German and French servers - Selfish!



What bugs me with GOA is that they have servers using German and French language. That is so selfish I can barely stand *fumbles and falls on the floor*.

What about Scandinavia? Italy? Spain? Other languages that DOESN'T speak German and French? Sure, there's 2 English servers, but there might be people that want to play on all three realms. Would be much better off if all servers were English translated, or the game speficily (your copy) was the language of your own, and you made us 2-3 Roleplay servers instead. I mean... it's a bloody MMO-RPG, and they don't even support the RPG part =\

Uncle Sick(tm)

I agree on the rp-server part.

*sigh* It's such a classic... *clears throat*
Kemor: "All servers are rp-servers."

...:eek: like hell they are.


Yeah, but what language would the RP servers need to be done in? :p

Ps. By roleplay do you mean people talking in strange tongue that I wont be able to understand, never levelling up because one pull has to start with

"Ok sir, fire your arrows true and fast into that foe so we can kill it"

"Yes my good man, I will do that, FOR *insert realm*!!"

(Disclaimer: I am just having a laugh) :D


italians have their own DAOC servers afaik,


I would rather play with a broader range of people from all over europe, than just people from the area where I come from.

And why would you want a spanish server? There's what, 200-250 spanish players in total? And who would translate it? GOA have enough trouble translating from US to English... imagine the trouble of actually doing translations!

it's a bloody MMO-RPG, and they don't even support the RPG

Hmm, I always thought of DAoC as a modern day Gauntlet with teams, rather than an RPG


For me, Roleplay games are games where you get a number of characters to choose from, and then play them as you wish :)

I am playing a role, just might not talk fancy or do quests very often.

But there are quests in the game, and from playing Never Winter Nights, and Diablo 2 :p, they seems pretty much the same as in those games :)

The BG reminds me of Counterstrike set in old day settings :D

Uncle Sick(tm)

You have to define roleplay.

I am honestly sick of so-called roleplayers who think rping is basically, yes, talking fancy ie. Shakespearian style.
Rping is not being all dramatic about every little thing... rping is not 'having' to be all courteous and hanky panky.

Hey- here goes my rant. I've met few good rpers in-game actually... heard Brannor was good.
How about a third Prydwen account, Br4nn0r?;)


Even though we seem to have gone off at a bit of a tangent to the original post.

Roleplaying doesn't mean you have to use long, wordy olde worlde language. I can still shout 'incoming' or 'add' when a pull goes wrong - I don't think a 'normal' person from any era of history (or fantasy) would shout 'Methinks we have an additional (insert current mob pull name here) coming our way gentlemen. Please prepare yourself for an extra hard battle' - they would just shout 'add' and dive into the melee :)

I expect the 'good' rpers play in character ALL the time - I do get rather lost in the frantic battles sometimes and forget about thinking what my character would do !


Roleplay servers would use the official roleplay rules Mythic has created, of course. Think I saw them some place on the Herald or

Roleplay is simply staying in character, like you're actually a Briton living in Albion. If roleplay to you is using very long senteances, then the current language to me is "watch ur back, min! Heavy inc of adds! Remember to mezz them, m8! else they'll kill us all".

So boo to ya ;)

As I wrote before, the game itself should be in the language of where you buy it, like any other game. Shouldn't be servervise.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Galadawn

As I wrote before, the game itself should be in the language of where you buy it, like any other game. Shouldn't be servervise.

You have never played a "germanized" game... translations suck 'ard. ;)


what I like best about the german translation is the "this is not your loot, you cannot pick it up"

they translated into something like

"diese beude gehört ihn nicht, also finger weg" (pardon for bad grammar)

if translated back to english it says

"this is not your loot, therefor hands off"

really laughable ;)

Uncle Sick(tm)

That's why I will never buy a "german version" of any game -ever.

Patched my German client to English right on day one.


sickie is german?!

<imagines a scary man with a moustache>



So you'd ideally want, what? As many servers as the Americans have, except with a third or less of the total playing population, all speaking different languages...
Hmm, no....


mate of mine bought a french version for 5 euro instead of paying the full price. patch and you're done


Ive got an idea... Alot of people who play on the English speaking servers are not happy because they cant 'try out' all three realms...

Well, dont know if this has been thought of before, but it must be possible for GAO to say implement an option of playing on any server and deciding what language all the normal/quest/trainer/etc text is in.....

That way you could say play on a french server, understand what the NPC's are saying (not 100% necesary i know, but helpful) and exdperience more than two realms...

Of course you would have problems when anyone on that server tried to talk to you in french /german......

Oh well, my 2 coppers worth :D


Yes, I certainly see how seeing characters run around with names like Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff while shouting 'u sUx0r, I r00lz!' helps on the fantasy setting experience.

(Not that I have seen Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffff do this in particular, ... Im just making a point).

Seriously, DAoC/EU is not a RP game. GOA is not governing any rules that would help de-courage anti-RP behaviour.

And now Sickofit, I agree that RP ain't talking in wierd language. I would even call it pretty awful RP if a Midgard Troll ran talking like Hamlet on drugs. However, it seems to me as if actual RP'ing are seen as something funny, ... something that you laugh at, ... and then turn around giggling at.

For that very same reason I don't play DAoC for its RP elements. Given the fact that a majority of the games players spends their time there for an advanced Quake with levels and dragons I uses it for those merits as well.

That said, I would be jumping had Goa decided to create a server with enforced RP rules ... alá Mythic.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.tRoG
sickie is german?!

<imagines a scary man with a moustache>


-> I shaved it off, though. That's an old PICTAR!!1


Germans : 4 servers
French : 3 servers
Italians : 1 server (not GOA)
UK + Low Countries + Scandinavia + Spain + Portugal + whatever else : 2 servers

Even Prydwen doesn't get full - how the hell you expect GOA would ever open extra servers for "small" languages like dutch or swedish ?

Think about that before you throw insults around ...


My point wasn't that they should make servers for every language, but that they should make every server English.

It's unfair to the other non-english speaking Norwegians (hell, even THEY speak better english than some german/french).


GOA have the contracts to run english, german and french servers, and software, it's that simple.

There is an italian version - and a korean version -

It's all a matter of regional licencing by Mythic. GOA have the licence to operate teh 3 languages, thats it.


There's insufficient demand for roleplay servers. The Order of the Knights Templar is Prydwen Albion's only roleplay-enforced Guild (and we are quite light-touch - certainly no thees and thous, but we do remain in-character with each other at all times). We have about 130 people playing 200+ characters. There are a fairly small number of other "full-time" roleplayers in other non-roleplay Guilds, notably the Griffon Knights and the Pheonix Legion (used to be Utopia too, but they disbanded). Then there's a larger group of people who are willing to do the odd bit of roleplaying if encouraged (in the recent Prydwen event, I was surprised and gratified to see people with l33t d00d names and l33t d00d attitudes, staying in-character. Although it was a bit bizarre to find someone with a name like "TheMighty GimpKiller" telling Cameran to "Let the wench go, or I will sheathe my sword in your body" !). Templars often find that if they stay in-character in a group, other group members will respond in-character, but I'll admit it's hard to maintain.

However, even with a generous estimate of the number of roleplayers across all Albion Guilds, there's no way it would amount to a sustainable realm population. I don't know the situation for roleplayers on Hibernia and Midgard, but I have no reason to believe there's a higher proportion of roleplayers there.

One theory that the servers will eventually become roleplay servers simply because roleplayers are more likely to found a community of ongoing storylines to keep them interested long-term, while the non-roleplay player will look for the next game to go to once he's been 50 for a while and thinks he's done everything that can be done. But I'm yet to see evidence of that.

As for the language issue, a very large proportion of Prydwen Albion's population seems to be Scandinavian or Dutch. Would the British alone be able to sustain a full server if the Scands and Dutch got their own ?


Originally posted by matax
I don't think a 'normal' person from any era of history (or fantasy) would shout 'Methinks we have an additional (insert current mob pull name here) coming our way gentlemen. Please prepare yourself for an extra hard battle' - they would just shout 'add' and dive into the melee :)

Have to remember that if you were in the middle of battle you could yell 'Dragon!' or 'Troll!' or whatever :) whilst running...

however we are limited in that we can only talk at the expense of moving/fighting/etc.


Originally posted by Galadawn
My point wasn't that they should make servers for every language, but that they should make every server English.

It's unfair to the other non-english speaking Norwegians (hell, even THEY speak better english than some german/french).

Ahh ok, everyone should speak english eh?

They've not opened a Latvian server therefore it's unfair to have a German one... good logic there ;)

it's called supply and demand:
how many thousands want to play DAoC in german/french?
how many hundreds want to play it in any particular other european language...

Orin Askhammare

The biggest reason there are very few people on the English servers I think is just that they (at least that I have seen) haven't marketed it at all, or very little.


They need some marketing... but another problem is the US servers, a lot of the english speaking people that got caught up in the initial buzz for DAoC went to the US as those servers were running...

and most people don't really want to change servers and start over.


I just got word from someone about a rule for French game companies that their games must be translated into french in one or another way.

Don't know if this is true.


lol one norwegian, one swedish and one danish server:p wonder how many players on each hehe.

ooh total players on norwegian server: 200

120 mids, 20 hibs and 40 albs

weeeeeeee no wonder hibs dont got any keeps:p


Hmm let me think....

Well its not unfair to have French or German servers in anyway. These are large nations with much more people than Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland together. And when it comes to French I would also guess that people from the french speaking parts of Canada is playing on these servers. This is also the case of all software that is produced most of it comes in French, German, Spanish and English. Why is that, it's becaus they are the biggest languages in the world, well beside Chinese.

And most people in the world learns english in school, and it's not possible for game makers like GOA to make localized versions for all people of the game. And also I think one of the reasons why Dark Age of Camelot is so popular in france and germany is just becaus the localized servers.

And the PvP server will just be avaible in English, and when it comes to RPG servers. Sure they would be nice, but it's simply not enough players that play to support such a server. Just look at the american gaming communites how much people does they have on the servers ? It's hardly over 1000players on any server there. And that situation is not good for anyone, its take the edge out of the RvR totaly. It's almost that I'm against the PvP server alos becaus it will draw to much attention away from the real game servers. But I think PvP will just be a fluke for most people so it will not be a problem in the long run. And if you want anohter English RvR server go out and recruit your mates and others to buy and play the game. Becaus that is the only thing that should and will give us another english RvR server.

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