Full ML6 raid - Saturday 17th July - 1PM GMT / 14.00 CET


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Meetingplace is VOLCANUS and BG will be up 12.30PM GMT / 13.30 CET, we will try to move out 1PM GMT / 14.00 CET.

We will do all the ML6 steps EXCEPT the ML6.1 group step and the ML6.5 solo step. We will also do a Erinys Charm raid during this raid, and I will pre-claim the Erinys Charm. Any drops from Samut will be loto'd at the end of the ML6 raid.

Some general rules:
* We will not tolerate AFK's, if you miss something due to being AFK, its your own fault.
* We will wait 2 times for an LD with a maximum period of 5 minutes per 'LD'.
* Failure to listen to one of the leaders (Pantera, Khirash, Barbait, Shyne) will lead to removal from the BG
* Only none-unique boss-drops and scrolls will be lotto'd.
* We will not redo ML steps after we have done them during the raid unless a large number of people missed a step due to whatever reason (large part is more then 10% of the people attending).
* We will have short breaks during the raid so people can get drinks / toilet breaks / etc.

We'll try to have a smooth and fast raid. The lotto is one big roll, highest picks first, second highest next etc until everything is gone. The keys however will be on a separate lotto directly after Chimera is dead and those that won keys can lotto again in the item-lotto which will be held in VOLCANUS.

Important rule: Do NOT suicide directly after Chimera is dead but stick around until those that won keys have opened the chests!

/edited at posters request


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
its not a full ml6 raid if you dont do all steps sillybuns :p

ill prolly come btw, need like 500% ml xp so ^_^


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
shuld be noted that the items that the erinys mob drops are rather awesome :D


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
[NO]Magmatic said:

lol is often used in online world, such as irc or online games. It meas "laughing out loud" :p

and I'll try to be there


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
[NO]Magmatic said:

just found funny doing arti raid with a public ml raid, thats all :) no flames intended, your raid your rules oO


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Dorin said:
just found funny doing arti raid with a public ml raid, thats all :) no flames intended, your raid your rules oO
Well, its not that difficult to understand, while you do ML6, you run directly past Erinys Charm... With more then 4FG, which I do expect on this raid, or we wont be able to do 6.10 anyhow, the artifact itself wont slow down the raid for more then 15-20 mins... But for us (as a newly started small guild) its impossible to do this encounter...

Some would claim something like Chimera's vest, which is deemed 'acceptable' (if I read some of the raid announcements), so I dont see this as a huge problem... Definitly not as the loot gotten from Samut is very good, and there's a big chance for some nice scroll drops from the 6 camps that we need to kill...

If someone does feel its unfair, then their free to not join the raid... However, people that joined our ML3 raid last saturday know what to expect, a clean fast raid...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
[NO]Magmatic said:
However, people that joined our ML3 raid last saturday know what to expect, a clean fast raid...

and breasts, lots and lots of breasts


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
lol nps, i will prolly join at the end for credit bonus with svg, but claiming something that part of a raid is stilla bit different then doing an arti raid, dont need to write an article about it :p I need the arti myself, but will try to get it another way , maybe that will be funny too :p

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