCW |Squall would like BW 7 tonight ! [MsA] bw8"

I am not too arrogant to say "Squall has BW 7 tonight". An admin immeditely accepted and we had 1 hour on server playing when [Dtm] and [SHS] came in ! They said they had a match booked through Jesta and changed map immediately without saying anything else ! They didn't excuse themselves for interrupting our practice. On the map they chose they didn't kindly ask us to leave the server, they told us :
"Fuck you Squall"
"Go away !"
"L34ve N0w or get KICKED !"
I was trying to tell them that they could be a little more polite and that I was going to leav the server to allow them to play while telling my clan to leave server and meet on IRC. But guess what ! We got kicked !

I know [Dtm] won DIV 1 and that they are probably very nice people but I don't think their victory gives them the right to do what they want !

I wanted to talk with Jesta after being kicked but, as always, he was too occupied. I finally got him to answer me but, hmmm, all he was able to say is "I don't care". I don't think the ref admin should say that. The admins are there to make sure that everything is ok for everyone ! If someone isn't capable of showing a minimum of respect and can't help the people who need help, I don't think they should be admin !

While reading [Dtm]'s and [SHS]'s spamming on the server before I got kicked, I read "We are 1337 :)". OK ! You are probably a very good clan . So why do u need to take a server away from a CRAP clan who needs practice ?

If anyone answers this thread then I bet the answers will be something like : "U got kicked ? So what ? Just get on with it or fuck off" Well that's approximately what Jesta told me 8o)

If you are wondering why this text is so long (I normally never write as much), then the answer is : "This whole thing really annoyed me and my clan."

I know probably nobody cares but I wanted to say it .

And btw, I didn't insult anyone during the whole story exept if u consider that "U can't understand! U are too important!" is an insult. For those who want to know that's what I said to Jesta.

Good night ! :eek:


aha !

I was very annoyed yesterday after we got kicked and I probably went straight to Jesta as [Dtm] told me he gave them the server.
Jesta then told me he didn't do that so the thing that annoyed me is that he "didn't care". Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this but I wouldn't like to know that someone uses me to annoy and kick others.
I don't really know what Jesta has done and does for league and I'm sorry if I didn't mention it (the text was a bit long) but what I wrote was from MY point of view !
Nearly everytime I have had a discussion with Jesta, he really gave the impression that he didn't care. I'm sure he does a lot for the community but as far as I'm concerned he didn't show much respect.
One of the reasons why I can't understand why he "doesn't care" is that he is an adult and has responsibilties and experience, etc... and I haven't ! I don't know what it is like to be "very busy".
If you read this thread Jesta sorry for annoying u yesterday and I hope I won't have to disturb you again !
I'm sorry that I went to Jesta but I still don't accept what [Dtm] did to us ! We have enough difficulties getting players to come to practice, so why do they come and kick us ?
Again, Jesta I AM SORRY !


Ok its a simple as this, we [Dtm] had a match v SHS, we tied to get a serverwith chimkey on it, but failed, so we decided to use a BWTFCL server and not play chimkey, so i refresh all 8 Servers, and noticed [SeeD] had been useing BWTCL 7 got 1hr 30mins (more then enuff time imo), so we aksed them to leave so we could have a match v SHS...

they refused, i asked why? theh they started being gay, kicking ppeps from server and constantly changing map to Rock2, now i dont look for server that i have rcon to so i can kick/ban peeps but i beleice [SeeD] were being very unfair, having had the server for so long, for a practice session.


DeerHunter is right, Jesta deserves alot more respect than he gets, he does a hell of alot for this league. As for you squall you could have come and spoke to me ( I am on most nights) and both Dtm + SeeD try and be a little more considerate.


U definately need to chill guys. Its only a game at the end of the day.

So, according to the current messages on this thread.. ppl need to contact a ref admin to procure a server for a match/praccy. Am I the only person here that thinks that the current system is inadequate?

It would be much easyer to have 1 admin that u can go to to book a server.. or create a booking system similar to BW bookable servers (same company ... different systems?).

I agree that this league is a bit l33tist .. it happens. But u can not please every1.

So, like I said... chill.

Relax a little guys. :cool:


hehe !

OK I think I have a few things to say !
I am the only SeeD who had rcon on thursday night on that server. I admit restarting map two times. I didn't want the game to start before I had been able to tell [Dtm] that I didn't like what they were doing. After they came in and asked us to leave, all SeeD members left exept 3 of us. One of them was my bro who didn't know what was happening as his english isn't as good as everyones (our second language!). I told the other one to leave and meet on IRC. That's 2 reasons why I didn't leave server immediately.

I was the only SeeD member with rcon password on the server that night and I surely DIDN'T kick anyone. I have even never kicked anyone since I got rcon.

btw, I came back this evening (Friday) and there was only one answer to the thread ! I think it's author managed to delete it.
There should be a post between my first and my second post.

to end on a more happy note : I got punished and lost op in #bwtfcl-refs. I'd like to know if that means I'm not a ref anymore or if it's temporary :D
I still have voice in #bwtfcl so Jesta if u were serious on thursday u should take voice away from me too :mad: !
I hope we will be able to have a talk without arguying lol !


OMFG what the fuck is this?

Firstly , you had a server booked? since when does changing the topic in irc define bookage?

Secondly , why involve me? [Dtm] or [SHS] kicked you? Take it up with them.
What did you want me to do? goto there irc channels and say "Hoi ffs dont take a server or ill slap you" , as if!!
Neither would take any notice and rightly so.
The fact that i said i didnt care was because it had fuck all to do with me , and bw rcon is as usual spread the world over and servers are free to be used when the league isnt running.

If you have some doubt as to what i actually do then first sunday of the new season you do my job from 6.30 pm till 11 pm and you will see, or do it for the entire first week day in day out.

Also, if you still have a doubt then , same again , i dont care! the rest of the admins and a lot of clans and ppl know and respect what i do so stfu.

cheeky twat......


Firstly let me say taht Jesta is one of the most hardworking/overworked admins i've ever seen. His dedication knows no bounds etc. all in all hes a bloody nice bloke and a great m8.

now as i see it there were two crucial mistakes i think i have seen here:

Putting a booking in topic is never gonna be a firm way of booking and a sure fire way of making sure u have a server especially if u say "SeeD has BW7 tonight" i mean what clan is going to need a server for a whole night! ok mebbe a few clans *cough* NKN *cough* (wub wub NKN) but they ahve thier own server and they 0wn, anyway going off the subject here now so back on track with.... yes SeeDs Second mistake:

not thinking before asking an admin
what exactly did SeeD want Jesta to do?? so Dtm asked if they could borrow a server Jesta said yes, right common courtesy, nothing wrong with that, A++ for Jesta. so going back a tiddle SeeD are on server and Dtm enter now the both teams should have in a nice pretty world said ok m8yopoos u go on server but no as normal it went into a bit of a dispute and ladedaa an admin gets blamed. and i think i have had to much drink to carry on

signing off .. JiM


Originally posted by <|SeeD|>Squall
An admin immeditely accepted and we had 1 hour on server playing when [Dtm] and [SHS] came in !

Which admin said that?


I most certainly agree that altering an irc topic does not give you complete rights to a server for a duration of your choosing.

Secondly , why involve me? [Dtm] or [SHS] kicked you? Take it up with them

He's got a good point don't you think? :)

And also I dont think posting this on the forums was the right way to go about things, what has been said here could have easily have been discussed in irc.



And also I dont think posting this on the forums was the right way to go about things, what has been said here could have easily have been discussed in irc.

Do you know what it feels like for a clan leader who has been trying for weeks to get his members to come to practice (which finally happened on that night) and to get kicked after 2 maps and a half ! I was so angry that I didn't think before posting this thread but now it's done and I have excused myself and been punished for it so SSSHHH !

I couldn't discuss it with [Dtm] or [SHS] at that time as they were on server and had kicked me ! Going to the ref admin was my first action and I got it wrong and I got blamed for that so SSSHHH !

DeerHunter I won't answer to u question on this forum coz I don't want to involve somebody else in my stupid mistakes. You'll have to ask me on IRC please. Also DH, where did ur first post go ?:D
I'd like everyone to stop posting replies ;) as I want this thread to go down to 20th place ! PLEASE !



Do you know what it feels like for a clan leader who has been trying for weeks to get his members to come to practice

I started my own clan -[ND]- over 1.5 years ago, i know exactly what you are saying, its very hard to get a server when yer new and noone knows you, so i feel for you in that respect.
But theres a right way and a wrong way to do things, you went about it the wrong way.


hmm, while I'm not entirely sure on the ins and outs of it, I personally think perhaps Dtm/SHS could have looked for another server, but they booked it? Anyway, thats beside the point I will make, while I won't lick Jesta's bum I will say that there is vertially no way that we can easily control all 8 servers for non league games - the simple reason being that generally all the servers are booked on the night and by asking different admins. Thus the general message is 'sure, but if you get kicked off for another game don't blame me' - minus the 'if you..' during midseason intervals.

But then once thats done I can't say we check it all and sort it all or whatever, because we don't, we leave clans to sort there stuff and after than the message has to be - we're loning you league servers for games not in the league and the other option is to say that no one can use them for non-BWTFCL games..

But thats not v nice is it? BW probably would like the above scenario but we try to make sure people can use them, empty servers are pointless imo - however I will not ask admins to monitor use of them and sort all the bookings at this time, during the season we have the booking form intergrated into fixtures, and then there are a few servers left over which the server admins will sort (Jesta, JiM, DeerHunter for season 5). This isn't so hard and they will work together because they want to work towards making BWTFCL good - which means getting as many clans to get the servers they want for BWTFCL games.

To round it off, we offer no guarantees of any sort to clans that are using the servers for non BWTFCL activities, in fact I will say I other preferential treatment during these periods to admins, and secondly refs, because of the work done for the league. The fact that Jesta .. didn't care .. is his own choice, it did not harm the league and there was no preferential treatment towards the better clans but rather disregard for a problem that would use the time he obviously didn't have the time to spare for at the time.

/me rambles on...

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