fridays news


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
[9-12-2005] The Camelot Reporter

This week, news is mainly dedicated to the new 'classic' servers and particularly to the English one. We thus strongly recommend that Glastonbury players carefully read this issue of the Camelot Reporter.

The first days of the "classic" servers
Glastonbury and Salisbury met with huge success, as is generally the case when a new server opens. On Wednesday afternoon, Salisbury was completely full and Glastonbury was also almost full during the evening. This Friday, the most advanced players have already passed level 40 and the first towers fell yesterday evening giving Midgard access to Darkness Falls on Salisbury and access for Albion on Glastonbury.

Glastonbury being an international server on which players of many countries meet, we remind you that the rule is to use the default language, which is English, on the public channels out of respect for those who do not speak the other languages - by coming to play on this server, each player is expected to know a minimum of English. Those who have difficulties speaking English are invited to join guilds of their own language to be able to communicate more easily in guild, alliance or battlegroup channels. To find a list of battlegroup leaders, type the /who BG command and to find a list of chat group leaders, use the /who CG command. Of course, and first of all, courtesy and tolerance are still mandatory. If you can't understand the person who is talking to you, you can use a minimum of vocabulary to exchange with other players, for instance : "Sorry, I only speak English and I can't understand you".
In order to facilitate things for all those who create new characters, we created starting guilds in each language. These guilds' names are the same as the names of the starting guilds of the localised servers. So players who don't play in English and who stayed in the English starting guild, can quit it by just typing the /gc quit command and ask a player of the equivalent guild in his language to invite him (for instance, the French starting guilds are : "Protégés de Brigit" in Hibernia, "Aventuriers de Mularn" in Midgard ou "Villageois de Cotswold" in Albion).
Every player in these new guilds can invite other players as long as they are in the same zone as the person to be invited. You just have to type the /gc invite nameofthecharacter command and the character who is invited only has to accept the invitation. To find members of a particular guild, use the /who nameoftheguild command. It is not necessary to contact the customer support for this.

Finally, we remind you that the starting guilds are made of numerous members, it is best to try and avoid flooding the channel with a flow of useless messages.

Testing Darkness Rising
The new servers are now open, all our efforts are concentrated on the next expansion for which the English tests already began a little time ago. Next week tests will begin in the other languages and will last until January. You will soon discover the website dedicated to the expansion and we will then be able to announce the release date for the expansion to you.

About the Roll of Honour
As we announced last Friday, you can once again access the Roll of Honour and the data is regularly updated. However, we still have to add the new housing zones and of course, the two new servers.

Job Offer : Community Manager for English servers
With the opening of Glastonbury, the English Community Manager team must grow. There is thus a job offer in the "Jobs" part of the community website. If you think you fit the profile described, do not hesitate to send us your application to the address indicated on the offer.

Fixes and changes of the week
- A few names of objects or monsters were displayed in German on Glastonbury. This no longer happens.
- The infernalists and necyomancers no longer drop bags of " … "
- All the quests of Lobais, Lovernios, Brigit and Chief Bran Llyr are once again available.
- The Necyomancer Apprentice now knows how to find a level 6 recipe as well as a new level 3 recipe.

The Tip of the Week
Change the language of the game
This tip is mainly meant for the French, Italian or Spanish players who play on a "classic" server but also for the German players who play on Camlann and why not for English speaking players who would like to try other servers.
While you are asked to use the default language of the server, the best thing is to have a game interface in the same language too. If it's only a one-time trial, you can log on with a client in your home language but if you plan to play regularly we strongly advise you to change your client language to match the server language in order to avoid some known bugs - for instance, it becomes impossible to use the 'r' key to answer a private message, to pay rent, to climb walls when you're stealthed etc).

Here is the process to follow to perform this change :
In your game folder - Dark Age of Camelot : Catacombs, ToA, New Isles or Shrouded Isles - delete the 'language' folder and then open the update.dat file with a text editor (textpad or just notepad for example).
You will find there the following 3 lines :

Mythic Patch :1280/updates/english/catacombs/mpatch.dat :1280/updates/english/catacombs/mpatch.dat

If you play with the Trials of Atlantis version :
Mythic Patch :1280/updates/english/atlantis/mpatch.dat :1280/updates/english/atlantis/mpatch.dat

If you play the New Shrouded Isles version (DAoC + Shrouded Isles - Catacombs graphics engine) :
Mythic Patch :1280/updates/english/newisles/mpatch.dat :1280/updates/ english/newisles/mpatch.dat

If you play a basic version (DAoC + Shrouded Isles) :
Mythic Patch :1280/updates/english/isles/mpatch.dat :1280/updates/english/isles/mpatch.dat

You just have to replace the current language with the one you wish (french/english/german/italian/spanish). Make sure there's no space in the lines. Save the changes then launch the game. A message will ask you to relaunch the patcher which will then update the language files (a several MB download each time).

We also advise you to keep an install in your original if you want to also play on your former servers. This will avoid you to have to run this process several times. Copy your entire Catacombs, Trials of Atlantis, New Isles or Shrouded Isles folder first and then change the copy as above thus leaving your original install intact. You will however need to make a new shortcut for each copy to quickly launch the game (right click on 'camelot.exe' and choose 'send to' then 'desktop (create shortcut)'). Then modify its name in order to easily see which version of the game this shortcut will launch.

If you play on the new servers, do not forget to keep an eye on what's happening in your former Realms, some could rise on the occasion… Have a great game and a nice weekend !



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
The worst bit of news in there is that DR testing will last into January :(

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