General info for when grouping with / playing a necro in RvR



Hi guys after hitting 50 thought Id share what Ive learned about necro's as I know a fair few peeps dont know much about them.

Our Damage

Sight spec necro's have 3 nukes:

180DD Life drain pet casts insta for shade
160DD Power drain pet casts insta for shade
100DD Life drain shade casts insta for pet(in melle)

To give you a bench mark Air thuerg is 210DD ice thuerg and ice wiz is 180DD

cant comment on other spec dont know :/

small note on these. unlike all other casters once the pet is in range and starts to cast it doesnt matter if the target runs out of nuke range its gonna hit which is nice :D

Our Utility

Base Utilites:
insta Con Debuff
pet castable AR debuff
pet castable snare

Sight Spec Utility:
Absorb buff - Max 9% absorb does NOT stack with caster abosrb DOes stack on friar
pet castable AR debuff stacks with base AR debuff

Pain Spec Utility:
AOE Con/Str debuff - stacks with base con debuff and sorc aoe str/con debuff
AOE snare - sounds bad BUT this snare does NOT break when mob is damaged and also has NO IMUNITY TIMER so it can be spammed constantly :D

Healing / buffing info

Pet Needs:
Both cons
spec dex
both armour if poss
EB haste etc
(we have our own base dex and str at the same lvl as a cleric)

Shade needs:
Both dexes

When in a group the group windows shows the HP of the pet but buffs on the shade. also when selecting the necro from this window you will select the shade not the pet so be careful not to waste mana healing the shade.(this changes in a few patches i think)

What is and what is'nt exploiting

It's an expoloit to have your pet inside any item where it cannot be targeted by F8

it's NOT an exploit to have your pet inside an item when it can be targeted by F8

Easy check is just spam F9(nearest friendly) if u target ur pet its ok if u dont its not.

using no LOS rules to our advantage is NOT exploiting.

Keep Defense
With no LOS we are gods when it comes to keep defence, just head to the 1st floor of a keep park you pet out of LOS and far enough away from you that an aoe on you wont hit pet and start nuking everything in range :D

Keep Offence
No LOS comes in handy here too. you can kill all archers with PT easily without getting hit much. if the keeps defended all you need do is grab a target and just start casting on it. not much they can do apart from run right to the back of the keep, and if you've cleared the archers 1st you can go finish them off too :D

General RvR
Unless your 100% Painworking dont use any aoe's, there not strong enough to be worth breaking a mezz / root over. as usual kill support classes/casters 1st. the only time Id suggest not to is pet classes. i try never to be the 1st to hit a chanter if poss. having a pet casting on your pet will knock you out for the whole battle as we dont have any decent form of CC like pure casters so have to deal with the pet b4 we can start killing again.

For Max damage with no power use I generaly Life tap - power tap - life tap etc unless pet is not at 100% hp then its life tap till he is.

Keep an eye on cleric mana. we have the unique advantage of being able to take an OOP cleric to 1/3 mana in 3 secs. this can turn the tide of battle if taken advantage of.

My main is a caster I know form experiance theres nothing more anoying than having 3 tanks chasing you. help casters out by using the pain spec aoe snare we can stop this happening even while the enemy are being hit!

Hope this helps,

MilkyBarKid lvl 50 Necro 48 Sight 22 Pain rest Servant


Nice post, do you need to buff the necro before he makes the pet though?


Na, you can buff necros after they have cast their pet. They can be targeted for all "friendly" spells, they just cant be attacked whilst they control a pet.


Nice informative post :)
Any lvl 50 reavers yet?
Regards, Glottis

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