Brannor McThife
This goes to all da middies.
I've been away from Middie RvR for quite some time now, and have only recently started again, so by no means can I speak with a trully clear picture. So I'm going to use two examples, last night, and Wednesday night.
Wednesday night we camped the AMG, severely shore of healers, but we managed. One of our guys suggested a tactic which some of us tried, and it worked. Also, at another point, when the Albs first came to fight us, we actually "shimmied" our way around them so as to almost encircle them on that little hill. Eventually they had far greater numbers than us and we were wipped. However, we successfully held an open area by employing true skirmishing tactics. Very nice work Middies.
Last night had an interesting scenario. Albs were camping our MG in Emain. And for a good 30/40 minutes, all we did was try poke them off the walls and die a lot, hence giving them lots of RP. Now, amazingly, I am actually trying to STFU out there as much as possible. I want to follow and slam/pummel. But, after hearing my group, and a few others, repeatedly suggest that we fall back to pull the Albs through, I took it apon myself to run into our mass, and merely shout "Ok, let's fall back to the treeline", and one or two others joined in. Soon, we have a rather nice looking defensive line by the trees, with a few of us coverring the left flank.
We used our dead comrads to let us know when most of the albs were through the gates, and then someone in the main force started a charge. Well, as The Lady would have it, the Hibs had picked around the same time to attack. The poor Albs had nowhere to run, and we stampeded through those gates faster than the runners of Pamplona. Me being red and ugly, died to multiple nukes. But I watched with joy as the Midgard army swayed left, then right, mopping up every single enemy. Our losses were not that great, and a great tactic was used.
Good tactics make good fun. Nice going Middies.
I've been away from Middie RvR for quite some time now, and have only recently started again, so by no means can I speak with a trully clear picture. So I'm going to use two examples, last night, and Wednesday night.
Wednesday night we camped the AMG, severely shore of healers, but we managed. One of our guys suggested a tactic which some of us tried, and it worked. Also, at another point, when the Albs first came to fight us, we actually "shimmied" our way around them so as to almost encircle them on that little hill. Eventually they had far greater numbers than us and we were wipped. However, we successfully held an open area by employing true skirmishing tactics. Very nice work Middies.

Last night had an interesting scenario. Albs were camping our MG in Emain. And for a good 30/40 minutes, all we did was try poke them off the walls and die a lot, hence giving them lots of RP. Now, amazingly, I am actually trying to STFU out there as much as possible. I want to follow and slam/pummel. But, after hearing my group, and a few others, repeatedly suggest that we fall back to pull the Albs through, I took it apon myself to run into our mass, and merely shout "Ok, let's fall back to the treeline", and one or two others joined in. Soon, we have a rather nice looking defensive line by the trees, with a few of us coverring the left flank.
We used our dead comrads to let us know when most of the albs were through the gates, and then someone in the main force started a charge. Well, as The Lady would have it, the Hibs had picked around the same time to attack. The poor Albs had nowhere to run, and we stampeded through those gates faster than the runners of Pamplona. Me being red and ugly, died to multiple nukes. But I watched with joy as the Midgard army swayed left, then right, mopping up every single enemy. Our losses were not that great, and a great tactic was used.
Good tactics make good fun. Nice going Middies.