General Rant to GOA



Posting this here because it's the easiest way I can hopefully get someone from GOA to read it.

Why on earth do you have such a clumsy, slow, cumbersome site?

I can't read the news at uni because they use netscape.

Why must you use flash? It takes forever to load, and isn't easy to navigate through. Also the way that the chronicles are presented is just silly. This has resulted in EVERYONE using either duskwave or nolby herald.

Mythic got their site very right, yours is very wrong. Sure it's pretty to a 10 year old but it lacks functionality.

This brings me to rant 2. Who do you get to write your news? Why can't they speak/type english? And if they can't, why doesn't someone who can check it before its posted?

At first the constant spelling and grammar errors were just an irritation, but when the News of Oggy's "Momerial" was posted, I was quite honestly pissed off. It just shows a lack of care in my opinion.

It certainly doesn't look like GOA is a company, more a rag tag outfit of technical guys and whoever else they could find.

I'm posting this in the hope that the website can be at least made available in a decent format so that netscape/non-flash people can view it. And who knows, maybe you will employ someone to do the news who can type good english.


He has a point. Although well done Mythic on giving the contract to a French company that has in the past had a bad track record although they are doing ok with daoc


i agree on point one.

it takes me hours to check the news, and i really despise that.


I no flash page would be nice but I don't think it's right you are flaming GOA for making a few spelling mistakes, it's hard to speak and write a new language unless you do it consistently and quite frankly, unless a passage has so many spelling and grammar mistakes it's unreadable, you shouldn't be complaining. Did it really bother you that much that someone made a simple mistake and put a O instead of an E?

If say mythic made a similar mistake on the herald or, shock horror, missed a comma or fullstop out would you immediatly see a massive flame fest on VN and people threatening to cancel accounts until the grammar nerf is fixed? Ohhh wait.... maybe thats a bad example ;)


You wouldn't because americans are fik.


I disagree with you there Dewey, and find myself in the disturbing position of agreeing with Novamir :rolleyes:

The case point here was a news item concerning a player who died in real life. Not some player who had his account terminated, or something else trivial like that, but he'd DIED! And spelling Memorial wrong might not have bothered you, but it does indeed send a "don't really give a toss" kind of message.

As for your other point, of them typing in a new language, what kind of impression would a multinational corporation give to it's customers if all latest release and product news contains bad grammer and spelling mistakes?

It would make many players happier if someone who had English at a fluent level (or at the very least, competent) were employed for this role, so that the news posting et al felt like they really were aimed at an english speaking audience.

Edit: Grammer ( :( figures!)


Originally posted by Solarius

As for your other point, of them typing in a new language, what kind of impression would a multinational corporation give to it's customers if all latest release and product news contains bad grammer and spelling mistakes?

Have you seen the back of the box in the bottom right hand corner? im suprised they sold any copies at all.


On the English thing....The irony is Novamirs post is littered with grammatical errors, so presumably he is not offering his own services to GOA.

GOA is a French company. The guy who does the news page quite probably speaks English as a second language. Even people (like Novamir) to whom English is a first language make errors (like Novamir). You should lighten up a bit, and cut GOA some slack. I am no fanbois, but of all the things we could criticise and rant about, occasional spelling mistakes and less than perfect, textbook, A-Level public schoolboy English is very, very low down the list.

And to those who are looking to rip on GOA about misspelling 'Momerial'. Please, please, could we let Oggy RIP and stop keep scoring points from his death. I really find it incredible that GOA take the time and effort to report Oggys death on the official website, only to be ripped apart by people who object to one misspelt word. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Oh, and you are right Novamir, the flash heavy website blows.


I am suprised they posted it on their website tbh, many companies would have ignored the request.


firstly, i wasn't trying to score any points about Oggy's death. please don't entertain that idea. i've been gradually more and more irritated by the constant errors in what's supposed to be a professional company's news posts, and that happened to be the catalyst.

re: my spelling and grammar here- this is a forum, hello? nobody (except killgorde) takes time to grammar/spelling check more than the basics. goa is a COMPANY. they get PAID to do it. i expect a certain level of english from companies which i pay. (ie being able to spell and properly form sentences)


Originally posted by n3wbie

Have you seen the back of the box in the bottom right hand corner? im suprised they sold any copies at all.

LOL LOL LOL good spot! And probably not far off the mark! :rolleyes:

GOA and the logo are trademarks of Wanadoo portails. Exploitation and community management by Goa.Com

:clap: :clap: :clap:


Blegh I found that exploitation thing steal my finds will ye!!! (gets pitchfork)


This is an old, old 'issue', ooh, probably starting from the closed beta.

Once upon a time GOA actually tried to recruit native English speakers, but I guess they couldn't find any.

As it stands now, and with all the water under the bridge, GOA aren't doing too badly. I've worked in publishing many years and GOA's errors stick out like sore thumbs to me, but I'm not too fussed about them as me and GOA go way back (almost a year now) and we have worked through the problems in our relationship and I have come to know GOA's way of doing things.

If I were new though and came upon GOA's website I'd think twice about their apparent lack of professionalism and probably end up going with the US version (perhaps that's why the English-language server populations haven't grown much at all).

That's the thing that has always amazed me; for as long as I have known GOA they have given the impression that they just don't care about what the players think of them.

But laissez faire is all part of the charm :p


the english server population hasnt grown because there was never even a single advert in the UK, have never been any since release, and only about 2 copies of the game were ever present in any given city at any point in time (that point in time lasting until about two weeks after release, at which time they were taken off the shelf never to be seen again) :p

they almost certainly have no plans to further advertise the game in the UK, will almost certainly not bother advertizing SI, and will almost certainly only put out another two copies of that in any given city for the firs two weeks when it comes out :(

and yes i want a decent, easy to use webby like the americans get, but i'm really not that bothered about the spelling though :p, just give me chronicles which actually update and where you can look at the maps and see which keep is which without having to sit there figuring it out in your head for a few minuits first :)


ill advertise, ill spammzor all the other forums on the net and watch as DAoC suddenly has another 2000 subscribers



Given, the page is more fancy than functional. It would be nice to be able to chose between flash or non-flash sites, where I would probably choose the latter simply because I don't like the flash version. We can agree on that point.

But going as far as to flame them for poor spelling just gives me them impression you have nothing better to do.

Personally I find most of the spelling errors funny, and I expect to see them on DAOC europe because it is run by a french company who has to keep 3 language versions of the site running. It's called tolerance, perhaps you should look it up.


ye, down with the flash, it just blows.. no matter how artsy or "nice" it is.. it just is to much.. camelot herald is just perfect all the info i need (but not always wants....)


I think we are going from one extreme to the next first we moan at them for the slowness of patching and now we are complaining as they spell incorrectly, lets keep on track on whats important



This thread is totally pointless. Please do something else in your freetime then posting threads like this.


No post is pointless Novamir has a problem and wishes to discuss it there is nothing wrong with that

I like to think no one persons post is pointless if they are trying to make a point or debate something that annoys, disappoints or makes them unhappy

His point is valid I think and warrants attention, he pays his money he is due his service at the end of the day


GOAs flash site isnt worth using - plain and simple.

They clearly agree with this themselves - otherwise the blatantly obvious bugs that have existed since day 1 would have been fixed long ago.

Its looks like the flash portion of the site was created by a 16 year old wanting to be able to add Flash to their CV rather than someone who actually had a clue what they were doing.

Fortunately there are a few other sites updated via the XML that GOA make available which do a far better job - and realise that being able to access the information quickly in a convenient and clear format is what matters.

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