Fun between LDs



hehe, while server was going down and up, we had some fun with albs @ amg :D Marahh almost got me a few times tho ^^ but lil kobbie legs can be fast sometimes :)

2 bad u didnt want 2 share the /dancing fun with me and attacked naked kobbie :(

Anyway, was fun ^^ and some nice ammount of RPs :m00:


He was naked? ;)

So thats why he was dancing and all :p

He looked damn ugly though :D


Aussie, u`ll c my big tr0ll in emain when i`m back from Germany, and when Head is rr5 :D Till then , enjoy Headdy :m00:


Wedge! FU! My kobbie is cute! :))) And i bet Aussie didnt shoot me cuz she like naked, muscled kobbie body! :D


came to the crabs saw org con troll(vanigard?) and a few green, greys there, was going for the troll when i think he dl again but this time a (minstral cheradine?) was gone take him i think so he/she whent instead after the low cons but to show that we hibs and mids play toghter i pa the yellow con when he/she messed the poor lowis but ofcourse after waving and killing a few crabs with them i dl...

Hope u still there now when i logg :)


just for the record, i was going after the (orange) troll myself. But since the lowbies were green rather than grey, i thought i'd better mezz em so they didn't interfere. Was quite a shock to get a keen in the face... went LD of course right after you PA'd, didn't even get a chance to stun, run and attempt to survive poison ;(


hehe, I was at amg while you were around Head. Mind you with the lag, I would be standing on the wall minding me own business taking in the scenery, and would then get hit by 3 arrows at the same time. :(

Gave marrow some good excercise when I told him where you were tho. :D


Originally posted by old.LandShark
just for the record, i was going after the (orange) troll myself. But since the lowbies were green rather than grey, i thought i'd better mezz em so they didn't interfere. Was quite a shock to get a keen in the face... went LD of course right after you PA'd, didn't even get a chance to stun, run and attempt to survive poison ;(

"but this time a (minstral cheradine?) was gone take him i think "

with that lagg i was surprise i got the pa in even got cd in so if u dont had like a few stones u would be dead but the fun part was
when u died/ld the greys/greens where gone kill me but after i waved a few times the got the point that i would not kill them..


Vangard was orange troll you were going after? Vangard's lvl 50 hammer zerk, prolly the only one I've seen, I wouldn't go for him if I were you :p


Yeah, that would have been me at the crabs:D

Strange you saying you wanted to attack me Dexa, you weren't nearly so eager in Uppland today:p


Originally posted by old.Vandgard
Yeah, that would have been me at the crabs:D

Strange you saying you wanted to attack me Dexa, you weren't nearly so eager in Uppland today:p

well i becon u and a saw atleast blujpe and rolf there not easy then :)

got bord but got some y cons when u where looking

but it was fun i had too /q and while i was u where hiding behind the tree that i was /q at so i waved thout i die bc does 20 sec are slow :)

dexa lvl 46 ns

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