Game crashing when I try to change characters...?



Just started happening today...I think it might be something to do with ZoneAlarm, but not sure. Anyone else getting it?


Had that problem once - Installed DX9 and it worked.

Might not be the same problem tho :)


ive had that problem ever since i got my new comp.. second or third time you change chars game freezes at end of loading screen and wont alt-tab or ctrl-alt-del... no idea what causes it, though i've noticed that it seems to happen more often when i have fraps (video recording proggy) on...


Yeah, I've been having the same problem for a while as well :/


Also have the same problem - it used to be it would occur after a couple of changes of chars - Now it happens everytime I change chars so I have to log off and on again.

Can't seem to pin it down to anything though :(

Roo Stercogburn

This has been happening to me for several months now and on a variety of different machines. I emailled Right Now but they just said it was something wrong with my PC and that was pretty much that.

However, given the variety of configs that it happens on, I believe it to be a problem with the graphics driver in DAoC itself when it switches graphics modes. There's something its just not happy with though I can't get enough info on what is wrong to say anything conclusive.

I think the problem started occurring for me around 1.60.

I've just had to shrug and log all the way out of game when switching chars.


Same happened to me, and I also mailed Rightnow. They said it was my own drivers that needed updating:

you should try to update your grpahics card drivers to the latest one available.
Yours sincerely,

Another answer on Rightnow:
If you are experiencing this problem with only one of your character, you can try to delete the charactername.ini file in the game directory (Dark Age of Camelot or Shrouded Isle).

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are still experiencing the problem after that (don't forget to mention the name of the character and his server).


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
This has been happening to me for several months now and on a variety of different machines. I emailled Right Now but they just said it was something wrong with my PC and that was pretty much that.

However, given the variety of configs that it happens on, I believe it to be a problem with the graphics driver in DAoC itself when it switches graphics modes. There's something its just not happy with though I can't get enough info on what is wrong to say anything conclusive.

I think the problem started occurring for me around 1.60.

I've just had to shrug and log all the way out of game when switching chars.

Had same problem myself with 1.60...

Took a while to get things sorted... Got it running by reverting to an old detonatordriver (41.xx something I think it was)
But this made the game very unstable and got quite a few insta-boots to windows...
Weird thing is that game ran very smoothly before the 1.60 patch...
But with 1.60, I could not get it running with w2k or winME...
Could only get it running with that old detonator driver and win98...

Got tired of all the crap and finally installed winXP, and viola...
Now I can use newer versions of the detonator drivers, and it's now running almost too good ;)

And seems to be very reliable with 1.62 as well :D



It can also be a corrupt ini of config file.

I don't have daoc installed here at work so I can't check the filenames....


Sorted...seemed to be that ZoneAlarm wasn't retaining the "trusted" settings I was putting in. So I set them all again, rebooted (i.e. without just going staight into DAOC as I had been doing after setting them), and it now seems fine.



Have the same happening to me, never happened before, game was stable as hell from 1.36-1.60, but 1.62 been giving me problems 24/7 lots of lag/crash's/bugged gfx/no sound etc. you name it ive prolly had it happen to me since 1.62 went live.


Originally posted by old.Emma
Have the same happening to me, never happened before, game was stable as hell from 1.36-1.60, but 1.62 been giving me problems 24/7 lots of lag/crash's/bugged gfx/no sound etc. you name it ive prolly had it happen to me since 1.62 went live.

The missing sound from fights etc is being worked on..It's a bug


yep same thing has happened to me in the past, i sorted it by setting my power off button to standby in the power settings in the control panel. When the game freezes at the splash screen hit the power button - pc goes on standby, hit the space bar and when the pc comes back on you're logged in

bit of a pain, but the only long term solution i could find :)


I actually crashed once when trying to switch characters in an intersection downtown manhattan.


Running DAoC on 4 diferent computers with diferent cinfigurations and OS's, i have experienced a memory leak problem when DAoC is running on Win XP professional, and the Gfx card supports x8 AGP, problems with the memory can result into trouble while zoning, changing characters etc, because its the time it is mostly used.
Also check if you have sufficient vantilation in your pc because similar problems can occur if you CPU or /and memory chips are overheating even slightly over normal, even if you have no problems with other software SI in particular will have problems.



I've had the same problem, but its been hapening for months, certainly before 1.60. Initially it was only when I relogged from one alt, but it happened last night with another. It won't be XP Pro as it happens with my XP Home and Win 98 before that; not Dets as have used my old Voodoo 3 on a PIII and it did it (yes, used to play on a system well below minimum spec;) ), not DX 9 for same reason, not Fraps as don't have it. It may be Zone Alarm though as that's the only constant factor I can think of. But I can't figure out why it only does it from one toon? Or, a corrupt file associated with that toon? Or, we've all got a differnet cause :)

Ho hum, the joys of PCs eh?


I have just upgraded my PC to:

AMD 2800+
1Gb Ram (PC3200)
new Seagate 120Gb HD
GF5600 (Aopen) 256Mb mem.

Last night was the first time i have seen this, atm Im running a completely clean WinXP Pro, no zone alarm, no disk-keeper, no anti-v (will be after posting this :p).

The problem for me seems to be in Aegir, on all chars, almost as if im zoning at the time. The 2 places ive had it happen so far is just outside the town by the bridge, and on the stone bridge west of the town. Here it seems my machine locks up, or becomes soooo slow it unplayable, and a couple of times i have LDd too.

Im running all the latest drivers, via 4in1, latest bios(1005). Maybe it is an over heating thing, although my Asus mobo says my processor is running at 52 deg C, well within normal operating perameters.

Gona give my PC a day off anyway, so hopefully tonight it will be back to normal :)


I had this problem before aswell. It is a problem with zone alarm. I believe its because the classic and SI parts of the server have different IP addresses and so when you log out of 1 char in classic/SI and then try to load up a char on the other side your firewall won't allow it access and so it freezes while waiting for you to allow it access. Ways that i've found to beat this are : 1, if you have a snooze or button that is linked to bring out the log out screen press it. It will crash your game but when you bring it out of hibernation the zone alarm prompt will still be there and you'll have no problems in future. 2, Hit enter alot (this one is hit and miss and sometimes works). 3, When you 1st try to load the char up quickly hit alt + tab before the loading screen arrives and it should bring up the firewall prompt.

Hope it works :)


I have same problem with zonealarm every new patch.

My cunning tip for the day :

Once the loading bar has filled up and your system is just hanging - move your mouse to the bottom right corner of the screen - if you have a special cursor when using Windows (I have a funky seashell from the underwater theme) you will notice that the boring white arrow changes to this when you are hovering over the right place.

On my system in any case the ZoneAlarm question box is active underneath DAOC and if you click in the right place - the "Yes" button - it will let you through. Of course if you press the "No" button by mistake you're screwed ;)

Once you've done this quit daoc then open Zonealarm and make sure you've got a big green tick in all the right places and you shouldn't have any more problems until the next patch day yay!

Roo Stercogburn

If you are using Zone Alarm, its a damn sight easier just to type ALT+Y the first time you go in after an update ;)


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
If you are using Zone Alarm, its a damn sight easier just to type ALT+Y the first time you go in after an update ;)

Does that work for you? Worked like once out of 500 times for me ;)

Oh I forgot - in the latest version of Zonealarm you can preconfigure a programme to have permissions - so delete your current daoc permissions then choose this option and it should work ok (Make sure you give server permission it seems to need this when you change characters)


Originally posted by Krakatau
The missing sound from fights etc is being worked on..It's a bug
"being worked on" - GOA speak for itll be fixed sometime in next 6 months.

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