


Am I the onlyone who startet to get bored of this game?

i have been playin nonstop for ages to find out that when you become a highlvl. the funs stops..

so many from alb. are quitting their char after they reached lvl 50
this cant be true..?

i really hope that the new patch have something we all have been waiting for..

I need more gameplay..

And with this i send my regards to Jazhara. And i wish he has found some joy again with playin EQ..



Originally posted by aikmore
so many from alb. are quitting their char after they reached lvl 50
this cant be true..?

quitting as in deleting/canceling account? or just playing alts :rolleyes:


A lot are lvling their alts or playing on another server... But do you enjoy the RvR then? In my eyes it's always the same story each night and the same things.. just pure killing and nothing more.. A lot are a bit fed up with just taking dum keeps and loose them again (pointless to take one anymore). I've just reached lvl 50 myself and so I can see those changes for myself....


Gratz on 50 Khalen...

As for getting bored... A lot of ppl I spoke to have this with their main char, even I play my alt a lot... :/ And I haven't even hit 50 ;)

Problem is, there's no real point to getting keeps in this patch, the next patch will let a guild own keeps which will be a bit more fun... And when DF comes, it'll be even more fun, since then it'll decide when someone can enter DF...

In the end, either you love RvR, or you finally found out that once you've killed everything, then... There's nothing much to do...


Like any MMORPG at release DAoC had little high-lvl content. Simple RvR can keep ppl playing a while but not forever.

Hence most of Mythics updates added high-lvl content : Epic zones in 1.45, claimable keeps in 1.46, DF in 1.49 and Realm skills in 1.50.

Unfortunatly GOA is rather slow in updating. 1.49 and 1.50 will change high-lvl play dramatically yet it looks like that content won't hit our servers soon :/ ...

In hindsight to many ppl tried to lvl to fast, only to discover that high-lvl holds considerable less content then lower lvls and gets boring to quickly. Like it is atm there is little reason to do the effort to work yourselves quickly through the 40 range ...


Originally posted by Prof
In hindsight to many ppl tried to lvl to fast, only to discover that high-lvl holds considerable less content then lower lvls and gets boring to quickly.

Within a week of commercial release I forecast that the players who would quit first would be those who were rushing to get to lvl 50. I'm not bored, and won't be for a long time to come. I'm not in a rush to get my bard to 50, and have a ranger who is coming along nicely in preparation for the battlegrounds ... which could be considered new content for lower levels.


Originally posted by Keri

Within a week of commercial release I forecast that the players who would quit first would be those who were rushing to get to lvl 50. I'm not bored, and won't be for a long time to come. I'm not in a rush to get my bard to 50, and have a ranger who is coming along nicely in preparation for the battlegrounds ... which could be considered new content for lower levels.

I agree totally Keri. I have 4 characters on Prydwen playing Albion, highest is level 16 cleric, I also have 4 on Excalibur in Midgard, highest there is my level 22 shaman (yeah yeah I like rezzing people okay ;) ) and I'm having loads of fun playing in Mid with my guild, Wolverines.

When we decided to go and play on Midgard for a bit (after playing Albion in beta, both closed and open) we decided straight off that we wouldn't try and level quickly.
We had a plan - main characters to level 24 for battlegrounds and then we'd park them up and start levelling some alts to take all the way to 50 for RvR and just general bashingness.
We try have a bit of roleplay, though it's nothing approaching Shakespearean levels and we always have a laugh.

Just last week I also sucummbed to Soulkeen's persuasive nature and headed over to Orcanie and made a lurikeen and that has been the best fun I've had in ages.

Those who have already got bored with Camelot are those who set out to be the first to do xyz, if they'd maybe taken time to RP a bit, explored the outer reaches instead of the common bashing areas and just slowed down and relaxed, then maybe they wouldn't be bored already.

Just my 2cp do what you will with it.

Edit: Misspelling


Yay! Someone at last who has the same reasons for playing as I do!!

What I see happening is something that started with the video game generation, where the sole objective is to finish the game. I watched my son go through this. He would play a game frantically, then once he had finished it, he never played it again. Same thing is happening in DAoC .. some players play the game obsessively, trying to be the first to reach a certain level, the first to kill a certain mob, the first to get a certain drop. While I would never attempt to deny anyone's right to play the game the way they choose (provided it doesn't interfere with other players' enjoyment), it saddens me that those players who do play it this way, are the ones who become bored, frustrated, and end up with a very jaded view of the game. It's almost like a drug, with addicts always seeking a bigger high.

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