GearBunny replacement?


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
I've been using GearBunny and loved it so far, but since it is not getting updated with all the new items is has started to piss me off a bit. Is there another program that is just as user friendly and it getting updated still?

Even better, does anyone know how to update the item list in GB by yourself?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2005
Even better, does anyone know how to update the item list in GB by yourself?

If you're using the newest version of gearbunnyX (1.102), you should have a big button with a screwdriver/hammer next to the new/open icons.

When you press that you will open the vaulteditor (= itemeditor).

You can either create a new item, or if you want to update an existing one, you can use the list on the right.
If the list on the right doesn't show your item, it's because of your filters/last opened item master vault list in the templating part. You can use the "Vaultkeeper" button, top-right, to open a search window. Input the right stuff and use the "run query" button to search. This result list will now be visible in the vaultkeeper window when you close the search window (close using x, top-right)​
Select an item from the list and just start editing.
When done, select "save item". (saves if for current session only)
And finally, press the "commit changes". (this saves the vaultfile to disk, so you keep the changed items.)

Or at least, that's how i update the items :)
Small note: explanation is based on the GearBunnyX v1.102, not sure how/if the 'normal' gearbunny has it, but iirc they use the same vaultfile, so changes(and commits) in gbx should work in normal gb too.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 25, 2005
I also recommend Loki Platinum for templates, but maybe u preffer GB


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 25, 2005
Pen & Paper and a strong cup of coffee is the "Old School" way :)

lol good point, i only tried Kort's (new version is really good) and Loki's platinum version (really rocks) tbh i didn't try GB that much but has lots of features, about Mora, I have heard of it, never tried guess... I posted a thread with utilities if you want to check it out

DAoC Utilities :clap:


Part of the furniture
Mar 28, 2009
I get a headace looking at Gearbunny build reports

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