Fun and Frolics in odins



I have scome here to say sorry to those few hibbies that lost exp after chasing me last night :)

They rooted me, stunend me set pet on and were DDing me... i was down to about 50% HP by the time the stun wore of... and just began to sprint forward.. with this nasty celt hitting me with his mace and a naste caster basing me with pets and the like...

I obviosuly ran to close to some nasty critters and they aggroed onto me.. but before they hit me.. the caster got of his final DD so RIP Paranoid... but that naster critter that hads come running to kill me rooted all the hibs, called 4 of his friends (that was an amazing monster i must say) and they all went and bashed the hell out of the hibs...

Just to say really... let this be a lesson to you.. never mess with Paranoid you will end up worse then him.. heh, nah, just to say sorry for ya exp loss, i saw you all leave graves :/

Hope u get it back soon :)



yep was ice striders nasty mob root and dd root dd then bash the shit outta ya with 2 claws :/

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