Games Server - The Future? - Redux


Kicking squealing Gucci little piggy
Dec 24, 2003
Gale said:
Well, having had a "difference of opinion" in the running of the BF2 servers with the current backers I find myself in a pretty pickle.
The server itself Costs some £320 per quater too keep running, this is cheaper than alot of the lower spec machines due to a "deal".
I find myself wanting too keep the server runnign tho, BF2 has come too a point where you have to be watching 24/7 to catch the TKers and general pricks on the server.
In 3/5 months we have quakewars coming and BF2142. I'd like too keep the server running [as its quite cheap, good connection very good server itself] until then so we can have a server of each running on day of release.
If we were too stop the server and start again we/i could expect too pay about twice as much per quater for a same spec machine.
So I need ideas, I can't fork out £320 myself this quarter, just back from Sweden so I'm pretty broke. The old financier has gone and got there own machine now after i told them too buck up there ideas about kicking and banning people. Hookey has offered to jump in and foot the bill for the next 3 months but I do feel a bit evil getting it all paid for by one guy.

I am also tempted too kill one of the BF2 servers and add in some more games, its a bit of a one hit wonder atm.

So if people have suggestions for other games too have on server that would be used, also put them here :)

Keep this one on topic please, people make typographical errors all the time, deal with it.

I'll be removing any posts that aren't since i'm in a mood so meh. :twak:


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Thanks Fuzzy. I do have to make one point though (and it is on topic):

Chameleon said:
You have made no more effort than I to contribute in this thread to saving the server. Don't pretend now that is why you are here.

Err, I'm the one who's said he's going to stump up the whole amount for the next 3 months (I'm Hookey if you'd bothered to check). So if you'd like to put your money where your mouth is, over to you...


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
the f00 shall prolly turn up soon anyways.

my offer being abel to pay half with hookey still stands

btw whats the deal with peeps using diff nicks for games these days?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Yaka said:
the f00 shall prolly turn up soon anyways.

my offer being abel to pay half with hookey still stands

btw whats the deal with peeps using diff nicks for games these days?

Mine has a complicated history - I've used a different nick since I was in charge of BW. I wanted to learn more about online gaming and so I joined a BF1942 clan but didn't want a connection with BW, so I could learn without hassle, and I already used the DaGaffer nick on BW/, so, I played with a couple of different nicks, and I've used the Hookey one ever since.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Blimey I thought common sense had won over for a minute there. Thanks Fuzzy.
As I've been asked a question directly ....
If we must continue this (and lets make this the last of it eh, it's getting tedious) ...

Why would I check to see who hookey is? Never heard of him or have any reason to think it might be you. Secondly, the point still remains, you hadn't contributed to the thread with respect to 'saving the server'. Your replies were limited to name calling.

I've used the server a few times, but generally don't enjoy 64 player publics. If we were back in the good old days of barrysworld, when gaming was what those forums and it's participants were all about, I'd have put some cash into it without a thought. As it is, I think there are enough bf2 servers out there. That and the fact that those on the server are rarely users of these forums, makes me disinclined to stump up any cash for this, but well done you.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
um, just a thought here (you've prolly already thought of it mate) but how about hassling Tony to have a paypal button added to the usercp donating x GBP towards the maintaining of the freddyfield?

also, even though I do not play much BF2 anymore (should get back in tbh) I'm willing to put up some dosh myself to help keep things going.

as to nicks, I try to be TdC where possible, though some games don't allow three char names :/ Testin_da_Cable it is then :)


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Chameleon said:
Blimey I thought common sense had won over for a minute there. Thanks Fuzzy.
As I've been asked a question directly ....
If we must continue this (and lets make this the last of it eh, it's getting tedious) ...

Why would I check to see who hookey is? Never heard of him or have any reason to think it might be you. Secondly, the point still remains, you hadn't contributed to the thread with respect to 'saving the server'. Your replies were limited to name calling.

I kind of think actions speak louder than words. I have a vested interest in keeping the thread on topic and not diverted by pedantry. So when someone comes along with nothing useful or more importantly, relevant, to say, then I feel entitled to weigh in with my comments. Up to that point I'd delierately kept quiet.

Chameleon said:
I've used the server a few times, but generally don't enjoy 64 player publics. If we were back in the good old days of barrysworld, when gaming was what those forums and it's participants were all about, I'd have put some cash into it without a thought. As it is, I think there are enough bf2 servers out there. That and the fact that those on the server are rarely users of these forums, makes me disinclined to stump up any cash for this, but well done you.

So, actually, you have nothing valuable to contribute anyway? Your view is "there are enough BF servers already". Well, thanks for all your help. And once again, if you'd bothered to read Gale's posts for content rather than grammar, you might have noticed its not just about keeping the server going for BF, but keeping the cheap deal with Multiplay for subsequent games like QW:ET or 2142, hence the need for continuity during the decline of BF2.

Several people gave you the succinct "Anglo-Saxon" response because you weren't helping. You still aren't. Let me and Yaka deal with it and save your comments for remedial English 101.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
I'll chip in where I can, but can only spare £10 a month at a moment or offer a £50 payment up front if that will help towards it?

Admin wise I'll be happy to help out. I used to admin across the BW/GAME public servers in the old days. I'm usually on most nights and looking at guiding BF2142, so if you have a server up for that in the future I'd not mind a look at the admin tools.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
My god, he's still going on!

DaGaffer said:
I kind of think actions speak louder than words. I have a vested interest in keeping the thread on topic and not diverted by pedantry. So when someone comes along with nothing useful or more importantly, relevant, to say, then I feel entitled to weigh in with my comments. Up to that point I'd delierately kept quiet.
Which wasn't the point we were discussing. It is a cheap debating tactic to change what's being spoken about. We were discussing your and my contribution to the thread. I don't know how more clearly I can make it.
DaGaffer said:
So, actually, you have nothing valuable to contribute anyway? Your view is "there are enough BF servers already". Well, thanks for all your help. And once again, if you'd bothered to read Gale's posts for content rather than grammar, you might have noticed its not just about keeping the server going for BF, but keeping the cheap deal with Multiplay for subsequent games like QW:ET or 2142, hence the need for continuity during the decline of BF2.
Several people gave you the succinct "Anglo-Saxon" response because you weren't helping. You still aren't. Let me and Yaka deal with it and save your comments for remedial English 101.
Yes, I made my contribution, thanks. You didn't like it. I can't do anything about that, nor do I care for that matter.
I read and understood the thread (assuming too=to). I didn't reply about the server not being needed, as that's for those who think it is to decide. However, you asked me directly, so I've told you. You don't like that either! *shrug*
You really should learn that it's ok for people to have different opinions than you. You can't spend your life shouting people down who you don't agree with.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Good point. We have been asked to keep this on topic.
DaGaffer does seem to want to continue the argument that appeared to have exhausted itself in the closed thread. It's not getting anywhere and I'm rather bored with listening to it.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Chameleon said:
My god, he's still going on!

Which wasn't the point we were discussing. It is a cheap debating tactic to change what's being spoken about. We were discussing your and my contribution to the thread. I don't know how more clearly I can make it.

Yes, I made my contribution, thanks. You didn't like it. I can't do anything about that, nor do I care for that matter.
I read and understood the thread (assuming too=to). I didn't reply about the server not being needed, as that's for those who think it is to decide. However, you asked me directly, so I've told you. You don't like that either! *shrug*
You really should learn that it's ok for people to have different opinions than you. You can't spend your life shouting people down who you don't agree with.

Oh God. Fuck off, fuck off, FUCK OFF!!!!


Kicking squealing Gucci little piggy
Dec 24, 2003
Dear lord, take it to pm if it's such a huge issue. Leave it out of this thread. Bah


Regular Freddie
Dec 11, 2003
I'm curious Chameleon - wtf are you even getting involved in this discussion about the BF2 server?

By your own accounts you've hardly ever played on it, and you certainly don't donate towards its running costs. So what gives? Just another forum warrior / troll with nothing better to do?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Ive known Chamelion for years, since the BW days , and have never known him to be a troll or anything.
Id just let it lie tho Cham m8, its a row about nothing.


Mar 11, 2004
To resurrect this old thread.

Quake Wars is released in May, I have enquired to various game server hosts about the costs in getting a server setup. Hopefully I will hear back today on the 'recommended spec'

Fingers crossed.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Recommended spec hasn't been officially released yet, but should be on par with BF2.

Dual Xeon 2.66 should be able to cope with 2 x 32 player servers. Of course any reply you get at this stage will be pure speculation.


Mar 11, 2004
Yeah, probably about right, i'm not entirely sure of the max players yet either.

I'm more than tempted to draw up a reasonably good spec send it to the various hosts and see who can match it the best. Then put it to the folks here and see who we pick.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Has the server engine itself had an overhaul for the new release?

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