Rant Fucking semi-literate beeb!


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Just reading the "breaking news" on teh beebz0r about the nobel prize for chemistry going to the discoverer of the structure of quazicrystals.

I have to say I'm genuinely shocked by the quality. Genuinely. If I was a teacher and a twelve year old presented the following to me I'd have called the parents in.

All of your basic language errors are present. I was going to list or highlight the errors but it hurts your mind just reading through it so I left it as-is.

I know they want to get a story out of the front door but this is taking the piss. It looks like some nigerian 419 scammer has managed to land himself a job there:

retardojourno@auntie said:
Nobel win for crystal discovery

The Nobel prize for chemistry has gone to a single researcher for his discovery of the structure of quasicrystals.

Daniel Shechtman's find helps explain the highly chaotic mosaic structure of crystals.

This crystal pattern in atoms was previously thought to be impossible and provoke controversy.

Dr Shechtman, from the Israel Institute of Technology, will recieve the entire 10m Swedish krona (£940,000) prize.

Quasicrystals are perfectly order; there structure is never repeat.

It took a very long for this discovery to be accepted by the scientific community.

Specieal properties, they are non-stick, hard, conducut electricity and ehat very poorly, and these properties make them interesting and useful. resistance to absorbe things

Combination they are used to

Only know Eastenm Russia, microscopic quanitites

Rapidly cooling metal melts, sqyuirtung on to a spinnign weel

The Nobel Prize in chemistry caps this year's science awards.

The Nobel prizes have been given out annually since 1901, covering the fields of medicine, physics, chemistry, literature and peace.

Monday's award of the 2011 prize for physiology or medicine went to Bruce Beutler of the US, Jules Hoffmann from France and Ralph Steinman from Canada for their work on immunology.

And Tuesday's award for physics went to Saul Perlmutter and Adam Riess of the US and Brian Schmidt of Australia will divide the prize. for their discovery that our Universe's expansion is accelerating.

I mean, I'd have to try to make mistakes like that. Even absolutely shitfaced my english is better, my sentence structure is better, my choice of language, yadda yadda yadda...

When I said shocked earlier I was incorrect. Stunned yet unsurprised is more accurate :(


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Don't be poking that cock. Don't want him in here making the thread all about him ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Did an english native actual wrote that? As person who is not of england native culture i'm quite applauded by it.

(Though have to say, when posting about language errors, i'd doublecheck my post ;))


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The BBC website always has terrible English. They don't seem to use a spellchecker and they don't proof read.

/sad I have emailed them before about stories written like that, explaining that it looks like a pre-GSCE child wrote it but they don't do anything about it, they just remain with the glaring mistakes.

When they aren't writing like mongs they are making news up or scaremongering.

I wish the BBC would just piss off tbh. Redundant organisation.

Before people start going on about the good programs that they make, they are few and far between and certainly not worth the annual tax.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
LOL, but one or two I can't see the problem with, don't panic soon Google will have a 'spelling grammer' translation tool and you can view the world through it to keep yourself happy.

I can see it now, BBC's own translation tool.

'Did you mean?' The Palestinians were throwing FLOWERS and the Israelis retaliated with NUCLEAR BOMBS.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
the way they do it is they put the copy out immediately rather than have it go via a sub editor. it goes to the editing queue and the live website at the same time, so that they get the google points and are seen to be quick. after a few minutes, the editor pushes the revised (and 99% perfect) copy out to the live site. You can see it time after time have a look at a project I ran for a little while called wikibeebia.com - you can see the changes as they are made.


Dec 26, 2003
I dont mind their poor grammar as much as the nonsense that regularly masquerades as 'science' news on their site.

Its the kind of horrors you get when you employ people without even a man in the streets knowledge of science to cover scientific news.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Looks like the beeb are offshoring their journalism to the same guys that look after our IT systems.


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
[/sudo Essex on]
Fuk ya gramma and all da sheet, its just anufa tool to keep us dwn.
[/sudo Essex off]


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Quasicrystals are perfectly order; there structure is never repeat


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