Getting too old ?


old.norin radd


The people who are starting University this autumn across the nation were born in 1982/3.

They have no meaningful recollection of the Thatcher era.

They were prepubescent when the Gulf War started.

Black Monday 1987 is as significant to them as the Great Depression.

Their world has always included AIDS.

Atari's and Space Invaders predate them, as do vinyl albums and audio tapes.

The Compact Disc was released before they were one.

EVEN WORSE... From their earliest years, a camera was something you used once and threw away.

A "Snickers" has always been a "Snickers"

As far as they know, stamps have always cost about 30 pence.

Few, if any, have lived without an answering machine.

Few have used a TV set without a remote control and they don't know they come in black and white.

They were born the year that Sony brought out the Walkman.

The statement "you sound like a broken record" means nothing to them.


You wore a Kagoul

You remember Le Freak by Chic and Bad Manners' Can-Can.

At school, you and all your friends discussed elaborate plans to get together again at the end of the century and play "1999" by Prince over and over again.

You dressed to emulate a person you saw in a Duran Duran, Aha, Madonna or Bruce Springsteen video.

There was nothing strange about Bert n' Ernie living together. You even wanted to learn to play "Stairway to Heaven" on the guitar and choreographed "Dancing Queen" by yourself in your room.

The first time you ever kissed someone was at a dance during "Crazy for You" by Madonna.

You knew who shot J.R. (but have probably forgotten!).
You remember which policeman you liked best in "Chips".

Mark from Eastenders will always be Tucker from Grange Hill/Tucker's Luck.

You remember when Terry Wogan was on TV everyday.

You could sing "99 Red Balloons" in English and in German.

Your jaw would ache by the time you finished those "brick-sized" packages of Bazooka gum.

You reckon Wagon wheels and Mars Bars used to be bigger.

You remember a 'Man's got to chew, what a Man's got to chew'.

You remember when there was no breakfast TV and when TV shut down at midnight, and when there was nothing on TV in the middle of the day except for that test card girl with the stupid clown and a blackboard.

One word.....SPANGLES!!!

You remember Now compilations that had the pig on the front cover.

You never questioned why the A-Team was always imprisoned in places that had sufficient tools to build an armoured tank.

Dungeons & Dragons was your favourite cartoon

Your lunch times were spent perfecting swan dives and backspins.

You've ever said "bright light, bright light" in a strange high-pitched voice.

You know the theme tune and the names of all the actors and characters in Dallas & Dynasty.

You ever wished your hair/clothes/lifestyle resembled the above(or they actually did!).

You fell out with friends during heated arguments about the relative merits of Matt & Luke.

You owned, or wanted a "Frankie says..." T-shirt.

You have ever danced (or even worse cried) to Kylie & Jason. Cerise pink, electric blue and banana yellow have ever featured in your wardrobe or make-up collection.

You remember when the Aha video was the pinnacle of modern techhnology, and you can still sing all the words.

Girls) Your best party dress was either a ra-ra or puff-ball skirt.

Boys) You ever owned a thin, black leather tie (and were proud of it), or worse it was patterned like a piano!

You wondered why a popular kids TV programme told you to "Turn off your TVset and go and do something less boring instead".

You tried to convince your Dad to fit a strip of red lights on the front of his Capri so it looked like KITT.

Ca-vey Wa-vey!" means anything to you.

Remmington makes you think of something other than shaving equipment.

You've ever had more than 10 sweets in a 10p mix-up.

Not only did you wear luminous clothing, but they were mismatched finger-less gloves and towelling socks.

When Yoda said There is another Skywalker you wished he was talking about you.

You remember when Betamax was at the cutting edge of technology

You hid behind the sofa whenever you heard the word Exterminate.

Vimto or Dandelion & Burdoch ever featured in your diet.

You grew up believing that filing cabinets and telephone boxes possessed magical powers of transformation.

After ET, you wanted a Speak & Spell even though you were top of your class

Girls) You owned a pair of Pixie Boots, generally worn with leg warmers!

Boys) You owned a pair of pale grey slip-ons, generally worn with white toweling socks! Shiny grey flecked suits. You've rolled the sleeves of your suit jacket up

Ooh, you could crush a Grape!

You've ever held a chicken in the air, or stuck a deckchair up your nose.

You went to school with Pogo Patterson, Gripper Stebson, and Ro-land.

Giant Haystacks and Big Daddy have ever featured on your Saturday afternoon

You wore legwarmers, tried to do the splits while jumping in the air, while singing you were going to live forever.

You were proud of your picture appearing in the Gallery, just before watching a lump of plasticine who couldn't speak English.

You fantasised about those girls from that Robert Palmer video.

You know all the words to Hey Mickey (well nobody knows past the first verse anyway).

You can remember what Quatro tasted like.

Your best mate had a soda stream at home and you were jealous.

How depressed are you OLD farts now ???



A "Snickers" has always been a "Snickers"

As far as they know, stamps have always cost about 30 pence.

Few, if any, have lived without an answering machine.

Few have used a TV set without a remote control and they don't know they come in black and white.

Um, you might have some problems there.
I was born in 84 and I knew when Snickers were Marathons.
My mom always tells me about when stamps were cheaper.
I don't have an answering machine
I don't have a TV
I listen to my dad's LPs like Simon and Garfunkel
and I drink soda stream still. I like the Dandelion and Burdock flav.

old.norin radd

Theres always ONE

Same as when you play CS.

Theres always one thats seen it, done it, ate it, drank it, shagged it, bought the T-shirt

and so on ......

To all the rest - is HUMOUR

Enjoy it


I started young reading the post but now I have aged.
That is one long list.

Dungeons & Dragons still is one of my favourite cartoons.

I knew I was old but at least I wasn't depressed.
Where the fuck was the humour in that, making me feel all old and sad. :mad: :(


Just a thought to cheer me up.
At least when I went to Uni we got given grants, non of that loan shit they've come up with now. hehehehehe:)


grants ----- how about housing benefit and the Dole during the holidays !! (missed em both by a year ! sheesh . . .)

eek - another grey hair !


I remember that - HM Government gave you a grand a semester to get pissed on - nice people then ;)

old.norin radd

Sorry Rostam - no depression intended.

It just to show that time moves on. I was going to add some comments about the old ZX81 (My first computer) but thought thats just going to tell everyone how old I am.


old.norin radd

you still read it though

Just think - another 30mins of your life wasted

(Im giving you the benefit of the doubt that you can read that fast)



I remember when Snickers was called Marathon.
And Mars Bars and Wgon Wheels were DEFINATLY bigger.


Originally posted by norin radd
Theres always ONE

Same as when you play CS.
just WHAT did you mean by that huh?
yeah i can still get a bus to the top of the hill for 21p. that's like a mile and a half. into the city it costs £2.50 heh.


Originally posted by norin radd
you still read it though

Just think - another 30mins of your life wasted

(Im giving you the benefit of the doubt that you can read that fast)


I didn't read most of it :p


actually, there's always 2, i was born in 85 and i have a TV in my room with no remote, i dont have an answering machine, i very very very vaguely have a reccolection of my brother (hes older by a few years) buying Marathon bars, when i was little i went to fourboys and got at least 20 sweets in my 10p mix, and last week during lunch at school, i went to town to get the clash on vinyl



I'm an 82 person, I used to buy Marathons :)

I have a large 78 speed record collection.

Only in the last year has my house had a telly with a remote, and still no answering machine :(

Ill never forget the music in D&D when something bad was happening, it sort of sounds like the "Oh Dear We're Going To Die" sounds that repeated in "Zulu".

"The Italian Job" was my fav film ;)

TAB Clear was my fav drink, and I drunk Root Beer (D&B) in MacDonalds.

I had thundercats figures :/
I used to shout "HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" whilst holding that sword with the lighting up thundercat logo.. :/

WWF was good.
Street Fighter was the best thing, EVER, but I didnt have a console :/

I had an Amstrad CPC464 for some reason, then got a 464+. I dunno why.

Every time I reply to a thread, it dies.. :(
I'm a relic of an net era noone remembers or talks about now :(


Mahahaha :)

jeez id almost forgotten all of that stuff


zx81 huh ??? my first pc was a commodore PET :p

and i remember 2,3,4 & 5 star petrol

my first comic was the Beano priced at a hefty 6p :eek:

and the 3 day week was introduced

Pfff why cant they can bring that one back ??!!!

the good news is i havent reached the grand old age of 30

yet!! ;)

]$[ -:Homie:-
M33t the L33t

Testin da Cable


Ill never forget the music in D&D when something bad was happening, it sort of sounds like the "Oh Dear We're Going To Die" sounds that repeated in "Zulu".


whenever eric eats a banana an amazing tranformation occurs, because!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
*bananaman music*:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


heyy! i remember reading the little books with Bananaman in !
I also remember reading my dad's Muffin the Mule comics and mom wouldn't let me get the beano cos I was too imaginative already without that thing giving me ideas.


I was far to lazy to read all of it, but was there any mention of half penney sweets in there? Now that was inflation... price went up 100% overnight thanks to abolition of the best copper.

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