Full time gaming vs real-life



Hi all,

Ive been playing daoc more or less non-stop the last 3,5 months or so, at least 10-12 hours a day i think... As anyone can guess this has had a negative effect on my real-life :doh: Now, as of today, i will start "operation salvage" on said real-life - need to save my university studies somehow... and will force myself to stay away during the daytime (only play evenings etc).
The reason i post this is that im curious as to how other players that spend obcene amounts of time online manage their real-life. How do you finance it if your not studying? And if your are students then how do you manage your studies? Ive noticed there are alot of fulltime gamers out there; please share your experiences, if its not to sensitive a subject ;)


once you get to 50 you can pretty much relax and only logon when there's something fun happening :)

saying that, I'm naturally apathetic towards any excessive studying on my part... priorities.. priorities... only one month to go before I'm no longer a student :mad:


dont play if its not fun and if your playing for that long per day you dont even sound like your enjoying it either.


10-12 hours a day for 3 months ???

fkin hell i thought my 3 hours a day, 12 hours a weekend was bad


Originally posted by n3wbie
dont play if its not fun and if your playing for that long per day you dont even sound like your enjoying it either.

Oh i am enjoying it - thats the problem ;)
Wasnt even a gamer at all til I started with daoc =/ and now im hooked ^^ Just need to scale it down some - as i said the amount of time ive been logged on the last months is way way to much.


Gamer here, always have been since my first gaming experience - Atari 2600! Then my Dad bought me my own little NES and I was happy... and my grades fell... and I went out less... but I was happy :)

But now... I s'pose I have this thing called life, and a Mrs.

Both aren't that bad but I miss my games. I play DAoC for an hour a day, 3 hours on a weekend... and it's nowhere near enough time to do anything. Here's my day:

8:15 - Wake Up
8:30 - Leave for Work
9:00 - Start Work
17:00 - Leave Work
17:30 - Get Ready to go see the Mrs.
18:00 - Leave for Mrs.
22:30 - Return
22:45 - Load up DAoC
23:45 - Go to Sleep


Normal everyday tasks needed to live fit in there somewhere too. Stuff like eating, drinking fluids, blinking and sometimes breathing.

Anyway, back to the topic - Enjoy your gaming experience while it lasts. After you get a job and a better (or worse) half, you ain't getting it back.


I winter time i spend most of my time in weekdays playing after work to around mindnight with brakes etc. but when summer is comming im playing far less lots of days where i dont even play at all. Weekends i either tend to game with some friends or go out depends abit on mood :)

In short in wintertime i play to much in summertime i dont :)


I once took 2 weeks off work so i could lvl my Cabby......


I work during the day, but most of the evening and weekends is taken up by playing in one sense or another. Whether it be DAOC, MOH, or another MMORPG.

I occasionally go out to the cinema or for a meal, and the mrs does accept i enjoy playing games, but going out to keep her sweet is always a good thing.

I don't have any 50's and have been playing more or less since retail release. I play for enjoyment. But my enjoyment seems to be in phases. This is when MOH or another MMORPG kicks in and i'll play something else for a week or two.

I must be doing something right tho - as for my birthday yesterday the Mrs gave me a budget of 500-750 notes to spend on upgrading the PC. I bet she thinks it'll keep me out of trouble. and she's correct. I'll merrily play on DAOC / MOH etc and not make a sound while she watches a DVD or pops out shopping.

Which reminds me ... i really must finish decorating the kitchen some time.... ;)

Cavex ElSaviour

Originally posted by fanaticalace
Hi all,

Ive been playing daoc more or less non-stop the last 3,5 months or so, at least 10-12 hours a day i think... As anyone can guess this has had a negative effect on my real-life :doh: Now, as of today, i will start "operation salvage" on said real-life - need to save my university studies somehow... and will force myself to stay away during the daytime (only play evenings etc).
The reason i post this is that im curious as to how other players that spend obcene amounts of time online manage their real-life. How do you finance it if your not studying? And if your are students then how do you manage your studies? Ive noticed there are alot of fulltime gamers out there; please share your experiences, if its not to sensitive a subject ;)

Not playing during the day helped me alot. also going to college and study in the library will take your mind of daoc. then ofc you have the other way to "study". go to a bar with your student mates and drink a few beer. and that is before 11 o'clock. helps alot if you start discussing study things in the beginning and slowly get lame conversations


God help me if i'd have had this while i was at Uni. Anyway I usually play for about 3 hours for 1 or 2 nights a week and I might get a couple of hours in on a sunday or saturday afternoon.

....and I still get sh1t off the girlf....and all of my other mates. They call me a sad tw@t for playing for about 10 hours a week. I suppose in some ways I am....time to crack out the rizlas, the beers and the console :D


Should be revising for finals, as it is, am playing 5-6-7-8 hours a day of daoc. Eek.


Originally posted by kuragari
Here's my day:

8:15 - Wake Up
8:30 - Leave for Work
9:00 - Start Work
17:00 - Leave Work
17:30 - Get Ready to go see the Mrs.
18:00 - Leave for Mrs.
22:30 - Return
22:45 - Load up DAoC
23:45 - Go to Sleep

So...so... 9-to-5 jobs are not a myth ?? Oh my god I have to get one !

6h30 - get up
7h15 - get the kids up and get them ready
8h00 - leave to school/work
9h00 - start work
18h00/18h30 leave work
19h30 - get home, feed kids
20h30 - spend some time doing nothing in front of the TV with the Mrs
22h00 - Play DaoC
23h00/23h30 - Bed.

I can do with less sleep, but not too long.

Repent Reloaded

Since I played DAoC 24/7 and stopped about 3 weeks ago Im fighting day by day to pass my A level college corse, if I pass its gonna be close.

In other words you cant play DAoC "full time" and lead a normal or active life, Since I've stopped playing I got alot of self confidence back, started going out alot more and met a few new ppl, if you dont have a job becoz ur rich u can afford to play DAoC "full time" and still have an active life, if you have no job becoz ur a lazy twot and play DAoC "Full time" you need to sort ur life out.

My advice is not to stop, but play less, give it a miss every now and then, u will soon notice that DAoC isnt that important but you'll still have fun when you play it, in some ways more fun coz u've been lookin forward to it :)

Good luck @ uni!


Tripitaka maybe the reason she gave u the notes is because shes shagging someone else and she just wants to keep you unaware :p think about it...


'tis nice when your gf plays (she's nearly lvl 50); tho her playing a male char still feels odd. :p


I left home at the age of 16 and my first computer was a commodore 64.
I have since been hooked on computers.
Also, I have worked damn hard for everything I own.
I paid for my own college education and everything I owned from the age of 16.

I've been playing computer games and RPG's ever since then a lot!.
Now I'm 36 and I have a partner and 2 kids and I'm a sysadmin for a company in Denmark.

I still play probably every second night for most of the evening and on Saturdays all night.

I've discussed this with my partner in detail and for a while it was a problem between us.
However, I don't go on the computer until the kids are asleep, I cook dinner quite often and help out in the house.
She can go off and do her thing whenever she wants, as I often take my 2½ year old kid on the PC with me to play DAOC, he thinks the spell effects are great.

We spend a quite a bit of time together too and do lots of other things, but at the end of the day, I still like computer games.

I explained to my Partner, that I could be just down the pub a lot and come home pissed and useless instead of at home where I can help out even when I'm on the PC if necessary.

So, being a hardcore gamer isn't a bad thing as long as you prioritise it in your life.

And that's what it's about, just setting your priorities.
Maybe other people don't understand it, but then I can't understand how people can sit in front of the telly and watch sports or whatever all night.


wow ... most interesting tread..

from starcraft i have been playing computer games a lot .. in the start mostly RTS games.. but when US daoc came out i was hooked..

in the early days i really played DAOC a lot .. A LOT .. and tbh it fucked a few things up in my life ... or at least thats what i thougth in the first place...

laterz i have been thinking about that maybee somethings in my life was fucked up and startet to play DAOC a lot becuase it was an easy way out...

today i still dont know what was the cause of what..... but i think i have seen some pattern in most of the hard core gamers life..

if you play 10+ hours most days of the week it has a serverly influence on your life .. socially and profesionally..

and even though you enjoy it you still can be unhappy deep inside..

make this test to your self...

am i unhapy when i dont play ??
do i comfort my self by thinking about daoc ?? strategic's, in-game problems that you have to solve etc ?
does other stuff than gaming boore me ?
does RL ppl bore me if they dont play my game ?

at times hard-core gaming can be a ok solution... like when your GF broke up with you and you are very unhappy about it ...
thing is if you still play to comfort your self after several weeks, then you need to look at your gaming time to see if it does something good for your life ...

today i play a lot less than i did before ... and i both enjoy playing and not playing...

im not saying all hardcore gamers have som RL problems ... but tbh i think they have ... i know this is not something which will make me a lot of friends in a community like this...

remember some problems are not big ... maybee it can be small desisions that we dont want to make .. and by playing a lot we postpone the unplesant desisions... like breaking up with a GF .. changing education or what ever ..

in my case i had to turn rather much in my life up side down ... and without making any effort at all i just play less nower days...

still a good hoppy that i waster countless hours on but im not an addict...

some RL person..


just make sure you put aside time for the important stuff - do it before you login too...

and having a gf that plays the game makes everything that much easier :)


Oooo, i must find a gf to partner me in odins :)
the fun!


i spend an abscene amount of time playing this game

ive taken days of sick from work for it and so on,

I guess games like this have an effect on certain types of people and im one of those

im trying just now to limit my playing but the problem is a lot of the time i log on just to say hi to my guild and things then end up logged on all night

its affected my relationship, work and part time studies. In a way blaming the game is just a way of us avoiding the issue that it is ourselves to blame not the game.


see sig...

wife + kid + job

just no sleep


Originally posted by otho

On one of the DAOC websites (think it was Warcry) i found a link to a study about MMORPG addiction, it is quite interesting to read.



This was an interesting read Otho, thanks! I could definetly see myself fit into some of the cathegories... Ive been addicted to other non-substance things before, like sports - used to train for about 20+ hours a week and almost burned out on it - so there is a pattern im afraid =/

Anyhow first 2 days of "daoc cutback" have been ok^^ its actually not so bad playing only evenings since all one have to do is compress what you want to acheive alittle and do it in less time. Ive spent way to much time before i made this decision just doing nothing (occasionally puching a craft button and chatting some), just beeing online.


Originally posted by tripitaka
I work during the day, but most of the evening and weekends is taken up by playing in one sense or another. Whether it be DAOC, MOH, or another MMORPG.

I occasionally go out to the cinema or for a meal, and the mrs does accept i enjoy playing games, but going out to keep her sweet is always a good thing.

I don't have any 50's and have been playing more or less since retail release. I play for enjoyment. But my enjoyment seems to be in phases. This is when MOH or another MMORPG kicks in and i'll play something else for a week or two.

I must be doing something right tho - as for my birthday yesterday the Mrs gave me a budget of 500-750 notes to spend on upgrading the PC. I bet she thinks it'll keep me out of trouble. and she's correct. I'll merrily play on DAOC / MOH etc and not make a sound while she watches a DVD or pops out shopping.

Which reminds me ... i really must finish decorating the kitchen some time.... ;)

That 100% describes my life. Mrs is happy because she knows exactly where I am and she knows I aint spending money on silly stuff :clap:


It's just about time management and recognising that RL > DAoC and that games are, well, games.

I am a Project Manager for a software house, have a son and am away from home alot. Also racked up 7 Lvl 50's on 4 servers with 1 or 2 more on the way. Helps when your wife also plays the game :)

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