Fun in snowdonia



I know all the Hibs who want to go out hunting tend to go to Yggdra or Uppland, and the Mids all come to the Gorge, but why does no one ever seem to go to Snowdonia?

Yesterday, aftera couple of abortive attempts to Yggdra and Sauvage with a a small group, I went to snowdonia on my own, and the Albs hunting there don't have a clue.

Plenty of blues soloing without any caution of invaders whatsoever, the area near the border door is full of greys Who can run about 20 yards back to the border guards, but don't, and after 1 to 2 hours of random wholsale Alb slaughter, still no high level gropups out trying to protect their low levels. As a solo non stealther (and a weak elf at that) I would have had no chance to do the same in Hib or Mid lands (even if i could find anyone in Yggdra which is pretty rare).

To all the albs who died, I don't think I exp killed anyone, but the only one whom I might have was called Elfslayer, and he pretty much deserves it for standing on his own in the frontiers with a name like that :-p

And the yellow minstrel who ran off and stealthed, you could probably have managed to get me had you come looking, I was expecting to be mezzed and chopped up for ages after that :)

And a special salute to the group of 3 greens (sorry I forgot your names) who put up the only decent fight while I was there, very well done especially since I would be purple to you, shame I ran into the Knight Commander shortly afterwards.

Sharp Thing

time and place and il come kick your ass there :clap:


I'm sure you would if you patrolled it regularly and protected your low levels :)

But go out there soloing as a blue without stealthing to rest, or taking any precautions (like having a stealthed high level archer around, or even just being able to call for help on alliance / guild chat) and you'll be dead. Just like Hibs and Mids that are foolish in the frontiers do.

And P.S. more albs please hunt the ravenclan giants, they drop nice swords I hear, and are nice and red, so any groups able to hunt them should be able to put up a good fight, as it is if we want a deentfight we almost have to go all the way to the Ellyls, and there is hardly anyone else in Sauvage to make up for the long boring trip down there.


Shame you've never been in Snowdonia while I've been farming arawnites, I'd kick your ass ;)


Me and machiavelli went to snowdonia once, saw a couple of albs after 1 hour of camping. Maybe you can show me their xp spots armo, so tired of killing mids now.


Any time Mati, maybe I was just lucky there, but I never seem to see many mids in Yggdra at all. Apart from that guy Viking Archer and his mates, he is always around there ;)


Fact is not many ppl XP in snowdonia, and its a drag getting there :rolleyes:

There arent many area's around snowdonia where you can hunt as 45+ ... (Yes there are a few spots, ravenclaw giants are one, ellyll is another good choice)

So all highlvl mids & hibs go to snowdonia, we wont stop you... (gives me time to murder all the mids & hibs in gorge/uppland/yggdra/etc)


The few times i have went to Snowdonia, i have seen 3-4 albs max!! Eventually i decide to suicide or see if i can take a patrol alone - boredom tends to get me killed....


whoever started this thread wot lvl were u tho????


Originally posted by midsrbest
whoever started this thread wot lvl were u tho????

49 (still not 50 yet, I will so make it one of these days).


im there alot atm near first arawnite spawn come see m8 ;) ill give u a fight ill prob lose but it will be a good fight

Bleri McThrust


So it was you who killed my mate Elfslayer.

We were having fun with the Rovers (Pennines not Snowdonia). One of those lets fight with no real concern for safety moments. No pulling just charging, fun not exp :). When the group found itself split. Split group = dead group. Elfslayer was at that moment running for safety when up pops an Elf and kills him.

We did return to look for you but unfortunately never did find you :(. As to wether he had a grave or not, Im not sure but will ask him later :) Will also tell him who killed him :) Im sure he will look out for you :D


Well I did get RP (not a lot but some) and his grave isn't there today, so i guess he was OK.

But having a name like that is asking to be killed really isn't it?



I was hoping you'd be a Barrys World user lol. Couldn't quite remember you name though.

Im Kagato, one of the 3 Greens you got up on the hill, the guy with the Polearm who tried to get behind you after you mezzed my mate.

For the record the other armsman was Brachfae, and the cleric you killed last was Ariadni, and yup, you were purple to me certainly though the other 2 where a few levels higher (im 35).

I was hoping our cleric would of had enough sense to heal me rather then try to fight you, if she had im pretty sure i'd of got you with one more good hit, alas she's a natural born smiter and you won.

You were quite lucky though, we were on the way to meet the rest of our party at the time, I wasn't even in grouped at the time and there'd of been 5 of us if you'd waited any longer to attack. Didn't know anything was happening till Brach got the mezz animation on him, could not see you down the edge of the hill.

Very well played, congratulations :clap:

p.s Thanks for the salute, its nice to see some people still do that rather then the childish jumping on bodies.

p.p.s I'll be looking out for you in the future now heheh



Lol yeah I think you were the one I had trouble clicking on to get the mez in, you were right behind one of your mates, who I nearly (or perhaps did) mez twice instead of you :)


Originally posted by Armolas
But having a name like that is asking to be killed really isn't it?

Nah, being a hibbie or middie is ;)


Well I didn't have fun in Snowdonia tonight :( I thought I'd give the Hibbies a break for a change :) and kill some Albs instead. It took me ages to get to there as I took the wrong route DOH! And by the time I reached my destination I hardly saw anyone and one of my few kills was a Celt Bard. So come on you Albs exp in Snowdonia and give us Stealthers something to do :D


as stated above not many folks lvl in snowdonia . ussually the only time you will see people there is if they are camping hollowmen or arawnites for chain/plate drops and maybe a cple of other bits and bobs .

most the high lvls that goto snow are ussually solo and are doin epics or looking for otd mobs , or even on there way to meet group at ellylls.

so im sure a lot of hib/mid trips to snowdonia will become fruitless because inside albion in safe areas there is more than enuff safer exp spots to lvl in .


Yes today there were a lot less ppl there, maybe I should have kept it quiet, yesterday there were loads of soloers there and on the way, and the guard patrols seemed to have been stepped p a bit as well :(


Well what I did when my ickle scout was ganked by Frankenstein & Co in Snowdonia was literally catch the next tele to Odins, marched to Yggdra via hib wall killed about 6 hibs camping yggdra and a few mids, whatya know but Frankenstein comes out trying (poorly) to find me heh. Got bored, took the carrot Blue con (eventually) and went back to xping.

I recommend it. Everytime u get ganked in our frontier go to thier frontier and kill 4x as many.


Originally posted by Zilly
Well I didn't have fun in Snowdonia tonight :( I thought I'd give the Hibbies a break for a change :) and kill some Albs instead. It took me ages to get to there as I took the wrong route DOH! And by the time I reached my destination I hardly saw anyone and one of my few kills was a Celt Bard. So come on you Albs exp in Snowdonia and give us Stealthers something to do :D

lol, you really jumped me there ;)

[]You turn around for cigarette
[]You light a cigarette
[]You're hit for XXX damage
[]You burn your fingers with cigarette
[]You're dead, your corpse lies on the ground ;)

PS. Only saw there one gray saracen, running back and forth from the gate - dunno why.


Originally posted by Sko

lol, you really jumped me there ;)

[]You turn around for cigarette
[]You light a cigarette
[]You're hit for XXX damage
[]You burn your fingers with cigarette
[]You're dead, your corpse lies on the ground ;)

PS. Only saw there one gray saracen, running back and forth from the gate - dunno why.

LOL it's not my intention to inflict pain outside Daoc so apologies if I put the frighteners on you :)

Just to add on what was said earlier, it seems some Albs really have no clue at all. I had just killed an Alb in front of Snowdonia keep while others looked on above. Then a Scout comes down to investigate stealthed which I could see through very easily, so another Alb corpse care of yours truly.

At this stage I'm beginning to think they must be smart enough to stay where they are. So what does this grey con Mage type do not long after? He comes down to have a go. Like DOH!


yeh m8 i also know ur name now 2 and ur on my list (ok my list is 5 pages long and includes anything fom cornish hens 2 rvr players) but u r damn near the top and I hope 2 give u a better fight next time we meet ;-)

Well played - will c u soon



Its easy to forget that snowdonia/sauvage is a rvr zone, its suprising to see another alb there let alone a enemy of the realm :)

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