Frontier Attack & Defence Tricks.



Attacking A keep:

First door:
can't be a problem, chanters can't reach you.

Second door:
chanters/spiritmasters waiting behind door.
Sorcer spams AE amnesia on 2e door when he see the pbaoe gfx.
Amnesia will interrupt QuickCast pbaoe and MoC pbaoe
They will be able to do 1 cast max, maybe even 0 because you see the gfx before the cast has happened.
result : useless chanters.

Tank stands close to entrance of Lordroom
Challenge duel a Sorcerer
Sorcerer AOE radius 400 mez the whole room.
(Hibs will purge/cure mez or GP but this will give the Sorcerer enough time to go stand on the stairs looking at the HibLord)
Sorcerer spams AE amnesia on Lord, interrupting all Chanters, druids etc. Group runs in with SoS&BoF ( unable to mez, unable to get slammed + godmode xD) , zerg follows
result: useless chanters


Lets stay realistic, we have 5 albs inside , there are 200 mids outside.
The only thing albs need to have here is a RAMBOT.
If the keeps are falling, you prepare yourself at door 1, you make 3 rams when they are coming.
The current patch only allows 3 for 1 door. Mids won't be able to use their rams and will have to Hack&Slash the door (lol)
Same for door 2: if door 1 is at 10% , make sure your rams are placed before mids place theirs.
and same for door 3.
Normally this should give us enough time to get 50 albs inside.
you can add the /challenge duel + AOE mez trick here, to mez whole the hack&slash zerg every 2 mins lol

This tactic works, stole it from US forums
but kept it secret till we got them ;D

let ze critics coem


Originally posted by Aussie-
The only thing albs need to have here is a RAMBOT. [...] The current patch only allows 3 for 1 door. Mids won't be able to use their rams and will have to Hack&Slash the door (lol)
Omg. That is going to be fixed faster than you can say "nerf bat". :)


Originally posted by Aussie-
The only thing albs need to have here is a RAMBOT.
If the keeps are falling, you prepare yourself at door 1, you make 3 rams when they are coming.
The current patch only allows 3 for 1 door. Mids won't be able to use their rams and will have to Hack&Slash the door (lol)

is this rly true ? if so, it sounds like it needs to be fixed tho

otherwise its not a fair fight imho

but atm since we have str relics, i say :great: :p


it works, trust me
it's been 1month+ since that topic was on US forums, can't find it back.
Showed it to Tyka&Gunnz, they've seen it too x]


Ehh lol, glad you guys finally realised that amnesia interrupts moc..anyways.. how are you going to cast aoe amn on second door when you OWN the keep ? :p


Regarding the use of dueling to mezz a lord room, that is going to be difficult to do for more than one reason: first of all, you will need to drop out of your group to do it, and not many are willing to do so (or are rational enough to be able to do it under fire) in a lord room charge. Secondly, the minute you take damage from something other than your duel opponent, the duel ends.

I would personally say one of the key ingredients to taking a defended lord room is the use of GTAoE. It is hell on the defenders and keeps everyone interrupted -- especially the healers who have to try and keep the MoCing PBAEr alive and don't have a quickcast. Even a fire or ice wizard with the 18 GTAoE can do wonders in these situations.


Tyka, if you learn to read properly you will see that Aussie has titled his thread "attacking a keep". ;)

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Dunno if all sorcs use this trick but using a low level amnesia, coupled with PoT equals infinite amnesia spam. Kinda handy.


whatever.. you just realised how powerful amnesia is, neener neener!


i remember before gtaoe came, and albs were clueless (oh sorry nothing changed).. how easy it was with 1fg to defend renaris against alb relic raid defence.. so easy :(



nurffffffffffffffffffffffffff dat amnesia -_-


Yeah, but Hibs have it easier with instant AoE amnesia on a 4(?) sec timer, so I can see why you would know it before us Albs do. Gotta love the blue little dots on everyone's heads the second before a Hib AoE mezz lands.


yeah hibs got it easier.. really.. is it that hard to stand in a non visible place to players and aoe the damn keep lord? yep always turn it into a "hib is overpowered" thread instead of learning a bit about the game.


Originally posted by Belomar
Tyka, if you learn to read properly you will see that Aussie has titled his thread "attacking a keep". ;)

ok read the thread again and tell me what you just wrote, 1 more time.

"Frontier Attack & Defence Tricks."

Say it after me.


I'll take amnesia over charm + confuse for minstrels please, k Mythic? k.


Originally posted by Aussie-
Tank stands close to entrance of Lordroom
Challenge duel a Sorcerer
Sorcerer AOE radius 400 mez the whole room.

Humm, a tank cant stand near a lord room w/o being gtaoe/pbaoe for at least 15damage. So the duel will end before the sorc is able to lad aoe mezz on the tank.


Originally posted by Belomar
Regarding the use of dueling to mezz a lord room, that is going to be difficult to do for more than one reason: first of all, you will need to drop out of your group to do it, and not many are willing to do so (or are rational enough to be able to do it under fire) in a lord room charge. Secondly, the minute you take damage from something other than your duel opponent, the duel ends.

I would personally say one of the key ingredients to taking a defended lord room is the use of GTAoE. It is hell on the defenders and keeps everyone interrupted -- especially the healers who have to try and keep the MoCing PBAEr alive and don't have a quickcast. Even a fire or ice wizard with the 18 GTAoE can do wonders in these situations.

Its possible to duel and cast a single spell before the duel ends (IIRC), so it should be easy to just do it with someone in your group.

GTAoE is definately a usefull tool though :)


the /challenge duel MEZ trick is only to get casters in place to AOE the lord ( interrupt casters who pbaoe without qc or moc)
or the Sorcer to AOE Amnesia, to interrupt everything
The mez trick is just a delay, the amnesia is the key to victory


Tyka: First of all, I didn't intend it to be a "overpowered Hibbies" reply, I just offered a probable reason you found out before us. I don't have an amnesia caster, but I am sure I know a thing or two about other game aspects you are ignorant of.

And secondly, I offer you this abbreviated quote from Aussie's original post so that you can see the extent of your dyslexia:
Originally posted by Aussie-
Attacking A keep:
Amnesia will interrupt QuickCast pbaoe and MoC pbaoe
As can be clearly seen from this quote, Aussie put the section on casting AoE amnesia on the door under the "Attacking A Keep" heading.

Pwned. :m00:

EDIT: But I will concede that I erroneously said "thread" instead of "section" in the sentence above. :)


lol say something in first thread and then another thing in next, then just type "pwned" .. works for you i guess..

"hibs have it easy".... pff


Originally posted by Aussie-
the /challenge duel MEZ trick is only to get casters in place to AOE the lord ( interrupt casters who pbaoe without qc or moc)
or the Sorcer to AOE Amnesia, to interrupt everything
The mez trick is just a delay, the amnesia is the key to victory

The tricks with amnesia on doors sound pretty nice. Personally im pissed everytime 3 chanters pbaoe near 2nd door at a time.

But, with the /duel thingy, is the constant aoe spamm that worry me. Think its really hard to stand a duel for 2sec at the stairs near lord w/o being hit for a crappy 10damage from a gtaoe, or an aoeDoT, aoedisease or the rest aoetrash.


lol say something in first thread and then another thing in next, then just type "pwned" .. works for you i guess..

...and drawing attention to other people's mistakes, in order to divert attention from the fact that you were the one who made the mistake in the first place works for you...I guess?


edit: typo


the /duel mez thingy isnt a must, it's just a way to get the sorcer in position safe.


In Albion keeps, it is usually tricky to try to approach the lord room level directly and get a spell or two off, mainly due to the fact that PBAE casters can hide beside the doorway and nuke away and still hit you fine. I find that the best tactics then is to take a sizable force of tanks and casters and run past the lord room level to the room, and then carefully descend the ramp and cast into the lord room -- you get longer range then and better protection against AoEs.

In Hib keeps, it is sometimes possible to target the chanters lurking atop the tower just above the ramp by standing on the wall level and peer up through the spiraling ramp above.



Oh yes, now you know this is going to be good. ^_^

Pet on "Stay".
Shade up to the Lord Room.
Wave at any PBAoE'rs up there.
Call for some Earth Wizards.
Do your thing with the /assist thing.

BTW - If the Necromancer loses control of it's pet, then cries as those PBAoE'rs eyes turn red with rage. It is their own fault.


what's an earth wiz?
and albs can never wait that long till an earthwiz has casted 50 spells

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