getting bored of lvling



I've just got past lvl 30 and now getting very bored of the doing the same thing:sick::uhoh:
How long will it take me to get to lvl 50. My main goal is to be able to do RvR but at the mo I'm way to low at the mo :(
If some ppl can just say how much time it took em to get to 50 from 30!!


i could tell you that 45-50 is about a bit longer than 1-30.. if not even more.

Havent played highend yet in daoc but in EQ 51-60 was waaaay slower than 1-51


Hmm, 33 to 40 is 'easy' if you put you disable your mind for a week or two and just do goblins each and every night... At 38 ~ 42 try to get a Goblin Tangler group...

But once you hit 42, things really start to slow down :rolleyes:

But if you find leveling boring at 30... I'm sorry, but things arent gonna get better, their only gonna get worse :(


Dont rush, have fun with crafting, itemhunting and rvr along with xping and u wont get bored ;)


Lvling from 30-50 will take a while m8.
As Wedge says, 30 to 40 is fairly OK if you like pygy's but from 40 , all you will see is pygy, pygy tanglers and trees :)

Listen to tilde's advice and do some fun stuff. I'm at 4x now and not in a hurry to get to 50 (I will get it some day but summer is arriving with cool beer and barely dressed women ;) ).

There are many fun places to visit or item hunt when you are not bothered about mega xp. I just had fun at mithra some days keeping some groups safe while they lvl and rezzing the not-so-odd whiped out party. Got to know some really nice people too and hope I may even see them in our guild some day.

If you really want RvR, just have fun till the battlegrounds arrive. They will have an excellent opportunity for you to practise RvR skills.

old.Tomask Writus

Also Dont for get that _when_ the patch is in you get those new RvR areas for certain lvls so you dont have to be lvl 50 to get good RvR anymore with ppl your lvl or worry about about going to emain and getting killed out right by someone 20 lvls higher than you. So when patch is on up to you when you want to put lvling on hold as with the areas im sure you will find lots of ppl to fight in them.


It will also be easier to level in comin patches, more xp and more "epic-quests" at 43, 45(i think) and 48 - all these gives loads of xp (48quest 0.9bub:))



feeling better already :)
might keep my account running after all :whip:

Madonion Slicer

Yep cant wait til them battle grounds, have my Wiz and Arms ready for them, but will be taking the scout all the way i hope.


Go see new places, hunt new enemies, hunt for drops, meet new friends :) There is sooo many things to do. I currently have much fun lvling my cleric (I can finally just rest and do simple healing instead of aggroing the enemy to get it off the cleric ;))


On a similar note I'm finding 43 a complete pain in the ass as the only populated area with worthwhile xp is the tanglers which, good xp tho they are, are another damn group of pygmy goblins who very very similar to the same damn goblins i was killing at lvl 36 a few weeks ago. I have prolly killed so many of the buggers i'm wanted for genocide by now.

PLEASE if anyone is lvl 43 or so and wants to hunting anywhere else pls msg me i can usually be found in emain (where I have never seen a pygmy goblin to my releif) or playing Mucus or Deepfat my alts. I dont care a toss if the xp is slower i just want a change of scenery dammit :)


time to get from 45-50 is about time to get from 1-45 ;) my /play when i hit 50 was about 28 days i think

i'd say 30-50 would take about 3 weeks of lvling - assuming u can get into a good group doing gobs or wights every time you are on :)


Best thing to do is find a good group of simillar lvl's in your guild, raven claw has been my xp group from 3x, its nice to know that I can get a good group quickly when they log on :)
I know the only thing stopping me from being lvl 50 is how long I can xp for each day before i get bored,

After 40 you can go to dartmore instead of Lyonnese, it makes a nice change and has some great drop :)
And the dragon can make your xp more 'interesting' when he comes out to play.
We were happily killing giants when..



imo it depends on what you do at lvl 30 i mean yes pygmys are the fastest way to lvl but theres barrows too theres also snowdonia and theres also hunting in frontiers odins gate etc after doing pygmys for weeks with a char alrdy im kinda trying toavoid them as much as poss they kinda bore me stupid and well i had nightmares of these lil houses with lil green gobbys looking at ya in them and suddenly swarms of 40+ running towards you maybe im just ill?????


It's really important to do other stuff regularly. Can't expect to have fun at the game chaning gobs n tanglers and trees for weeks ... no wonder some lvl 50's are bashing their heads on the keyboard about how bored they r ;)

We usually plan some good XP nights (on a regular base) to get lvl or half dings but make sure we have loads of fun on the other days in hadrians, sno or anywhere else for as much I care. It makes lvling a lot slower of course but we're in no hurry and really enjoy the game.



Battlegrounds= short Fun...When u have made 100 kills in 1 battleground, u cant enter anymore there with that character..


Nah, you cant re-enter BG's anymore after (about) 100 kills, so make sure you get a rez each time ;) (And do not quit ;))

Well, I've been 42 for about 4 weeks (may be more) now, I got bored of goblins at that time... Did a few tree's but guess what, NOT A REAL IMPROVEMENT :p

It's come so far that, if I hunt at 1 spot longer then 2 hours, I get bored... and only need 1.6 till 43...

I think people should really XP more in the fronteirs, loads of mobs for a lot of level ranges... There are loads of different mobs and in general XP is even better! (you get camp bonus most of the time, and if that 'runs out' you move to another camp)

And if you get 'found' by a mid or hib, who carez, just gank him like any other mob :clap:


you didn't exactly chose the most interesting class though :p


Maybe lvl:ing is noring, but go hiking..

Only prob is that all the good stuff starts to come after lvl 45..

Blame Mythic

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