Jion Alliance 2 months was great 3 weeks later GOL left for other server. Now having grrat trouble even gettting people half the time to say hello let alone form or get in group.
This post is NOT directed at a SMALL band of few who always reply buy Guys come at least say hello or sod off when people login and say hello.
Also look at this post I put on other thread
Disappionted :
Quote :
Not with raid but what happened to me
The raid needed a distractor so I logged off my Wiz got my mincer. he was never used as distractor so ML10 logged back in wiz OH course he had ML9 BUT not the xp so missed out on ML9 XP was unable to get into ML 10
This post is NOT directed at a SMALL band of few who always reply buy Guys come at least say hello or sod off when people login and say hello.
Also look at this post I put on other thread
Disappionted :
Quote :
Not with raid but what happened to me
The raid needed a distractor so I logged off my Wiz got my mincer. he was never used as distractor so ML10 logged back in wiz OH course he had ML9 BUT not the xp so missed out on ML9 XP was unable to get into ML 10