Funny story



Heard this whilst toking - made me crack up big time :)


M8's mum is in Las Vegas gambling. White middle class lass she is, sheltered what have you on holiday. She pretty much cleans up at one of the tables, but instead of cashing her chips she decides to take 'em up to her room and cash them in the next day it being late and all. Thing is, in the elevator she suddenly realises that anyone can take the chips from her and cash them in... in a panic (she has a lot of chips on her, about twenty thousand worth!) she tries to get out the elevator and to the cashiers.

At this moment three black guys (who she swore were huge and meanacing looking - pffft) walk into the elevator boxing her in. They're pretty drunk and loud. The leader turns to her and says... "Hit the floor".

She falls to the floor shitting herself, chips flying everywhere. Silence. Then... "I meant the floor button?"

They help her pick up all the chips from the floor and even walk her to the cashiers desk and then her room. But that's not all.

The next morning she goes to pay her fees for staying there with her friends to be given this note...

"Hey, paid for your trip here. THANKS for the funniest moment I've had this Summer..." signed... Eddie Murphy.


And it is pretty much true as can be. He was on Letterman the other day and he recounted this story. Life's funny like that.

Moving Target

They were drunk so maybe they thought they were Eddie Murphy? :p

Testin da Cable

heh you read it wrong: Eddie was drunk in a chipshop


lol, i like that one, bet she was proud too heh


IIRC Eddie Murphy actually tells that 'joke/true story' in one of his stand-up videos


Originally posted by Perplex
IIRC Eddie Murphy actually tells that 'joke/true story' in one of his stand-up videos

You do recall correctly

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