GAME Aer teh win!



Heh, on Wednesday, my Intellimouse Explorer stopped working. I couldn't figure it out, however i went to bed and hoped it would be fine in the morning. It wasn't, so i messed around, and found my old 2 button ball mouse, which worked fine in the same PS2 port.

I went to the trouble of installing Windows, so i could test it without the PS2 adapter, however not only did it not work in Windows, but the red light didn't work either, which was coming on under X. Well, i bought the mouse at the start of the year, in Jan/Feb, so by this time, i have neither the receipt nor the box. This gives me zero rights, so i was in a right situation. I knew i had to go into Game, and see whether they'd replace it without the receipt, however i wasn't hopeful.

Anyway, i asked in IRC, and found out that they should have the serial number of this exact mouse in their records, for tax purposes, so they would know that this mouse was sold by them, less than a year ago. Well, i got myself prepared - I had my Eddie Murphy style fast talking ready, and i was going to pretend to know lots about customer rights etc, and i was well pumped up to go in and get myself a replacement.

But what are Game like? They replaced it without barely asking a thing. They didn't double check when i bought it, they didn't care i was missing the receipt, they just had me right my details in their returns book, and gave me a new mouse. Fs, ok so i got what i wanted, but it was too bloody easy! Where's the fun in that! :(

Anyhow, i'm impressed - Certainly worth paying extra cash at a highstreet store like Game, as opposed to online, when you know your OK if something goes wrong :)

Testin da Cable

that's nice of them. it's also nice to know they keep records of S/N's. handy :)


You can do anything in Game stores, as long as the manager isnt around.

The staff really dont give a shit and they just do whatever :)


it probably helps it was a microsoft mouse. Microsoft tend to replace them no questions, ring em up, say its duff, they send you a new one at no cost to you. They dont usually want the old one back and dont want proof....


*Reports Duff Mouse Several Times*

*sells new Mice*


You also have a years gauarentee with M$, and I have changed my mouse with them 4 times now. Takes a couple of days for it to arrive.

Moving Target

I got a Gamecube Gameboy Advance which was GAME manufactured, and it didn't work. Big fucking surprise. Brought it right back to the shop.


Originally posted by Moving Target
I got a Gamecube Gameboy Advance which was GAME manufactured, and it didn't work. Big fucking surprise. Brought it right back to the shop.

Ch3T!!!!!!!!!! now we need a moving target decoder


Probably means he bought the Console what GAME Made (Built themselves)?




Only the big Ninty manufacture GC's & GBA's. GAME make no consoles at all.

As for you Shocko, you'll find Game stores, especially in the run up to and comedown from Xmas will trade in or exchange goods with little quibble. Even if it was bought from another shop. As goodwill basically.

Moving Target

Originally posted by Moving Target
I got a Gamecube Gameboy Advance adapter which was GAME manufactured, and it didn't work. Big fucking surprise. Brought it right back to the shop.


man like tong

Dear mistra shocko

Being the retard student I am I actually work at a game store. firstly don't ever speak kindly of game as a company, you were treated to a bit of individual kindness. They were lying to you, we don't keep serial numbers, that would take time and/or effort. We do on the other hand come from an american company and as such have it drummed into us that a happy customer is a regular customer, unfortunatly no one told them that a shitted on employee is a disgruntled one.

That my friend is why we replaced your mouse and that is also why as skyler pointed out we just don't give a fuck. so next time your in a game store look for the most annoyed looking member of staff and you'll get everything you wanted at a fraction of the price, that is assuming that they don't steal it from you first (we have to make money somewhere, minimum wage you know)

yours faithfully
game employee

Testin da Cable

but but the people at the poota shop like me for who I am!! as a person!!!1

man like tong

it happens! not with me, I hate everyone.


Isn't all that true of all retail employment though, not just GAME? It's why I used to get really pissed off with my wife when she got shirty with people working in shops, I mean ffs it's one of the crappest jobs going as it is, no need to make it worse eh.


Professor Pron By Tan Mike Long
Do you have anything smaller?

*cue 70's pron musak*

Are you "Game"?

Yes, hello, what can I do for you?
I'm not sure...what can you show me?
We'll everything's on display, everything's for sale.
How much for that?
*points at glass display cabinet in front of Tongy's crotch*
*eyebrow raised*
Do you mean the Floppy Sir?
No, next to that. The long hard thing!
Ah! The Thrustmaster 2000, an excellent choice sir.
Could you show me how this works?
Certainly, sir.
*After Thrustmaster and Force Feedback floorshow*
I'll take 2!
Ok sir, how would you like to make payment?
*rummages in front trousers*
Is "this" ok? I've left my wallet at home.
Ah! Do you have anything smaller?
...just the Thrustmaster...
*penny whistle*

putting the beef back into [MaG]donalds


Dunno if your joking or not about MS sending new kit if the old stuff isnt working, but if you arnt, what part of the site should i be looking at?


Originally posted by n3wbie
Dunno if your joking or not about MS sending new kit if the old stuff isnt working, but if you arnt, what part of the site should i be looking at?

Which site are you looking for? And what do you want to look for on it?


Maybe i should of said that post was for Ch3tan or Recoil101


i work for the game and we was told that if you get a customer complaining about the product and all the packaging is there u can exchange, no skin of our nose it's only marked off faulty.
You cant have a refund as thats just taking the michael.


Originally posted by Skyler
You can do anything in Game stores, as long as the manager isnt around.

The staff really dont give a shit and they just do whatever :)

Being a Game store manager myself...that makes me laugh.

Like someone else said, we did and do the exchanges out of goodwill, you'd never get that at any other retailer!!


Blimey. This place is turning into a corporate intranet.


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