Funniest DAoC Fight?



I once, was at the second floor of the healer house in Huginfell and these(to other realmies) Blodfeleg keep circling the town. Well, since their aggro range was wide enough they could spot me INSIDE the building, run all the way up to the second floor and start bashing me while i was talking to a NPC.

Naturally i bashed them to tiny bits but was funny how noone in the town reacted in any way, even the dumb troll kept going on about his lost stuff while i fought for my life :p


when someone ld'pulls EVERY SINGLE drakulv in the fricking game, that was fucking hilarious. was about 3000 billion/million/kazillion drakulvs ganking ppl from Lair to the N :D

Oh and in a Dragon-time on a saturday morning, with like 70 ppl on log hill when Gjalpin decides say hello with some aoe.
Everyones loot-hassling and such, but EVERYONE was done relogging, she actually used 3 Aoe's to kill all of us ^^

Thank god for Jullia (wherever she is now) who had her healer logged here while she was lvling Jullia ^^
We mustve spent almost an hour just ressing ppl :D

And one time I duelled Cronn, it was a very fast duel and when we both stepped down we both had this much hp: "|"
I think Cronn wouldve won, since I just had hit :)
Looking forward to try again btw.
Oh, and Quicksilver too (im tired of living, ok? :p )


Funniest for me was when I sat at the Albion DF merchants with my L42 friar for around ten seconds, I mean ten seconds... I travelled 2m away from my computer to another desk to get a sheet of paper.
When I returned I had been hit for 763 damage by Cylian and a few smaller poison damages... dead friar :)
Just funny how I had my volume up fairly high and was 2m away and didn't notice a thing. 10 seconds was all it took :D


I had a funny experience a few weeks ago (was lev 47 at the time I think). I was in DF by the merchants checking my combination of gear/items and comparing stats to get an optimal setup. I was completely alone in the merchant area. Suddenly i get hit and dd'd and when I turn around there is a yellow con troll bashing me. I was totally unprepared and surprised and accidently quickcast my AE root instead of the single target root. The troll is rooted but so are 2 merhant goblins. I have very little life left and slooowly run to max range and send 3 or 4 earth pets on the troll and start nuking away. The root is broken and the troll starts running towards me. I manage to kill him before he reaches me only to get killed by one of the merchants I rooted by mistake. Was a fun fight with a silly ending (at least for me). :)


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
I once, was at the second floor of the healer house in Huginfell and these(to other realmies) Blodfeleg keep circling the town. Well, since their aggro range was wide enough they could spot me INSIDE the building, run all the way up to the second floor and start bashing me while i was talking to a NPC.

Naturally i bashed them to tiny bits but was funny how noone in the town reacted in any way, even the dumb troll kept going on about his lost stuff while i fought for my life :p

Lucky you, me and the wife died cos of exactly the same thing :(.


Hehe, first time I bought a weapon in DF, did the classic mistake of wanting to know what my groovy new sword looked like, so hit F6.... only thing was I still had the merchant targeted and in range.
Our kittens cause pretty regular chaos. After a while they tend to get jealous of the attention the keyboard is getting and promptly take a flying a leap and land on random keys. Caused a couple of deaths but most of the times its pretty funny.


n00b 79

i accidently AE nuked DF merchants when i was down in DF for the first time ever (lvl 41 or 42), well i died a painfull death :eek6:


I hope I won't be turning this thread into a most funniest deaths.. but my story is more of that kind ;)

I think it's okay to tell it now, since it has been like at least half a year since it happened :)

Well I was in a full group in Treibh Caillte, hunting some Rock Golems (we had just arrived)...
Well they re-pop fairly slow.. so we decided to take a sweep into the nearby Scragger room, and do them..

Tanks rush in and pull the 3 Scraggers.. I get ready to aoe.. start aoeing.. pull about 10 of the Lair Worms (neutral) that sit in the same room... hmm, insta death for your truly.. followed by a nice deathmessage spam of the rest of the group :D

Who would've thought the aoe would do neutrals also? :)(somebody was a bit :sleeping: :sleeping: )


Originally posted by old.Mirandalia
I hope I won't be turning this thread into a most funniest deaths.. but my story is more of that kind ;)

too late :)

my story is slightly similar, but in sprag den:

being a void eld i'm really not used to grouping, i can do it, i dont get aggro exept once in a very long time, i know aggro controll, i know when to nuke, when to stun, etc... ie all the usual eld stuff, but i just dont do it much because void = a life of soloing :).

so i get a group in sprag den once, anyway surprised as i was, i was quite happy, we go runnign around down there, just finished off a few things and were resting in downtime due to having to rez someone, anyway i'm on practically full mana, i'm just fine and dandy, i'm in sprag den, i'm surrounded by neutral yellow con mobs, so i figure i'll nuke one and try to get drops while everyone's resting, i mean, why not?

never again will i nuke those worms while grouped, having solo'd so much and grouped so little i totally and completely forgot the baf rules :) ie the one where it happens if a full group pulls what would have come singly when solo, ie a root worm! having my beaten down and resting group suddenly attacked by close to 8 worms, a few earth sprites and a wandering sprag was NOT a good idea!!! :D needless to say, we were totally wiped out, havent repeated that mistake again but damn it was funny!


was in uppland with a healer friend, both of us were lvl 50

3 albs were about, 1 yellowcon mincer, 1 yellow con cleric and a blue con cleric

We slugged it out, mezzes all over, at one point only the healer was not mezzed, other times it was just me and the minstrel.... after about 5 mins I manage to kill the minstrel, sadly my healer mate died too.... I've got 2 oop clerics beating on my, and I'm on less than half health (didn't have IP yet) I start backing away while parrying like mad.... I get one cleric down, leaving the yellow con at full health.... I start hitting, unstyled.... she hits me, unstyled..... fight goes on for another 2-3 mins.... I was on 0.000001, and so was she.... sadly she got me (I missed :( )

Then another mid finished her off..... was a great laugh, haven't enjoyed myself so much for a while


Bit more embarrasing than funny...

Was in Thid with my lvl 22 Warden yesterday, and me and 2 others got charged by a group of about 5 albs. A Highlander Armsman? chased some guy to my left, so I thought I would chase him and try to help. Fight started quite well with me doing equal damage to him, with an extra 10 from damage add, so I thought hey, I aint doing too bad here, but, a min later with me on no health and him on 99% he stopped and waived at me, before him and his mates finished me off hehe

Damn I hate being crap :D

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