Funny part 2



The Earth Theurgist
The Earth Theurgist’s life is one of ease. Every group wants him, and once he’s in and bladeturn is pulsing, anything he does is a plus. In fact, he could even go AFK for the duration of the hunt, and still the group would fight to keep him in. In the unheard-of time between groups, Theurgists solo easily by summoning entire armies of dirt to pound to death enemies much tougher than the theurgist. As a result, the Earth Theurgist is usually pretty easygoing. If you’re lucky enough to cajole one to enter your group instead of the others, his buffs will make you more effective and his bladeturns will cover up a large number of your blundering mistakes. Just hope he isn’t SO easygoing that he joins, /follows, turns on bladeturn and goes to take a nap.
Typical Quotes:
“What? Sorry? I was AFK.”
“/yell theurgist lfg... oh thanks, never mind, got one”
“I just got my 6 second bladeturn! Watch me melee this monster to death.”
“Guys, I’m not entirely sure, but I THINK an archer is trying to shoot me.”

The Not-Earth Theurgist
If you thought Smite clerics got a chilly reception, wait till the group finds out the theurgist can’t bladeturn. And not only do they hate him, he even hates himself for “speccing wrong.” Yeah, maybe he can mez, but not anything like a sorcerer. Maybe he can nuke, but if they want a nuker they look for a wizard. Their only saving grace is that most people are too polite to push them directly out of the group when learning of their specialty. Their hobbies include sighing and rerolling.
Typical Quotes:
“At 35, I can’t bladeturn yet, but I’m working on it.. should only take 12 more levels”
“God, I wish they’d hurry up and put in respeccing.”
“No, really, manual-cast group bladeturn with serenity and mystic crystal lore is just as
good as pulsing bladeturn! HONEST!”

The Cabalist
Cabalists are a myth. They don’t really exist. Oh sure, every once in a while there’s a “cabalist sighting,” where a blurry screenshot of what might could be a simulacrum half-obscured by foliage appears, but most intellectually sound people discount these as chicanery. There are no Cabalists any more.
Typical Quotes:
“No, I really am a Cabalist! And I really CAN contribute! Honest injun!”

Chapter 4: Rogues

The Minstrel
Minstrels are rather similar to Earth Theurgists in that everybody wants one in their group. However, unlike the theurgists, Minstrels are NOT easygoing, and if forced to sit still and play the power song for too long, their heads will explode. They compensate by jumping up and down constantly, running in circles around the group while jumping, and the like. Often they are also called upon for crowd control, since all the Sorcerers are in the mental hospital. They’re made even more antsy because they chose a life which they thought would be the wind in their hair, the open road, and absolute freedom, and it turned out to be sitting on their butt in a marsh beating out the power song on a drum over and over again, forever.
Typical Quotes:
“Yeah, yeah, I know, ‘Power song plz’.”
“Go faster please, jeez this is boring!”
“No wonder all the sorcerers are insane, with how you guys break mez.”

The Scout
Scouts carry the sad dichotomy of being RvR titans and PvE lepers. Monster hunts usually exclude the scouts, and as such you’ll often find clumps of scouts around lesser-populated spawns, each soloing blue-green critters and gritting their teeth. Each scout almost has a downright christ complex, as he became a scout for their RvR abilities and they view the evil necessity of leveling up to get there as their crucifiction and martyrdom. Then when they come of RvR age, all that repressed rage comes out, as they become antisocial and vindictive, channeling the sheer, pure might of their anger into every arrow.
Typical Quotes:
“What, when I needed exp, you laughed at grouping me, and now that you need RPs, you
want me to group? EAT SH%#!”
“Look at that DAMAGE!”
“One million RPs and counting! OMG scouts ROCK!”
“I boosted stealth as high as longbow! You aren’t allowed to kill me! Down with See

The Infiltrator
Suffering from a similar strain of PvE leprosy as the scout, though not as intense, infiltrators also tend to be lone wolf types. They enjoy sneaking up on casters and killing them in less than a second, sneaking up on archers who think they are invisible and killing them, and sneaking up on grey-cons and killing them. They also enjoy waving and dancing while stealthed. They’re the class everybody without a high shield spec and metal armor fears, and all the other assassin types hate him because he gets an extra spec point or two.
Typical Quotes:
“He never knew what hit him, the poor bastard. Heh heh heh heh heh..”
“This is the way we gut some grays, gut some grays, gut some grays...”
“OMG See Invis ROCKS!”
“Of course I should stay invisible after killing somebody with 1 hit, I’m an assassin, it’s
what I do!”

This was originaly posted on the exiled forums by fast/starion and was funny enough to share with all of you, dont know where he got it though. I"m Also gonna take advantage of the opportunity to wish both our guildies starion/fast and bellum/dhs a big congrats for leveling their alts to lvl 50 !
So big grats
Starion lvl 50 friar - fast lvl 50 minstrel
Bellum Lvl 50 theurgist - Dhs Lvl 50 firewizz


Its is very funny, I agree.

Have been posted twice on BW btw, but its still funny, and in my opinion it should be revived, lets say every month..



LOL, again very funny =)

by the way my cabby answer is on the other 1


About Theurgists :))
Only dumb asses who dont know how to play are in situation of not having pbt and ability to nuke :)))
I am air/earth theu and i can play wizzie style on a number of targets :p
Also i get in grps, and i dont stay AFK :)) I nuke, the hell out of the mobs but the advantage is that i dont get that much aggro :))
Well show me a wizzie with speed, haste, pets (easy oranges), mezz, pbt.. :))
Although we get nerfed in 1.52 :((


bah its hard to be a theurg nowdays=) its basicaly TOO MANY OF US!

i can walk around in lyonesse for 3-4 hours without grp hehe. and then i suddenly get a DM and 20 peeps msg me if i wanna join a grp:p


“What, when I needed exp, you laughed at grouping me, and now that you need RPs, you
want me to group? EAT SH%#!”


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