geforce4 mx460 (directx problem)



although this card isnt on the list of supported the mx420 & mx440 are so i asumed this isnt a problem.

when trying to log on the servers i get an error msg:

renderer creation failed

i have downloaded all the latest drivers and have directx9 but in the expert tool that monitors the card it says it has directx2 and

can anyone please help..ive been at this 24hrs now

p.s. im a bit of a technophobe


The two most common fixes to this problem are 1) update your graphics card drivers and 2) update DirectX. Since you've done that and it hasn't helped, you're in a bad place. :( Mythic suggest deleting the user.dat file that's in your game directory, which will force the game to try and load in 800x600 res the next time you run, which is the most compatible mode. That might help. Failing THAT, you may want to check the web site of the manufacturer of your motherboard to see if there is an updated BIOS patch, or updated motherboard drivers - some players with VIA chipsets have had some success this way, there was some AGP bug in an old version of the VIA BIOS that was causing problems.


thanks for reply m8

i have a SIS650 motherboard..trying to get on main worry is why is the gfxcard monitor saying directx2 is installed when ive just got latest installed?

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