Game of the year?



For me this game rocks. I can't pinpoint why I like it, but for me it's the ultimate war simulation. The Delta force series (last DF: Land Warrior) was not that realistic and most importantly got boring a lot of the time.

Now with op flash although the campaign was hard in sections and I turned the air blue with my screams, after completing it I sat back and felt I achieved something. Damn good game.

WIth the multiplayer stuff as well this game has my vote for the best game of the year. Not many games come out that push gaming forward.


Not likely SAS, IMO this game has nothing new at all, fps that lets you drive stuff... wow... it's all been done before, they just used a different setting... My money is on either Max Payne (even though it has no multiplayer) or Halo (if it comes out this year) or maybe even Red Faction... I've still got my £50 that says OFP is gonna disappear just like B&W has... interested ??


Very Good, but not game of the year until multi play and the problems are sorted out.


It's enjoyable, but not game of the year. That award has to go to...

Can't think of anything that stands out actually. Totally stumped. What have I bought?
Project IGI - OK
Hitman - poor
Delta Force 3 - nothing special
Diablo 2 - bored
B&W - my attention span is too short
No One Lives Forever - nothing special

Looks like Flashpoint wins it then.

Action Half Life B4 rocked - probably game I've played most.


I'm a sucker for games, and buy almost everything that gets a half decent review.

Operation Flashpoint adds a welcome twist to the FPS world. It has it's flaws, of course (what hasn't?), but the quality of the game still shines through. It looks to have been coded with future upgrades in mind, and has an excellent mission editor.

For lovers of war sims, it's a nice change from the Delta Force series (no black dots/dodgy recoil here matey).

If the 'proper' multiplayer aspect of it is as good as the single player experience, then it will be the game of the year. Until then I'd say it's the front runner.


I'd probably be a clear front-runner if it was more stable on my machine. I'll play it a bit more tonight, and see how it goes.


too many issues to b game of the year.

It still feels like we're beta testing for the U.S. release.
Are the monthy add-ons stuff that shoulda been added, but left out due to rushed release date, or pressies from codemasters?
.......I'm not so sure :rolleyes:

Hopefully the potential for the multiplayer games will b fully realized with the PROPER netcode and dedicated server stuff


As there is no dedicated servers, just how can we be beta testing?
/Rushed release

Urm the game had been in dev over 3 years? I suspect if they were rushing it, we would have seen it out before tribes 2:)

And the addon stuff is a very good move, it keeps people intrested, and atracts more people to the game over time. For example, cs,fa,dod ect......


I never said we were beta testing the online code with dedicated servers, the campaign mode has enough bugs and known issues.

Tell me why hasnt the dedicated server stuff been included now, as opposed to Sept when it gets US release?

Just because the game has been in development for a long time doesnt mean that time has been spend on testing...many games spend years in development never to reach the shelves. Over the last 12 months the hype has slowly began to build for Flashpoint and I feel that maybe if it had been released in Sept around the world as well as the US then maybe we would have had a more complete package. Wat you refer to as addons are total conversions and mods whereas I thought that the OPF addons were extra weapons, vehicles, missions and bug fixes. All of which will lengthen the lifespan of the game for those who dont play it online but could of been included with the games release.

Dont get me wrong... OPF has great atmosphere and this has led to me working my way (slowly) thru campaign mode but potentially multiplayer mode is where the most fun will lie. I'm looking forward to being a part of a squad attcking 20-30 other online players but for now we're gonna have to wait a few months for that.

Feel free to flame my views if you disagree and to correct me on any points which I may b mistaken on :D


and I feel that maybe if it had been released in Sept around the world as well as the US then maybe we would have had a more complete package

True, but warts and all, I'm glad we got it 'early'.

I too am looking forward to truly big battles.


Hmmmn... so its got alot of bugs atm and it'll inevitably go through 20 patches b4 it works properly.

I mean historically CS was a pile of unreliable pants to begin with.

OPF will suceed eventually because it blends FPS with RTS so nicely the twitchers won't even notice they're losing to strategists until they're thoroughly hooked. I know I didn't.

Point being the game will inevitably take a year or two to mature.

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