Game aids or Cheats?



I have not been playing Quake3 long. I have noticed that some people are way to accurate with some of the weapons, especially with the rail gun. I also saw someone jump up to something that that others had to go a different route to get to. A friend just told me about bots. These are supposed to be something that players can use to enhance their characters abilities. To me these sound like cheats but I don't know enough about them to say for sure. From the sounds of things I think that I would prefer to play on a server where they are not allowed. Are there servers that don't allow them?

Can anyone please tell me where to find more info on them? Thank you.



Well bots which you use online are cheats, Zbots for example have the ability of always hitting the person that you're targetting, basically tracking some one. I think though, by the way your saying it, that this is just a case that some has good ability, you can't really ever tell if some one is cheating.


Well bots which you use online are cheats, Zbots for example have the ability of always hitting the person that you're targetting, basically tracking some one. I think though, by the way your saying it, that this is just a case that some has good ability, you can't really ever tell if some one is cheating.


id fix this.
qw was full of ppl saying to other ppl
your a cheat, not me i had and still have a bot (me) that can't hit a barn door.
but will id fix this , the last patch was
like a long time ago, can it be fixed.



I know that there are a lot of people that are very good at this game. However, I have seen some people that, while flying through the air can nail someone else flying through the air with a rail gun. They did this repeadity without missing. The rail gun, imo, is the hardest gun to shoot accuratly. I do not think that anyone is that good.

Is there anywhere that I can get more info on these?


Midge, go to and download a few demos of good players duelling. The CPL final matches of players like Fatality, Blue et al would do.

Watch a few then come back and tell us if its changed your mind.

Alternatively, hassle a good dueller to give you a match :)


of top player playing on a lan,so they should be able to rail anything.

i could and have rocketed the shit out
of ppl playing qw on a lan np.
but on the net it's well very hard,
and i have had my butt kicked big time
by everybody and his dog, in fact last night at qw on 2 diff. maps fact is i was pish or was that pished both i think.
we know good ex q2 players are fucking , fuck me in a milli sec, with a rail gun from 100 yard, as you jump past a doorway with a 2 mm window that you can be seen through.
you do have a point, my point well i can't remember now.
are bots being used and can we stop it.
i never think did he frag me because he is cheating, i think good shot m8, it would be a sad day when i think he must be cheating even if he is.
it's all in the mind

[This message has been edited by venturer01 (edited 17 August 2000).]

[This message has been edited by venturer01 (edited 18 August 2000).]


Well I have to say that I'm pretty OK with the rail, but that's because I play shtloads of instagib, especially on the 1v1 servers (as [LL]Sar). And the Q3 rail in comparison to the Q2 rail is shtloads easier to use. So you can't say that someones using a bot just because they beat you using it.

That said, I know for a fact that I've played a bot user, and this was on one of the BW 1v1 instagib servers about 3 weeks ago. He railed me out of his arse one or two times, and no it wasn't lag, because I'm an SLPB (what's lag? :D).

But more importantly than all this: Nicks been evicted! :D


| Y A R N | LL |
The Consortium & Clan Wars - Be a part of it.
Exterminate your progenitors, and call them heathens.
Lie to your people, cover up the facts, and you call yourselves men of God?
- D.S. James


"However, I have seen some people that, while flying through the air can nail someone else flying through the air with a rail gun. "

I've played Q3a with ppl like Kalliath amongst others from QW. And their railing can be easily mistaken for bots. Watching them it's like they're on speed. Mid air rails from strangle angles are not uncommon and very frequent. It leaves you thinking "what's the point" when you come up against ppl as good as that.

Personally, I've found the railgun in Q3a much easier to kill with than in Q2.


yep, q3 was made so it would be very easy for every skill level of player to get frags, so its definetly gonna be easier for good players.

CPM rewl0rz

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