Game Trade


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
It does exactly what the title suggests, how would people feel about a 'console game trade sticky thread' or similar (please add) Of course this would come with the usual FH disclaimer...

The above is the second hand trading idea in its most basic format, so where do you take this ?

If FH was responsible enough and could support the infrastructure needed to tally their forum accounts with a Paypal type setup, then people could utilise the same facility that occurs within Ebay but at a forum level. Of course the legality / infrastructure and resources to back such a project would have to be looked at and a serious study done to assess its viability, but the long term picture is a second hand trading post online that converges at the FH console forum.

This of course could always be a +sub feature or a small charge on the total sale for being able to trade.

Please add.........


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Good idea. There's an airsoft forum I frequent which has a trade subsection. It has Wanted/For Sale mini forums where people advertise what they want to get rid of/get there hands on and after that it's all done via private messages.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
Thats a really cool way of doing things from a non hassle kind of way.. but with the age of registering being only 13+ I think there might be issues with the community encouraging young teens to swap mailing addresses via PM's. In an ideal world there wouldn't be at all but you know how it is, shame eh :( I don't for one minute pretend to understand the tech involved behind such a project, I can only guess that your address and details would have to be kept on a data base within FH, such is the need for secure management of such a thing I imagine.

This whole idea really stems from the fact that online trading is one of the UK's most popular online activities and is growing, so it might just be possible to bring a little of that to FH? More input on this is good...


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Traders should be 18+, especially as most FPSs etc are 18 anyway.

Bad traders would be reported publicly via the forum in a thread, ditto good traders.

See, this is what the rep system is for...

Just mail each other the games - arrange them in the forum and swap addresses via PM/Email.



Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
I can see the attraction in using the forums for finding like-minded games who want to swap or trade games, but it's not without it's dangers. Please make sure you are fully aware of the FH code of conduct regarding trading activity. Thanks:)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
nath said:
Good idea. There's an airsoft forum I frequent which has a trade subsection. It has Wanted/For Sale mini forums where people advertise what they want to get rid of/get there hands on and after that it's all done via private messages.

Oh my god. Some of my workmates frequent airsoft forums :(

Pray tell, which one ?

*shame by proxy*


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
I've sold about 30 DVD's and swapped/sold games to BW regulars (and now FH).

I only sell to people I know really though and who are old timers round here.

I've had zero problems however I also FULLY support not making tradiing here all legit or anything. Its a legal nightmare.

PM etc.

/edit: I use the DVDforums btw ( iirc).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
..some great points. Thing is you just cannot trust any Joe Smo you meet online with personal details (I know you all know that).

I can understand the reluctance for FH to get involved with the transaction from a legal stand point, but you would really need to push this to as wide a membership as possible for it to be a credible success. I'm gonna look at what methods are avaliable taking into account age/avaliabiltiy and cost that would enable people to trade here and not use the PM system (see if anything is possible and flexible enough).

Although if you trust someone enough to give them your home address here that's your choice :) (not being funny when I say that, just saying not all people are trustworthy - theres no nice way of putting it, just don't take offence ;) ) But so far PM trading is the only route avaliable here eh...

Please add...


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
its nice idea, but as you said it needs looking at sevral angles, mabe even throw in a rating/feedback thing where peeps can check up on before any deal is done. and dvd forums are 2 forums that work very well and i have never had a prob using, but both of of them have eveloved into what they are by doing there best by keep a tight eye on the forums and eliminating any "dodgy dealings with swift action


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I still think keeping it informal is the best way to go. That way, all that's required of FreddysHouse is a few sub forums such as "Games: For Sale" and "Games: Wanted" etc. Then people can bid/request to buy stuff and organise everything through private messages. Of course, there's no guarantees, but then I don't think there should be. It'd be a hell of a lot of work on the part of DBs/TTD etc. to control everything there. So really the best thing to do would be only buy from regulars who you trust. Sure this would restrict the availability of the buy/sell forums but I doubt there's any workable way around this.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I have bought a couple of things off of the regulars with no problems whatsoever. Its just use your common sense really. I dont think regulating it will cause anything more than problems.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
eliminating any "dodgy dealings with swift action

It'd be a hell of a lot of work on the part of DBs/TTD etc

Its just use your common sense really.

Agree with all those 100%, we would need to write a guide or something I suppose. I also agree the Mods in charge would have to be double swift in acting upon any dodgy stuffs, so it would need people who log in and stay logged in realy.. you think?

Sure this would restrict the availability of the buy/sell forums but I doubt there's any workable way around this.

Agree for the moment, maybe there might be a way around this, I don't know for sure? I am still thinking about these issues (its not an easy one :( ) I will post as soon as I have any ideas and you lot can tell me ya or pants ;) If anyone has any ideas that would avoid the exchange of actual mailing addys and involve stuffs only being set up on the punters side not FH, then please post with ideas :)

..brainstorming is good :eek6:

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