Get your ass to Emain more often please



Get your ass to Emain instead of item-hunt or alt-playing! DAoC is a RvR-game, and we need more high-lvls.

Whats the point of hitting 50 then go playing an alt or item-farming? Go to EQ then :p


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

n1 Tilde :D

would be good in defence also

my opinion but still.....................

worth a thought, just a thought :rolleyes:


I will soon join on your side Tilde (if that's ok ofcourse)


well. I reckon lvl 23 is enough for being bait :)

alltho I would like to hit 30 before i rvr for real so i can rez our fallen friends


Gaining a few levels first ....

Last time I was 34 in RvR and primary function was trying to catch enemy arrows (in which I did a marvelous job at that time) or just play simple Troll door rug (excelled at that too :p ).

Don't think it will be that much better now (will give it a try very soon now) but at least I will hit it twice before going tits up on the lovely Emain grass again. But since its loads of fun, I guess I'll keep returning every lvl to check on my 'improvement' :)


guys this thread is aimed at the lvl 50´s in albion who is in lyonesse exping while we where 5 man defending Caer Berkstead from about 20 hibs (our luck a patrol came by and wiped them)

what I dont get is why try so hard for 50 and then not go RvR, I know people need to do item hunts, but come on, not when hibernia is attacking along the albion frontier,

only people I remember seing at berkstead defending the other day was
5-7 GoLs
5 B&Q
tilde and mousah (cant remember your guilds mates :))
[EDIT]Xphyral was also there[/EDIT]
later on treniel and two others joined us in the retake of benowyc (which failed miserably due to keep being defended and us being ambushed :))

I know that a lot of 50´s are defending the realm but there are just as many doing nothing, one of the reason we where given the other day from a lvl 50 in lyonesse was "Im not even in the alliance" well B&Q isn´t either and at that point I dont think there was an alliance, so it was just another bad excuse.

so lvl 50´s of the Albion Realm WAKE UP and do some good.
Come help us defend the realm


guys this thread is aimed at the lvl 50´s in albion who is in lyonesse exping

You make it sounds as if us round 40 better stick to xping then :mad:



I was helping some level 50 dudes take some keeps on sunday evening and night, so u dont have to be 50, im a mere 42 level cleric, but i kept some very well alive so they could take the keep :)

And it was loads of fun grouping up with 5 level 50'ies and do some keep bashing btw :)))))

If you need any help in RVR Krondor,khalen,aikmore, i will heal like helll... and try not to get killed in the process ;)


Hmm, no offense tilde but i find RvR in emain boring as hell for a tank so youll hardly ever see me about ;) I only go for keep raid taking/defending ..

althought thats getting less fun now ppl wont try and retake a keep if its defended :/

I can understand if its heavily defended but a 40+ army should at least try to take a keep defended by 1 group, I cant be the only one that gets much more fun/satisfaction out of doing something challenging surely ?


Originally posted by C0ngo

Big clue in Tildes sig ;)

jup Congo, problem is that when you are typing the msg the sig isnt displayed in the overview ;() and I couldn´t be arsed to edit it any more ;)


dont forget meeee, i may be there, i may be L40 i may think i can run upto the heat of battle and fight :rolleyes: (wizard lol) hey i did get a lil dwarf with my staff, anyway, the point, ah yes, i try to be there everynight for at least an hour, i am open for raids of any kind, even fridge ones (speciality) most every time as well, execept week days, gotta pay the bills, but at weekends i dont need to sleep, so if there is anything going on, MESSAGE ME, i have asked finster to do this on a few times, but i guess he was too busy sorting everythin out :rolleyes: :p :clap:


Tilde is referring to all the 50s that seem to have disappeared two days after they hit 50 ... we have at least 20+ lvl 50s in albion and i rarely see more than 5 in emain when mids and hibs are running round in groups of 12-16 yellows :(


Maybe those 50's come to rvr just when they get the lvl, but
maybe also get bored quick, why? let me explain:

Maybe 0 strategy in rvr from albion?
Maybe every single player there is only farming rlm pnts and not
working with realm mates?
Maybe bored of seeing noobs pulling guards in crim and mpk?

And about defending the realm:
Maybe some guilds aren't agree with the strategy of the
leaders albion have/had ?

So I prefer to work alone in rvr or with my guild, and when
I can't, i go to item hunts, etc.

Maybe I wrong but atm albion sucks in rvr :puke:

Dherkova Shyagon
<Black Falcons>


Albion only gets smashed when there is no leader, or ppl dont listen...

When ppl listen to the leader, we usually waste hibs...waste mids...take dun Crauchan...waste hibs...waste mids...and start the RP farm at mmg...


i doubt all the 50s have no strategy - if they turn up everyday i'm sure we can see all our tactics ;) yes i solo RvR a lot - but when i see groups of mids/hibs inc i try to give as much info to the largest alb group in emain (there usually is a cg running - if not just do it via /sends)

dont like n00bs pulling guards then /yell at them to fall back ... if they dont then just run away then - no reason why u should die if they dont wanna listen to u ... let those n00bs die then - they deserve it ... or a simpler solution would be not to go near crim/mpk and just wait for hibs/mids at bowl/mmg ;)

about defending the realm : i'm sure we all have our differences - but when everyone hears "100 MIDS/HIBS INC TO EXCAL!!!" i always see everyone running to sauvage :) we always gather in the defence of our realm (despite disagreements) and i'm proud to see so many albs always willing to defend our relics

most of albion relic raids on mid/hib also bring us together - and hopefully with the new alliance forming (hopefully with a council) it will be easier to get the numbers together and take all the relics muahaha :D


I will get my 0.6 tonight and then I come bash those hibs and mids with yah guys. Gonna take my given treasure with me:

Halberd of the Stonewatch
(Tanx Finster)



The way things work atm in emain its easy with a good 8 ppl grp(good=listen to 1 person without being dictatorship ;p) to own 20 or more ppl, i witnessed it and ill prolly see it again (as i am part of a good grp :))
I wonder what we can do with 2 good grps of 8?, but i can definately think that with 3 ''good'' grps of 8 i can own emain ;p
Albs just need to get over their ego and listen to 1 man only :), or to put it in another way to participate to the tactical discusions but when in combat (or better on way to combat) to listen only to 1 guy/gal


well, was in emain last nite, joined the cg as usual

we all went to mmg and most ran past it towards mpk
when someone orderd for all to regroup again at mmg (since its kinda stoopid to camp mpk) nobody bothered to listen
kinda sad actually....


Went to emain last night and it was crap. Don't expect to see me there more often.


As Antiarch said: Albs just need to get over their ego and listen to 1 man only...

Truem but we lost our leader. And if we start to decide who can
be we'll never get one. We need 1 man that takes the
leadership on his own, like Finster did, nobody chosed him, but
he was there and he made us win many battles, we lost many
too, but almost we had a leader....

Dherkova Shyagon
<Black Falcons>


It's funny... last night I see BF group, run very quickly to amg (leaving all the other albs behind, no offense just an example) and the next minute I see them all get killed... A bit pointless in my eyes of you guys also...

If we want organisation then organise it instead of saying that nobody does anything about it (that includes yourself as well...)

So anybody who is up for some ass kicking tonight let's stick together and make some coordinated attacks.


hate to say it but im sharp being put off RvR at the moment. If we go on numbers and amount of high levellers we have we should be owning both realms. As it is now all i see is disorganised groups who when they have enough charge forward. Having a group of 60 albs being routed by 20 hibs (granted alll round level 50) because most run away except the few who can hold a 1 on 1 battle but still die quickly is very disheartening. We desperately need to get this alliance sorted and have some sort of leadership before we get completely stuffed.


Just a quickie to the runners among us...

Why run?

To get back to the safety of our PK (very unlikely unless u have speed buff & unlikely even then) and then wait for the next tele so u can goto wall in a large grp and... run again?


Die valiantly.

And who knows, we might even win. Find a blue/green/grey and get stuck in.

vs Hibs

Kill or mezz anything holding an instrument as no1 priority.
Kill or mezz Elf casters next.
Kill or mezz Archers.
The tanks r then history.

vs Mids

Kill or mezz Dwarves first (always fun ;)
Kill or mezz Norsemen next.


When Aik had his old vigor, now he is just a whiny old pikey :p


1 day at Avalon:

Meeting 60+ lvl 40+ players, 80% are new, and half of them are n00bs that got a big mouth, shout all the time, know everything better and is imposible to do even xp with becouse they know $hit.

1 dat at Emain:
Meeting 60+ lvl 40+ players, 60% are lvl 45-, and half of them are compleet n00bs, screw up for the hole group they are in, start to shout and scream they know better and is imposible to get any other structure in them then zerg tactics.

The players that are intresting to group with are already in a FG, or only group with guildies, all RvR guilds look down on all none known players.

This causes most desent players to never go back to emain, becouse or they die (and are free rps for hib/mid) or they get refused.

When you create your own group you can be happy to create a group of 6 people and get zerged in 5 min by a 3fg zerg of hib/mid in emain or odin.

RvR on this server is just bad, screw the realm, not going to waste time for it with Mid Uber Tactics (6 in the moring raids, zergs) or Alb Guild Elitism (refusing other players and looking down on them).

So BG1 is fun for RvR, and then only guilds to chat, or farm with (drops or coin). Or start a new character.



ermmmmm no. Emain sucks, i'd rather win because I made a differance rather then just be part of a 'our zerg was bigger then theres' victory.

I'll stick to odins/sauvage thanks.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I'll stick to alt-making as nuking for 120(-160) depresses the hell out of me.

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