Get over it..


Death [SG]

Out of intrest, how many ppl who look at this board and play TFC, have actually played the orginal TF?

An if you have, why in gods name are you playing TFC

(Apart from all members of ]OS[ and RS)


Never played TF, but for some reason QW runs terribly for me despite the fact I have a kickass system (apart from the vid card) and I'm on JANet, so it never seems to be worth it.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>An if you have, why in gods name are you playing TFC<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's better than Weapons Factory? I like the pretty colours? Its fun?


Lava Seals: HOO-YAH!


I play TFC cause, no matter how much you try to disguise it, anything based around quake looks bland, uninspired and uninteresting

Oh yeah, and because I bought Half-life and want to get my money's worth

ICQ: 40179835


I have never played TF since you ask - in response - Have you ever played TFC?

Death [SG]

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> I have never played TF since you ask - in response - Have you ever played TFC? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, thank you. I played all the betas(some that werent even released to the public), reinstalled many times, uped all my configs, ya know, really gave it a try.

Its still pants. The feel is just totally wrong, an the player to map sizes are silly etc etc

Sigh, oh well, 2.5 years of service an loyatly to TF1 an you get thrown stop gap shite like TFC, d'oh.


"Its still pants. The feel is just totally wrong,"
- Don't forget that this is a mod for HALF-LIFE not Quake, QuakeII or even Quakeworld. This mod is for Half-life, and I think you will find that while the rules of HL DM are the same as Quake*, the feel is different. To expect Valve to make TFC feel the same as TF is stupid since TFC was released as a patch to the entire Half-life community - the majortory if which will expect the speed and the *feel* to be similar to HL DM, not to Quake*

"an the player to map sizes are silly etc etc"
- Sorry? Silly compared to what? They feel okay to me..

"Sigh, oh well, 2.5 years of service and loyatly to TF1"
- service and loyalty?? You don't expect me to believe that you played it for any other reason than you wanted to, do you? You played TF because you liked it - you don't play TFC because you dislike it, where is the problem?? Just keep playing TF for as long as you like, I won't stop you.

"and you get thrown stop gap shite like TFC, d'oh."
- Not shite, not better, not worse - Different, that's all. People don't all like the same thing - it's called diversity and it's what makes life interesting.

[This message has been edited by pakman. (edited 12 June 1999).]


This is just like the QW vs Q2 thing. Those (like me) who played QW for ages found Q2 to be pants when that came out. And it wasn't due to not giving it a chance either. Many people who started on Q2 probably find QW pants. It's much about what you're used to, especially if you played it a lot.

BTW, I played a little bit of an early TF1 mod (b4 there were spies & pyros) and liked it, but never really got into it. I've retried TF1 since getting into TFC, but I don't like it. It just feels wrong


i was a big Quake fan, good feel blah blah blah.

But it looks awful now, the framerate looks bad on a good machine.

TFC is one of the best teamplay games ive played.

This is the reason why John Carmack gets flamed when says something bad about Quake, cos ppl become to attached to the game.

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