Fucking PS2 and Aol

Nomans Land

One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 28, 2004
Does anyone have/know of a guide to get your PS2 hooked up to the net using AOL and Windows XP. Its a new PS2 so dont want a guide with old PS2 in it and I have searched on google and just made myself get pissed off coz im sure its very simple and I cant fucking get it to work.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 16, 2004
Plug that cable that you have into that boxy type thing that is there and it should work.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 16, 2004
You don't understand, put that Cable thing that you got with it, into that Box-looking object that you have....it will work then!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 14, 2004
Milne said:
You don't understand, put that Cable thing that you got with it, into that Box-looking object that you have....it will work then!

he is trying to say: cable > box > works


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
If that doesn't work, you may to get a sandwich with eggs.. and ham.

Seriously though.. if it doesn't work.. then.. ehm.. you're either doing something wrong, or it's broken, or your ISP is doing something wrong (like blocking stuff).


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You people are really helpful to Noman...

Listen here, you have the cable right? Right. Take it and stick it in the fridge. Now, take the milk out of the fridge and set it on the stove on a light fire. Got it? Right. Now make sure that you have your frontdoor open when you take the cable out of the fridge and stick it in the hot milk. Now dance around the hot milk with bunnyslippers as gloves and the forementioned gloves as slippers.

Now, if this doesn't work, you should atleast take a photo of it 'cause it would be damn hilarious :p

Nomans Land

One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 28, 2004
Havent had a chance to try getting it work yet coz ive been out alot and just about to goto work now too so wont get it done today either.

But I like the sound of that last idea, will give it ago :D

Nomans Land

One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 28, 2004
Ingafgrinn Macabre said:
Ok lets try this again:

First off I have found that guide myself and it doesnt help me because... (Maybe this is where Milnes idea wouldnt work... I dont have a router.

I have:

A computer.
A Cat5 Cable.
A BT Voyager 100 USB ADSL Modem for AOL BB.
And a PS2

In Thery what is meant to happen is:

I plug the Cat5 into the PS2 and the computer and I plug the computer into the BT Voyager. I then enable ICS and it should work... Yet! It doesnt. I have followed 2 guides now... being:


Yet neither have got me online yet. The problem occurs when I goto test my connection on the PS2 and I dont even get past the first Network Diagnostics test coz it says 'A connection to the netowrk could not be established...

Though when my PS2 is switched off I get the icon on my computer saying the network is unplugged, and when I switch it on it starts to work...

SO WTF IS GOING WRONG? :( please help, ive been wanting to play Hardware for like 2months now.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Nomans Land said:
Ok lets try this again:

First off I have found that guide myself and it doesnt help me because... (Maybe this is where Milnes idea wouldnt work... I dont have a router.

I have:

A computer.
A Cat5 Cable.
A BT Voyager 100 USB ADSL Modem for AOL BB.
And a PS2

In Thery what is meant to happen is:

I plug the Cat5 into the PS2 and the computer and I plug the computer into the BT Voyager. I then enable ICS and it should work... Yet! It doesnt. I have followed 2 guides now... being:


Yet neither have got me online yet. The problem occurs when I goto test my connection on the PS2 and I dont even get past the first Network Diagnostics test coz it says 'A connection to the netowrk could not be established...

Though when my PS2 is switched off I get the icon on my computer saying the network is unplugged, and when I switch it on it starts to work...

SO WTF IS GOING WRONG? :( please help, ive been wanting to play Hardware for like 2months now.

Sounds like you not getting an IP address, when its all plugged up check that the PS2 has been assigned an DhCP address or you have reservered one for it.

Most people buy a router :)


Nomans Land

One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 28, 2004
Aha! I think I figured out why it wont work... I have no Gateway IP. But I cant find anywhere in the guide that Im using of how to get it coz on the guide it just says it should be in the connections folder but it aint.

Nomans Land

One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 28, 2004
Ok so I got the Gateway IP off someone and the thing pasted the first test (out of 5) and now it fails the 2nd test coz I need the DNS IP of AOL.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
If you still having problems you can get the IP details directly from your pc:

1. Goto to your start menu and select run.
2. Type 'cmd' (ignoring the 's) into the box and click 'ok'
3. You get a black box up with a command prompt. At the prompt type 'ipconfig /all' and press 'enter'
4. Look at what is displayed, you should have something similar to this:

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : NVIDIA nForce MCP Networking Adapter

Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-50-8D-FB-D9-5B
Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : 25 December 2004 19:18:00
Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : 31 December 2004 19:18:00

lo and behold you have your DNS server IP(s) :)

The easist idea, as someone said, is to just buy a router :).

Never tried to connect a PS2 to a network, nor network in the way you are trying to do but I'm suprised it doesn't automatically detect the settings or at least have that option to try to auto detect?

Nomans Land

One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 28, 2004
Yep ive just been trying that and it doesnt work. Me and a friend working on it atm.. Though hard since he lives in Denmark ;)

But What I get is local area connection only has IP and Netmask... but no Gateway IP, I have to put that in myself. And then it cant detect a DNS by itself so I have to type that in too which doesnt work.

Then I have 2 PPP things after... one of them has IP + Netmask + Gateway + 2 DNS IPs... And the 2nd has everything but only 1 DNS IP... yet still when I type these in manually on the PS2 I can still get past the IP/Netmask/Gateway test but I get stuck on the DNS test as usual.

The strange thing is... Under Network connections I have in Dial up : My Dial up modem which I dont use unless my ADSL balls up AND the BT voyager Modem. Under High speed connection I have: local connection 2.

Now when I decide to connect to the net I should be using the BT voyager modem. But when im connected it says im still disconnected under that and then brings up a new thing in network connections... Called: Virtual Private Network: The Internet (2).

Soooooo... When I try to use my PS2 to connect to the net it trys to use the Local Connection because a PS2 runs off ADSL so it looks under my high speed stuff... When infact the modem I should be using is under Dial up and it doesnt even run because it makes a new 'topic'... confusing eh?

I also know my PS2 is using the local are connection to connect to the net because when my PS2 is off the Local area connection says it is unplugged. When I switch it on, it suddenly starts working...

Friend said she would look and see if she had a extra router I could use but she dont I dont wanna be buying one ffs :p

/Edit: Also have screenies of what I get etc but not really gonna post them out since has IP stuff and all on it, though have shown my friend.

/Edit/edit: PS2 does have the option to 'auto detect' but it doesnt work at all... By doing that it doesnt even get past stage 1 test because there is no Gateway IP... and even if I enter the Gateway IP onto the Local Area connection on the computer for some reason it will still fail the test, and even if it does get past it I have no DNS IPs for the local area connection.

I have tried putting in the DNS IPs off the other PPP stuff into the Local Area connection but none of it works.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
i cant help much, as im using Xbox live with aol, all i know is th xbox auto configured the lot. 1 thing i do know you have to use AoL 8 to play xbox live, no other version works. this could be the same for PS2

Nomans Land

One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 28, 2004
Well I not sure that would really matter with this new thing I tried. I found some help on the PS2 forums and in the end it made me make my own Connection and use that... but for some reason it still doesnt work even though the stupid thing says it should.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
maybe its cos PS2s suck balls as they are demon spawn with their crappy grainy graphics and pantsness....
also the people that made them are money hoarding git because they could have released that small to start off with tbh. they didnt tho because like all big companies they keep things behind to release when sales drop etc etc.
i hate them.... altho i do have a old ps2 purely so ican play the devil may cry games.
/rant rave

Nomans Land

One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 28, 2004
Ok, seriously. I have tried EVERYTHING. Every guide, every walkthrough on it, even phoned up the support for PS2, went on Aol Tech Support. EVERYTHING so why the fuck wont this work grrr.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Nomans Land said:
/Edit/edit: PS2 does have the option to 'auto detect' but it doesnt work at all... By doing that it doesnt even get past stage 1 test because there is no Gateway IP... and even if I enter the Gateway IP onto the Local Area connection on the computer for some reason it will still fail the test, and even if it does get past it I have no DNS IPs for the local area connection.

I have tried putting in the DNS IPs off the other PPP stuff into the Local Area connection but none of it works.

Auto detect isn't working probably because it cannot find a DHCP server to get an ip address, subnet mask, gateway address and DNS.

As for DNS you might need to set us DNS forwarding, but as i have no idea what your network setup is i cant really say.

best option is to buy an ADSL modem/router with 4 ethernet connections and just plug the PS2 into that it will sort out the DNS and Ip addresses for you :) You can buy one for about £40


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
sell ps2 buy xbox + rainbow six 3 black arrow , + halo 2 + ghost recon 2 , + live starter pack , bobs ya uncle

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