Game Voice - which games are supported?


old.Johnny Jackal

I'm wondering which barrysworld games are supported for Game Voice or any other (such as Roger Wilco) speech communication. I know counterstrike is but what about the others?

I'm thinking of buying the Microsoft Game Voice but not having used any speech communication before I'd like some advice before I spend £44.99

Also the other function of the new Game Voice confuses me at to its usefulness. Wouldn't a simple click of the mouse be more effective than shouting "bang! bang!" down a mike like a gibbering idiot.

Well that aside, I'm very interested in verbal team communication if there are enough games/servers that support it. It would be a little poor if you turned it on only to hear quiet static like some lonely sad git in his garage twiddling the dial on his radio shack CB radio hoping someone else out there is still living in the 70's.



I use rogerwilco and it's v cool considering its free ...

Most games work with it?

I know q2/q3/cs do ... can't say I've tried it with any others.

Also with RW you can choose for it to be voice activated, or to trasmit via the use of button pressing.


I've read a review of gamevoice which said it would be better to get RW or BC :)


Well that aside, I'm very interested in verbal team communication if there are enough games/servers that support it. It would be a little poor if you turned it on only to hear quiet static like some lonely sad git in his garage twiddling the dial on his radio shack CB radio...

It "sounds" like (hehe - oh - hmmmmm...) you've got a slight wrong-end-of-the-stick with this voice comms malarky.

The voice comms is entirely separate to the game. You won't get GameVoice, jump into a public game of CounterStrike and find lots of people talking to eachother. No sir-eee.

The voice comms software is just another application on your machine. You connect to either a peer machine (another person running the same software) or you connect to a central server ( for roger wilco). Connections (for example with RW) are to a specified "channel" (i.e. only people on that channel can hear you).

e.g. password=johnny

You and your buds decide beforehand what comms software you're using and what server setup you'll be using (peer/dedicated) etc etc and you all join the voice comms channel before firing up the game. You can happily chat to eachother then - both before the game, during and after.

Suffice to say that simply joining a CounterStrike server (or whatever) won't automagically connect you into a world of noisy counterterrorism with super-coordinated teams... tho of course there's nothing stopping you and a couple of friends practising your voice coordination when playing on a public server provided you don't "cheat" too much and give them too much information from beyond-the-grave ;)

[Edited by QorbeQ on 12-10-00 at 08:17]


"The voice comms is entirely separate to the game. You won't get GameVoice, jump into a public game of CounterStrike and find lots of people talking to eachother. No sir-eee."

What Q0rbeQ said.

You can use the Voice software for doing anything together on the internet, even in speak to ppl while your having a conversations with other ppl in IRC, or if say 4 of you are looking at your clan website to decide changes you can use RW or BC to get some points across.

old.Johnny Jackal

Thanks I understand it a little better now.

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