Getting English GUI etc on other servers



Is there some way to get an English interface/GUI etc etc on other servers then Pryd and Excal ?

I hate that French/German interface and don't understand shit of it :)


Afaik its the servers giving out that information, so you'd have to have a translation program actually converting the packets as they came in, something like I suppose radar programs must work, although they just listen they don't change what's in the packets.


you keep the english gui - just the messages are all translated (along with the mob names et al)

at least with classic camelot you did :) not tried it since SI.


Yup, although that also includes quests and all sorts being translated, hmmm I'm wondering if you changed the language in order to allow you to climb walls, reply etc, and the translated GUI got downloaded instead? In which case, change it to english, copy the GUI graphics files (look for the old post about having the SI gui before we got SI) to another folder, change back to the language you need, let the files get downloaded, and then between the patch download and the logging in copy the gui graphics back across.

I think ;)


Originally posted by Gallak
Yup, although that also includes quests and all sorts being translated, hmmm I'm wondering if you changed the language in order to allow you to climb walls, reply etc, and the translated GUI got downloaded instead? In which case, change it to english, copy the GUI graphics files (look for the old post about having the SI gui before we got SI) to another folder, change back to the language you need, let the files get downloaded, and then between the patch download and the logging in copy the gui graphics back across.

I think ;)

Wha-?... :(


My main is a Thane and my second is an Aug-healer, I think thats proof enough that my mental stability is in question.


Not quite, but they're more likely to live to the end of a battle. :/


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
you keep the english gui - just the messages are all translated (along with the mob names et al)

at least with classic camelot you did :) not tried it since SI.

Ah yeah you're right. Tried it today and GUI/interface is still English, but the 'You examine [XXXX], he's a member of the [YYYY] class in your realm' etc stuff does get translated.

However some quick-research learned that alot of people on the GERMAN/FRENCH server actually only speak that language. So grouping and communicating can be a pain and I am sure as hell don't wanna see guilds as 'Rammstein Uber Kaput Macher' and dunno what crap I spotted.

Think I will live with 2 realms; I really wanted to retry Hibs again (just for some fun when Emain and Odins are zerged)....


there's a lot of people that speak english on the german/french servers (if you say something in english a lot of them seem to go "oh you don't speak german? oh well" and start depressing you by speaking fluent english)

it's best if you go with some friends from excal/pryd though - gets lonely when you don't understand a thing.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
there's a lot of people that speak english on the german/french servers (if you say something in english a lot of them seem to go "oh you don't speak german? oh well" and start depressing you by speaking fluent english)

Or start taking teh piss btw laughing at u and speaking german/french :eek:

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