Funny part 1




The Polearmsman
The Polearmsman is an aggressive type, marked by overconfidence in both his weapon and his armor. He believes that the best defense is a good offense, and if he could directly convert his armor factor into damage he probably would. He is a cleric’s nightmare, with little regard for his own safety and even less for anyone else’s. When put in a situation where he can’t use his beloved polearm, he will quickly become agitated and whip out his crossbow to go stand in the most dangerous position possible (preferably one near a crowd of people who are safely hidden behind defilates so he can get them AE’d) and attempt to pepper the enemy with bolts.
Typical Quotes:
“Well what are we waiting for, let’s go kick their ass!”
“All this sitting around is driving me crazy.”
“OMG Polearms ROCK!”
“Dammit, mezzed.”
“Need rez”

The Sword’n’Board Armsman
One who rolled his character with a romantic tear in his eye for his childhood dreams of being a knight with his sword and shield, over time the SnB Armsman becomes bitter and then resigned to the fact that he will never kill anybody. He’s exceptionally proud of his slam shield style, and takes pride in his ability to safely hold aggro in PvE, and tends to look with disdain and jealousy at his polarm-wielding cousins, who leveled up by using groups as disposable kleenex instead of trying in vain to keep their own stupidity from killing them. Many of the SnBA’s take up hobbies such as trade skills or seigecraft (or a scout alt) to fill the gaping void left by their inability to actually damage anybody who doesn’t stand still. Most of his RPs will come from tagging each enemy once with his crossbow and then hoping somebody more able will kill them.
Typical Quotes:
“I’m hitting this guy for 50, he’s hitting back for 300?!”
“Engaging NPC archer with shield.”
“The enemy is near? Good thing I brought these Trebuchet parts!”
“Dammit, mezzed.”
“Need rez”

The Paladin
Welcomed in every monster hunt, and laughed at in every PvP encounter, the poor Paladin has much in common with the SnBA, even if the paladin is a 2 handed one. Months of telling himself “I’m not crippled, I’m just a ‘defensive’ tank” has saved the last shred of his self esteem as he spends most of his time in the frontier either rezzing or waiting for a rez. They enjoy creating wild, frenetic lightshows by cycling through their chants as quickly as possible. In personality they range from “biblethumper who stops to pray loudly at the drop of a hat” to “Armsman with chants” with a very wide spread.
Typical Quotes:
“Have at thee! Hey stop! Come back here! Dammit!”
“Rez inc”
“What the heck does matter resist do?”
“Dammit, mezzed.”
“Need rez”

The Mercenary
The unwanted stepchild of albion tanks, the merc types range from “Jack of all trades, master of none” to “outcast in search of his own identity.” One of the most mystifying things in all albion is how a mercenary deals damage by making thrusting motions with two hammers. An uncanny number of roleplayers choose to be mercs, and despite all the social abuse they take and the stigma of mercenarism, you generally find less assholes among the mercenaries than you do among the other tanks.
Typical Quotes:
“Your group needs a tank? Well sign me up! What do you mean, ‘REAL tank?!’”
“You think you’re so great with your plate, don’t you, buckethead.”
“Wassamatta, got sand in your eyes? Well NOW YOU DO!!”
“I don’t get it, armsmen can spec in crossbows, but I can’t in shortbows?”
“Dammit, mezzed.”
“Need rez.”

Chapter 2: Healers

The Friar
Friars are fighting healers who generally have a lot more fun than Paladins. They’re usually jolly and sometimes drunk. You meet a lot more “interesting” personalities among friars than you do in most other classes. They are generally more easygoing than other fighters because healing, rezzing and buffing gives them something to do while they wait for the casters to get the killing done. Despite the insane damage that they do with their staves, they are usually recruited as healers, until there’s a shadowblade or nightshade lurking about, and then out comes the friar’s “Caster disguise.” A botched critical strike and a few well placed staff styles later...
Typical Quotes:
“/e drinks his ale.”
“here comes the rez”
“/dance naked”

The Smite Cleric
No class is despised as much as the Smite Cleric. The best way to make 7 people groan in unison is to have them hear the cleric who just joined the group say “I’m a smiter.” And usually, there is just cause for this. Smite clerics have eschewed the helpful heals and buffs that are stereotypical of the healer archetype in favor of caster-like direct damage. Commonly called “Chainclad Wizards” or “Lightning-spec wizards,” they are able to sneak their ways into groups simply because their class still reads “cleric” in /who, and then they drop the “I don’t heal, I smite” bomb. Some of the most notorious and insufferable dickheads on your server are probably smite clerics.
Typical Quotes:
“I don’t heal, I’m a smiter.”
“Can’t rez, need power for smite.”
“(mumble)smite(/mumble)Cleric LFG!”
“OMG smite ROCKS!”

The Rejuv Cleric
No class is beloved as much as the Rejuv cleric. Having someone in your group who has dedicated their gamelife to keeping morons like you from dying just gives you warm fuzzies. These poor bastards don’t get to watch the fight, they stare intently at the group HP miniwindow, playing massively multiplayer online wack-a-mole, healing each bar as it goes down. Their rezzes are incredible, picking people off the ground and giving them back all their HP and half their power, but often these 12-second-cast-time wonders are upstaged by the 3-second-cast-time paladins and friars who swoop upon the corpse looking for ways to help. Since their nature relies on the others in their group to do the fighting and such for them, Rejuv clerics tend to be fairly scarce and usually very nice, very patient people... except they hate smite clerics even more than everybody else does.
Typical Quotes:
“Instant heal used”
“Rez inc......................... dang, another paladin stole it.”
“Somebody DOES have me on Protect-Ability, right?”
“Get it off me! Get it off me! I can’t heal you if it is hitting me!”

Chapter 3: Casters

The Fire Wizard
The bolt-tossing, AE-scorching fire wizard is one of the realm’s more simple souls. He loves blowin’ things up. This summer, everything gets blow’d up!! They love going over their spells and saying, “Let’s see, this one blows stuff up, and this one blows stuff up, and this one blows up stuff that is far away, and THIS one blows LOTS of stuff up all at once...” They have a fierce rivalry with ice wizards, who they consider to be wierd and stupid. They’re commonly seen tossing fire around like playthings, and farming realm points. Their only fear is the wily assassin.
Typical Quotes:
“Heheheh.. heh heh... heheheh... fire.. FIRE! FIRE!! Fire’s cool. heheheh..”
“Fffwwt-BLAM! Fwwt-BLAM! Ahh, life is good.”
“Never a minstrel around when you need power.”

The Ice Wizard
The Ice wizard is more damaging than his fire-tossing cousin, but he must get RIGHT down in the enemy’s face to do so. This means it takes an odd mixture of bravery and suicidal tendencies to be an ice wizard, though in defending a keep, they are very, very desirable. They don’t even have to pick targets to kill. The ice rings start blasting out and people start dying. They have a fierce rivalry with fire wizards, who they consider to be mundane and stupid. They too fear the wily assassin, and will often cast their ice ring for no apparent reason... just to check and make sure nobody is sneaking up on them.
Typical Quotes:
“Start healing me now, I’m going in to AE!”
“/yell need minstrel to power me”
“Poor fire wizards don’t know what they’re missing.”

The Sorcerer
The sorcerer’s life is that of crowd control. It’s why people become sorcerers. They get a nifty charm, and their damage is nothing to sneeze at, but the real perk of being a sorcerer is stopping an entire enemy army mid-charge, with little Z’s floating up from their heads. At least that’s the dream. Unfortunately, 50 levels of grouping with mez-breaking morons like you have made the sorcerer neurotic and brittle. It’s not a comfortable feeling, knowing one idiot can undo your entire contribution to a group and cause you all to die. Thus, most sorcerers are this close to nervous breakdown. They compensate by charming huge pets to soothe their ego, like telamon or megafelids.
Typical Quotes:
“It’s mezzed, don’t hit it. I said don’t hit it! Don’t hit...!... dammit”
“No, numbskull, root is NOT crowd control.”
“...can’t sleep, clowns will eat me... can’t sleep, clowns will eat me... can’t sleep...”


lol nice post :), as me beeing a poler i use most of the lines listed for it

most used lines :
“Dammit, mezzed.”
“Need rez”

so plz rezz me....:)

and as for you S/S armsmans out there :

tends to look with disdain and jealousy at his polarm-wielding cousins

Most of his RPs will come from tagging each enemy once with his crossbow and then hoping somebody more able will kill them.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Mousah mOO
Pikeman at 50
<Dragon Knights>


OMG , HILARIOUS, so Funny, really nice 1 =)

But u forget Cabby....=)

It goes something like this =)

" Lmao, look the pet going"

" no need to heal me" looks for Grey mob....gets aggro..." heal me"

" They r diseased , Mezz , Mezz"

" Get that infil out of here"

" Look them , they hit muh Pet!, lmao 33.x DPS on its way"

" NS NS NS , eat that 1"

" Bah, im debuffed by 10 diff things"

" Keep me Alive, ffs"

- Pathfinder -

This has been posted around 5 times on these boards allready. Still amusing though ;) I know the smite quotes goes for me ;)

Let's hear it:

OMG smite ROCKS!


LOL never seen this before and I liked it.

It's so right about the rej cleric just sitting watching the mini bar, sometimes I think I'm playing myst (point click quickbar 4, point click quickbar 4, point click quickbar 4 etc..)

Very boring, get slagged off when someone dies in like 2 hits and they arent aware of a spell taking more than a nano second to cast and feeling like a McDonalds staff member (I'll have a dex/quick buff and a con buff to go plz)

Still can be fun in a good group tho :)


LOL thats. so so true.....

Slam does rock ;)

Great post :)


for hib classes

stolen from another board

Spear Hero
The Spear Hero is an interesting character. His defining ability is the ability to thwack enemy targets for over 700 damage at a time, with little concern for what anyone else is doing or attacking. Often seen waiting outside Druim Ligen for a bard to take him to emain, he entertains himself by talking trash on /say chat to those leaving DL. He believes his spear is some sort of sacred relic that all should bow down to and is loathe to waste its precious durability on keep doors (though he often does anyway). He can be observed laughing at sword/shield heroes who didnt spec celtic spear like he did or becoming instantly agitated by very small things (like losing almost 1/4 of their hp against an even con armsman) at which point he morphs into a huge walking Stag and starts running in circles, swearing, and raising hell.
Typical Quotes:
"omg i owned him in 1 spear attack lol"
"all this waiting is driving me crazy!!!"
"jeez i hate mez..need rez"
"can someone take me to emain already, jeez i hate waiting!"
"dont make me break mah horns off in yo' ass!"

Sword n' Shield Hero
A hopeless romantic who believes he has a "higher calling and higher duty" to protect his realmmates in pve by safely being the main aggro holder. While he loves his slam shield style, he secretly hates the spearo because they too specced 42 shield but only for having slam as a utility skill whereas they specced 50 in 1h and shield so as to serve their group best. Their hobbies involve building trebuchets, getting all secondary tradeskills above 1000+ (or a ranger alt) to fill their despair at being unable to kill anyone.
Typical quotes:
"damn spearos"
"i hit him for 89, can someone finish him? im OOE"
"anyone need 50 cloth puppets?"
"bbl, leveling ranger to 20"

A half, pseudo, almost-but-not-quite-tank, the blademaster enjoys being the example class used when a poster on the VN boards asks mythic to fix the "gimped classes". They are proud of their every 30 minute ability to create a third sword from thin air to double their damage and one of their favorite pasttimes is talking on IRC, while dead in emain at the AMG, with mercenaries about who is more gimped and which sucks more, triple wield or dirty tricks.
BM's are generally pretty nice guys, a developed trait from desperately trying to convince exp groups that they can indeed tank and to invite them in. They also are more or less resolved to their curse of never getting improved.
Typical Quotes:
"i can tank honest! we just need 2 or 3 more druids, then we're good!"
"29 more minutes before i can do something guys"
"dude im more gimped. Dirty tricks owns triple wield, shut ur mouth"
"i just celtic dualed sweet"

The poor champion actually believed the DAOC manual that said a champ was a "combination of fighter and mage" and as such specced valor really high for their insanely cool mage abilities. At least that's the dream. They quickly found out their mage abilities meant mediocre stat debuffs and a DD and so they check off a calendar until the day respecs come in to they can nuke valor from 50 to 30. However, nothing pleases them more than spamming blue swirls of debuffs over their enemy every 20 seconds.
Typical Quotes:
"I'll get elemental magic spells at 20 valor guys! Er..well..maybe its at 50 instead!"
"Made you lose 10 str and dex! yaha!"
"the manual says RIGHT HERE "combo of fighter and mage"! how was I supposed to know?"

Chapter II - Casters

Void Eldritch
Few classes are as disdained by leveling groups as Void Eldritches. Nothing makes a group sigh and shake their head quite like hearing they cannot pbae or even pull. Marked by a devout patience for leveling up but insane hatred for the numerous bolt bugs in daoc, the void eld convinces himself it will be alright once he's in RVR and pharming realm points which is the only reason he has patience for exping. Void eldritches are fond of spamming a 2 damage aoedd that obscures everyones vision (and breaks mez) with a big black and purple void sphere while at standoffs at the AMG. Their only fear is the wily assassin.
Typical quotes:
"freakin useless"
"LOL god i love bolts! i just 1-shotted him!"
"eldritch lfg! sigh no i cannot pbae...."

Mana Eldritch
No one knew up until recently what a mana eldritch was exactly. Everyone before them made elven void elds so they're typically lurikeens, in the spirit of being different. They delight in informing their bitter, soloing elven void eldritch friends of their super powerful pbae. Called upon by fins groups day in and day out for their beloved pbae, they are commonly seen pharming kills at a keep door against attackers. Nothing pleases them more than running through the mag mell newb fields and blowing up the grass spirits and minor changelings en masse.
Typical quotes:
"ok stand in a nice big clump guys...thats it.."
"checking for assassins with pbae guys...all clear.."
"woot im lurikeen!"

The enchanter's life is an easy but often solo life - but he is fine with this due to his ability to successfully solo multiple purples and reds. He enjoys a powerful pet who occupies the purple baf mobs while the 'chanter moves in and casts his potent pbaoe like mad. Usually very kindly, he will go around buffing level 1's with super buffs that allow the lowbies to level from 1-10 in just a few minutes.
Typical quotes:
"sure, i solo cronicorns all the time. Dont you?"
"here you go, happy leveling"
"sure i'll buff you in connacht, im down soloing in siabra city, be right there."

Many hibernians and group leaders are confused as to what exactly a mentalist does. No one really knows except mentalists. Often times the group leader is astounded to find out they can heal and cast power regen. At this discovery, the group leader usually says he was just kidding about their group being "full". They can be found in their natural habitat in Emain Macha putting on loghery man disguises to blend in with their loghery man brethren.
Typical quotes:
"No, don't hurt me! Ha ha ha, I'll be back, just you wait and see!"
"You wouldn't hit a cluricaun would you?"
"YES I CAN HEAL OMG how many times do i have to say it?"

Chapter III - Healers/Naturalists

Bards are without question the most desired class in any group, rvr or pve. They are aggressive types ironically in spite of the fact that if they die, their group dies. As such they are commonly seen charging the front lines splashing AOE mez over every target in sight - and then asking for rez. Their sole purpose in life is end song, run song and power song, thus, like their albion counterparts, they get antsty fast, especially during pve hunts and keep defense. Due to this stress buildup, bards usually expel this anxiety by running in circles around Innis Carthaig or running up on top of keep battlements at Dun Crimthainn and jumping off the walls until they die, release, and leave a grave.
Typical quotes:
"Sorry guys, didn't mean to die jumping off the keep walls"
" drum broke, we gotta leave DF so i can repair at TNN"
"i'll tank them!"
"jeez this is boring! can we please go to the bog now?"

Nurture and Regrowth Druid
No class is as beloved as the healing and buffing Druid. Knowing there is a class that exists solely to save morons like you from death and exp loss is a great feeling. These poor sunzabitches don't actually watch the fight or play the game - they watch the hp window and click each one if it moves down and resussitate any fallen Hibernians to alive status. Being primary healers, Druids are seemingly unbelievably patient and are very nice people and have no problem rezzing your sorry ass off the ground or buffing you thru the roof. However, 50 levels of grouping with aggro-causing morons like you have made the druid inwardly schizophrenic and sick of total group wipeouts because he died trying to insta- heal everyone.
Typical quotes:
"rez otw"
"(talking to himself): can't sleep or group will die..cant sleep or group will die..."
"did we win the fight guys? was watching the hp window"

Nature Druid
This poor bastard deserves our pity. He, like many many others, pictured the druid as a nature-friendly character that would be able to summon all these wonderful pets to do their bidding and generally be "One with Nature." At least thats the dream. 50 levels later he realizes his 50 nature spec didn't get him anything other than a stupid level 35 green con lynx. Not only do groups despise him (and his goofy pet), he even hates himself for "speccing wrong". He too keeps a calendar waiting until respec comes in.
Typical quotes:
"I am One with Nature."
"Need my pet to help guys? No? fine then!"

The warden has the easiest life of any hib char anywhere. With rez, heals, and pulsing bladeturn like his, he can pull the "be back 10 mins for a smoke" bomb 6 times an hour and the group will still grit their teeth and say no problem. He can go AFK for the entire hunt and still the group will desperately beg him to put on /follow and bladeturn. Moreover, it is not uncommon in the least to see a group of 7 wardens and a ranger/shade. The one thing you cannot have too much of is wardens after all. Wardens are sometimes pretty easygoing guys but deny them something and out comes their favorite hobby: pulling the "sorry gtg" bomb 30 minutes into every fight and then agreeing to go afk w/ bladeturn on.
Typical quotes:
"F*** you! i need a cigarette!"
"sorry guys i really gotta go..(2.2 seconds later)..sure i'll go AFk on /follow!"
"warden lfg! oh nvermind, got one."


Chapter IV - Stalkers

The ranger is a god among men and a titan of RvR. At least they were. Following their mighty mighty nerfs and see hidden, rangers are typically found gritting their teeth killing blue con irewood greenbarks or waiting in line for a cursed forest group. Half of the rangers out there were once alts when ppl discovered their power and the other half deleted or ebayed following see hidden. As such, some of the most insufferable, anti-social dickheads in the whole game are rangers and will usually snap at you viciously if someone mentions the word "ding". Many rangers have taken up permanent residence outside Druim Ligen, since groups ignore their lfg pleas and infiltrators are lined up from there to emain to gank them. Their hobbies include buying staves/robes to try to pass as an eldritch, swearing profusely and often, and making 'ranger LFG' macros for their extra quickbars.
Typical quotes:
"eat S#*% you fu*#%er. I've been level forty $#%$# four for 3 weeks now goddamnit. kiss my white #@%"
"i can nuke and cast bladeturn i really can! just invite me and i'll show you"
"jeezus i f*$%#@ hate blade $%#$%# turn"

Possibly one of the most balanced classes around now, they still feel they are 'gimped'. This is natural of course when you examine their counterparts. Thus, nightshades look with anger and envy upon their counterparts, the infiltrator and shadowblade, who are better in every single way to a nightshade. They take great pride in leaping suicidally off keep walls after ganking defending casters and they too have several quickbars devoted to 'nightshade lfg'. They're commonly seen singling out archers many levels higher than they and ganking grays.
Typical quotes:
"8 dead grays, ah life is good"
"nightshade lfg! yes with evade VI and 2 healers, i can tank!"
"lol, poor bastard archers"


Bladeturn, r0x0rz dmg buff, aoe mezz, aoe root, dd, haste, runspeed. and pets that either stun/tank or dd.
Theurgs are the jack-of-all-trades of Albion, but also the master-of-all trades.
Theurgs always get group, can solo high reds, sometimes purple. A groups worst nightmare is the theurg that goes: "PBT? Whats that? Im Ice spec".
Theurgists are the number one groupchar, rivalled only by the rejuv cleric. His dam buff, haste and pbt doubles the pull speed of any party, especially if the theurg throws in his massive dd-potential.
Theurgs, as wardens, have that magnificent extra specline called Afk-Xp.
"I have to go shop, shall I log? I'll be back in 3 hours" (And group screams stay! say! stay!).
"Im tired, I'll go to bed - shall I leave the comp on?"
"Heres ya buff, now stop bugging me and kill mobs"
"Anyone mind if I go afk? This is boring."

Oh and a few scout quotes:
"I hate pets"
"I hate pbt"
"I hate nearsight"
"I hate <insert random archer-nerf>"
"MUAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAH 1008 damage on that blue elf ranger"
"AAAAHAHAHHAHAHA nightshades sux so bad, I owned him totally"
"GRRRR healers and dr00ds are so lamely overpowered"
"Gimme buffz0rzzzzz"
"No thx, i'll solo"
"I can pull" (desperately asking for group)


Heh, well, as mainly smite cleric i usually have to tell my party "no, honest, I can heal!" when they dont know me well. I think that should fit in (waits for ody to tell me again how im a lame n00b smitecleric..). :)


Vile ure a lame n00b smitecleric and I would rather party with Elegimpido before u!!!


Damn you, u filthy dane drunkard n00b archer type rp harvester n00b ass n00b n00b!!! :D

old.Tomask Writus

Im with vile on this one ...... good description of ody there :p
Also must say NERF ody :D

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