Gates of Odins



Transplant from another thread:

> Forsete's Circle runs FG every night Come fight us in odins...

Nice to have you guys but.. can I whine a bit? ;)

I really wish people would keep the roaming to mid side of both milegates. The only advantage of roaming past milegates is you can get in kills on people that aint reached milegates yet so that mid groups with no speed that are camping there will be left dry.

Everything that ports in, eventually has to pass the milegates. You have decent chance of stopping stealthers getting through if doors are kept shut and with some luck you get to see approx. enemy mumbers while they cant see yours (unless they already have stealthers on mid side). Can park healers and ranged folks on battlements for some added protection. Many advantages really. On the other hand, if enemy groups see you anywhere near PK, they have the option of running back to hug guards. Not like there are any halfway decent FG ambush spots in hib/alb sectors of odins anyhow. Best for all if folks stay mid side of gates imo.



Can I whine about you camping the milegates and intercepting all the enemies then? :D

And teach kalgarn zerg is bad!


> Can I whine about you camping the milegates and intercepting
> all the enemies then?

No! I forbid you! But you can try to convince me with cunning arguments ;)

If for example you said that roaming around is more fun than sitting on a milegate, then Id have to almost agree with you. All other factors being equal, roaming -is- more fun.

However, for that you give up several advantages. Firstly, strategical advantage you lose is you give the enemy free access to our frontier. You would end up with significantly more enemy groups roaming around not odins, which is kinda ok, but in Uppland, DG, other exping/farming areas. You would also have more keepraiding parties. Albs have been complaining for ages it is hard to make casual keepraids in mid. Even if the milegate camp gets overrun, pretty accurate count of enemy groups is usually known and if they suddenly disappear then keeps can be checked - early warning system against raiding. Which do you prefer: getting people inside a keep and defend it or try to re-take a lvl 10 keep with CS and 40 albs in it? With relic raids taking place when they are, that reason for having odins shut tight is less relevant these days, but still..

Tactically, as I already said, defending a milegate is easier than storming one. Plus you have fair chance of getting stealthers. Also, roaming is only any good with decent speed which not all the groups in odins dont have.

As for intercepting all the enemies and thereby denying roamers their targets.. Well, thats assuming those roamers are going to eventually catch them. Good luck hunting down stealthers on open terrain. Larger enemy groups may or may not stay in Odins for you to hunt them down anyway. May run stright to uppland instead, or go for an unclaimed keep, or harrass people in DG. Or run into similar groups of their other enemies and die on them. How many times have we hunted for hours all over 4 frontier zones for those "2 missing FG's".. and never found them? Today I think we somehow managed to lose 3fg of hibs somewhere.

> And teach kalgarn zerg is bad!

It is? Oki, I'll pass on teh news ;)



But I like the scenery behind the milegates so much ... :'(


> But I like the scenery behind the milegates so much ...

Lies all lies! Mirage, illusions created by those crafty master wizards and eldritches! Friends, rom.. er, midgardians, countrymen, let us resist evil temptations and get those bastards at milegates instead of letting them lure us close to their safe havens at portalkeeps. ;)



Actually I know severals good ambush spots between the pk's and the mg's. Though the albs and hibs have started looking up so I had to find a new one :(

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