Full Auto


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
Anyone bought this game? Got it earlier on the way to work, been playing it for a couple of hours now.... it's really fun ;d suprised how fast the last 2 hours have passed, it's the most fun game i've played yet on my 360!1

Let down by bad framerate sometimes but it's worth checking out!

(can't play online yet my live subs ran out :< )


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
You actually bought this poor game? its had bad reviews everywhere the best ive seen is an 8/10.

OXM gave it a 5.5 its that bad.

Its just a Twisted Metal ripoff and even Twisted Metal gets boring after the first day, ive resisted the urge and waiting for Ghost Recon.

I played Full Auto today in GAME for about 20mins and was bored after that horrible game by all standards.

1. Not really story mode.

2. poor poor framerate at times i'd hate to see this game online i bet it runs like old people fu**.

3. No customable weapon loadouts for cars? what? this is a next gen game?

4. They are making a sequal.

Come back in a weeks time after the honeymoon period has gone.. can't count how many times ive bought a game and said ITS AWSOME!!!!111 and after a few hours its actually shit and i go get a refund.

I'm not dissing you in anyway i'm just saying what most online sites are saying.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
Aada said:
I'm not dissing you in anyway i'm just saying what most online sites are saying.

That would be a veeeery bad idea! :d

It still owns this morning, I rarely keeps games though and would never pay £50 for full auto.. so I judge it as something to play for fun and that's what it is.. good PHUNZ till I get my refund in 9 days!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
People still use Game as a free rental place then eh? Dont they stop you returning games after constantly sending back?


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
KevinUK said:
People still use Game as a free rental place then eh? Dont they stop you returning games after constantly sending back?

Nope, awsome eh?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
KevinUK said:
People still use Game as a free rental place then eh? Dont they stop you returning games after constantly sending back?

When I was younger (arond 4-5 years ago) I used to buy like 5 pc game s a week , copied and tookback... after a couple of months they wrote on my reciepts (sp?) saying no refund.. but I tore the reciepts in half and took the unwritten on half in to another branch with my younger sister and made out she tore it.. they didn't argue ;d

Same thing with xbox, see them moaning soon done it like 5-6 times trying 360 games


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
game rocks

completed cod2 and gave it back :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
www.swapgame.com do 360 games for a nice monthly fee. But I suppose if GAME are stupid enough to let you do it for free then sod them :)

I played the demo of Full Auto that I downloaded from Live and it was utter shite. Sorry, just not my cup of tea at all.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Aren't you pretty much admiting to piracy?

I'm not making any judgements on people just trying to get a handle what people are saying.

You buy the games, play them and take them back and ZERO cost to yourself and ZERO profit for the publishers. It's not really a rental then is it?

I'm not on my high horse here cos I know I'm not whiter than white, just trying to point out that you're basically openly discussing methods of piracy under the veil of a "returns policy".


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
It's hardly piracy kenny. It's abuse of a refund policy, but then everyone knows that GAME are stupid to offer it in the first place. I'm not saying it's right, but it is not piracy or theft.

It is a wonder GAME make any money with that policy in place, but I think with their pricing they would struggle to get the sales otherwise.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I only take games back i really don't like if i like the game i'll keep it.. got a great collection of 360 games so far.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
~Latency~ said:
When I was younger (arond 4-5 years ago) I used to buy like 5 pc game s a week , copied and tookback... after a couple of months they wrote on my reciepts (sp?) saying no refund.. but I tore the reciepts in half and took the unwritten on half in to another branch with my younger sister and made out she tore it.. they didn't argue ;d

Same thing with xbox, see them moaning soon done it like 5-6 times trying 360 games

I believe the technical term is "You Pirating Scum".


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
If Gayme allows you to do this - abuse it, I just wouldnt have the nerve tbh.

£50 per 360 game? Game has to be incredible before it sees any of my money. Hence me still only having PGR3.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Sorry I missed the bit were latency said he would copy the game and then take it back. That is of course piracy.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Doomy said:
£50 per 360 game? Game has to be incredible before it sees any of my money. Hence me still only having PGR3.

same reason why i only have 2 games


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Yaka said:
same reason why i only have 2 games

I have 8 360 games mostly the best games that came out at launch.

I refuse to buy anymore now until GRAW or Oblivion.

Sega are just cashing in on full auto because there is nothing out so they know people will buy the game.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
So you morons who say it's piracy don't download software and use key generators and you never download games/music/films? You so do, admit it!

This was when I was 14-15 when I copied everything.. since I didn't use the net / only got money at xmas/bday ;d but it sure did last... £50 could get me 50 games back in the day... now I just return them when I finish.. unless it has lastability xd

Let's hear a cheer for game... I vow to rinse your policy forever.. you are way better than blockbusters and I can play for 10days ;d


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
Will said:
Do you realise how many senior Game staff post here?

So? If they change their policy no one will buy from them and their crazy prices.. the returns policy is all they can offer


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Doomy said:
Trying to think of another..... Stumped :)


condemed but only got that coz it was miss priced in pcw


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
~Latency~ said:
So? If they change their policy no one will buy from them and their crazy prices.. the returns policy is all they can offer

See this post was sensible, the one before was just retarded. Not everyone on the net d/ls everything and looks to get things for free. I for one pay for all my music and movies and games. Yes I have d/led apps in the past, but in the end I have always bought them. I d/l 24, but I pay for sky so I will see it in a few weeks anyway.

so from my high horse, your a pirating shit and I hope someone catches up with you.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
~Latency~ said:
So you morons who say it's piracy don't download software and use key generators and you never download games/music/films? You so do, admit it!
No one's saying we don't, it's just that we don't post openly about how we've done it because of this nice little clause in the Terms and Conditions of being a member of FreddysHouse.
The Management said:
"Copyrighted music, film or other similar material is not permitted to be posted on our forums, neither are links to such files or links / details of methods of obtaining such material via online or offline means."
You are telling us how you obtain copyrighted material without having to pay. I'd say this breaks the CoC and you should at least get a short ban for not respecting the rules.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
Whipped said:
No one's saying we don't, it's just that we don't post openly about how we've done it because of this nice little clause in the Terms and Conditions of being a member of FreddysHouse.

You are telling us how you obtain copyrighted material without having to pay. I'd say this breaks the CoC and you should at least get a short ban for not respecting the rules.

That would make me cry


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
Ch3tan said:
See this post was sensible, the one before was just retarded. Not everyone on the net d/ls everything and looks to get things for free. I for one pay for all my music and movies and games. Yes I have d/led apps in the past, but in the end I have always bought them. I d/l 24, but I pay for sky so I will see it in a few weeks anyway.

so from my high horse, your a pirating shit and I hope someone catches up with you.

Pirating shit? If you read properly it was 4-5 years ago tard' and you havn't bought everything you've downloaded ((o:


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Your right, I have lots of shareware I never paid for.

You call people morons, you get called a shit. Deal with it.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
Ch3tan said:
Your right, I have lots of shareware I never paid for.

You call people morons, you get called a shit. Deal with it.

You are the shit pal, a big steaming rotten one!1

(don't imagine it)



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Latency do you still download pirated games? If not why not? My guess is you still do but haven't the balls to admit it, otherwise you would have done so.

People like you are not welcome on these forums, but then you dont really care do you....or do you..... is that why you are being carefull and saying you only did it years ago.

Its sounds to me like you have a bit of growing up to do.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
GDW said:
Latency do you still download pirated games? If not why not? My guess is you still do but haven't the balls to admit it, otherwise you would have done so.

People like you are not welcome on these forums, but then you dont really care do you....or do you..... is that why you are being carefull and saying you only did it years ago.

Its sounds to me like you have a bit of growing up to do.

Not really welcome? What makes you more welcome than me ? Bet i've more friends on this forum than you have!

I've never downloaded games, selective reading on your behalf MAYHAPS

I only played online games, with cs like 5 years ago > daoc > wow/gw > dota ETC

And lewl, people like me? You think you're any different to me? I don't think so MATEY, except for me being sooo much cooler

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