Game keeps crashing back to desktop :/



Any idea peeps,

Im running game (not SI version )on a AMD 800 / ATI rage 32mb / 256mb mem.

It only just start happening, been running for over 6 months but past few weeks this has happened about 10 times now.

Ive not changed anything with the PC, no warring no lag just bang right back to desktop.


100% cpu game usage and random crashing to desktop

dude, i have had no probs with daoc since i had it but since 2 days ago i have the same problem you do as i will be playing and then BAM! im at my desktop. its like i was never playing daoc for real. talked to mythic support and they havent heard of this problem. i think it might be a memory problem. the other thing that i did notice is that the game.dll of any game on my machine (i run windows xp) runs at 100% cpu usage under processes. i dont know why or how this is happening but you might want to see if you are having this same thing happen. i hope that someone out there can help us because its pissing me off that i have crashed to desktop 20 times in 2 days randomly. lemme know what you find k?




its a memory problem alright, if your running XP u can try setting it to a low or medium priority in the Task manager settings, that seemed to work for me, although the frame rates in RvR BUSY areas when u get over 200 peeps can be a little jerky!!
Other than that setting it to Windowed mode also helps, i havnt crashed to desktop in 32 days now since i switched to that, also if your running a GeForce 4 Ti4200 GFX check your fan, i had to send mine back cos it was over heatiing and crashing and nvidia say theyve got problems with a certain batch of Ti's 4200's being faulty!!

Other than that even adding more memory wont help i upgraded to over 1gb of DDR ram and it didnt stop it!! so try those things first, but tbh its more likely your GFX overheating!


I had this problem for over a week until i fixed it, didnt get no help from customer surport either.

Can be alot of things,

My own fix was to reduce the speed of my 400 DDR to 333 DDR in the bios, but that was cause my motherboard cant haddle every brand/non brand of memory. Have not crashed to desktop since.

Sometimes its an over heating issue, even with the average cooling we get with out PC's in the UK, our hot humid summer days, when they occur cause havok with our PC's. I just renewed my heatsink paste, especially on my Leadtek A280 (TI4800 SE Gpu), as the manufacturer was a bit cheap when they applyed some.

Sometimes its a simple case of reinstalling your graphics drivers.
there is a new version of nvidias drivers that are on unoffical release 44.67, with a Shrouded Isles fix, think this fix is just for a memory leak thou, and did not contribute to my problems.

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