fuck you insurance


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
last year I'd just passed my test was getting my first insurance on my first car so obv had no experience no NCB and was 24 and fully comp cost me £615, not too bad

I'm now 25 (genrally the threshold for no longer being a young driver) have 1 year NCB 1 year experience and to insure the SAME CAR is £750 - 786 if I want the legal cover that was free last time.......


that is all


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Is this with the same insurer or the cheapest quote you have received.

If it's the same insurer, shop around and you will get a better deal.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
That was cheapest deal form compare the market, yes i want a free meerkat.......

I will check all the other comparison sites and see waht my renewal is with insurer but it's looking grim


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
My insurance company do this to me every year.

Every year I call them up and ask why it's gone up and within minutes they've knocked a couple of hundred quid off my premium. The "discount" they give me usually equates to a little less than I paid the previous year and has invariably been cheaper than any price comparison websites give me - can't be arsed calling up companies and asking for quotes and haggling

I think it's a fun little game they like to play because they get lonely in the call centres.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
They need to ban companies selling contact details of accident victims to shitty no win no fee lawyers.

Would half prices within 3 years.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Check with direct line, get 2 months free if you a new customer and they aint on comparisons.

Currently with Tesco insurance myself. Quote came through the other day, £480 a yr, up from £340. Of course everyones gone up in last 3months or so, but that was a joke. Phoned them up, told them we going to leave unless they can beat Directline quote of £360. Amazingly after 5minutes it had magically dropped down to £350 and that was with them adding protected no-claims which they took off the renewal (dont want to lose 7yrs no claims!)

Never ever trust what they send you, always phone them up. But just 1 years no claims, and just 25 will still see a rise in premium this year with all the changes that gone through

They need to ban companies selling contact details of accident victims to shitty no win no fee lawyers.

Would half prices within 3 years.

Something has/is going through about that at the moment. Cant remember if it been made illegal already or not. Bloody hope so as they been hounding me for about 4yrs about claiming for injury... neighbour wrecked my axle, but it was the angle they hit the wheel. Low force, no injuries but they keep on pissing me off trying to get me to claim


from september. Plan to ban it, but no time line. Cant be arsed to look for more recent :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Currently with Tesco insurance myself. Quote came through the other day, £480 a yr, up from £340. Of course everyones gone up in last 3months or so, but that was a joke. Phoned them up, told them we going to leave unless they can beat Directline quote of £360. Amazingly after 5minutes it had magically dropped down to £350 and that was with them adding protected no-claims which they took off the renewal (dont want to lose 7yrs no claims!)

Lol, RBS in a bidding war versus themselves.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Also, ask if it would be cheaper online.
Like everyone I have had renewals jump way up until you call and challenge it, and on one time they mentioned that I'd get even more discount if I did it on their website instead of on the phone - so I said bye and did. Seems mad, but 10% is 10%.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
There was an interesting piece on Radio 4 the other day analysing a link between the average cost of car insurance premiums in a particular area, and the number of personal injury claim businesses in that area. IIRC, the figures were something like £300 to insure a bloke in Richmond, London, and about £1,000 to insure the same bloke in Longsight, Manchester.

What was interesting was that the figures didn't show that the increased premium reflected an increased chance of being in an accident, or the car being stolen. The correlation was the number of lawyers available to claim for injury.

It's pathetic. The whole thing is a gigantic scam, a racket. It needs to be made illegal.

link - http://www.insuranceage.co.uk/insurance-age/news/2118647/north-west-bodily-injury-claims


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Car insurance is mega at the moment. I have 9 years no claims (its more than that but they messed up) driving a Jeep Cherokee 3.7 on an 03 plate, probably worth 4 grand now, and they charged me £350!!

My bike is worth 8 grand, and they charged me £145 ... go figure ...


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
So I'm driving back from Cornwall down the M5 and 3 fatboy..whatever Harleys, the one's with huge back tyres, go hurtling past, like around 100 in the outside lane, which is quite a spectacle actually, then over the next two minutes about another 30 odd do the same, eventually one guy was going slow enough to see the writing on his jacket..the Satan Slaves..Hells Angels..in Britain..surely not.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
This is going to run, maybe I should have explained it better, they jumped out of the way several hundred feet down the road, cos they could see my mate wasn't stopping, it wasn't GTA over the bonnet...Oh and we had to hide the car in the woods for a few days and everyon'es like, 'why are you walking to town?'


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Did you have to live wild while you hid the car?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
So I'm driving back from Cornwall down the M5 and 3 fatboy..whatever Harleys, the one's with huge back tyres, go hurtling past, like around 100 in the outside lane, which is quite a spectacle actually, then over the next two minutes about another 30 odd do the same, eventually one guy was going slow enough to see the writing on his jacket..the Satan Slaves..Hells Angels..in Britain..surely not.

You do live a sheltered life don't you :p

Satans Slaves arnt Hells Angels mate, that's a different club. There have been Hells Angels clubs in Great Britain since the '60s, they were formed into official ENGLAND in the late seventies. Then you have different chapters of HA, London, Essex etc.

You also get different MC clubs, like the Satans Slaves, who are northern mostly, and round where I live there are the Vikings MC. There's a lot of politics involved, but basically the two most powerful are (imo) the HA and the Outlaws, who are newer in the country, but who are at it with a vengence. Google a man named Gerry Tobin, for example :(


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Adrian Flux

That is all.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Car insurance is mega at the moment. I have 9 years no claims (its more than that but they messed up) driving a Jeep Cherokee 3.7 on an 03 plate, probably worth 4 grand now, and they charged me £350!!

My bike is worth 8 grand, and they charged me £145 ... go figure ...

i think they presume if you crash your motorbike your probably not gonna be able to claim from the morgue :)


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
It might do but my insurance halved when I started using them and it didn't increase at renewal. Which given that I live in Croydon, is extra impressive.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Car insurance is mega at the moment. I have 9 years no claims (its more than that but they messed up) driving a Jeep Cherokee 3.7 on an 03 plate, probably worth 4 grand now, and they charged me £350!!

My bike is worth 8 grand, and they charged me £145 ... go figure ...
Don't they also take into account how much damage you will do to others that they then have to pay up for? Ramming a family bus with the Jeep gunna wipe out more than the bike will.

Remembered another saver...check your job options on them online forms. Don't lie, but if there is more than one match check out the difference.
I believe last time I did that I found that being a manager in a utilities company cost less than being an IT manager (I work in IT in a utilitites company) by something like £60 iirc. Some of the job/company lists are very vague, and I don't know if they still fluctuate as much, but gotta be worth checking.

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