Find three differences in these two photoes: clicky
Ixoth One of Freddy's beloved Joined Apr 9, 2004 Messages 1,952 Aug 20, 2004 #1 Find three differences in these two photoes: clicky
T Thugs Fledgling Freddie Joined Mar 8, 2004 Messages 986 Aug 20, 2004 #2 Shiiiiit Hell - a female Valkyn upclose - scarey. PKJ
Ormorof FH is my second home Joined Dec 22, 2003 Messages 9,908 Aug 20, 2004 #3 holy shit LOL scared the crap out of me hahahaha
Keeilb Fledgling Freddie Joined Dec 26, 2003 Messages 240 Aug 20, 2004 #4 FFS you just gave me a heart attack bah lol bah shit sry i got kinda suprised
Overdriven Dumpster Fire of The South Joined Jan 23, 2004 Messages 12,808 Aug 20, 2004 #7 Made me bloody jump xD
Aeris Fledgling Freddie Joined Jul 3, 2004 Messages 614 Aug 20, 2004 #8 Downanael said: Old Click to expand... yes maybe, but shit, it gets ya everytime
D D0ttve Fledgling Freddie Joined Aug 17, 2004 Messages 35 Aug 20, 2004 #9 that type of sites is old but still get sooooo scared when i see a new one
Jareth Spellfire Fledgling Freddie Joined Jan 22, 2004 Messages 94 Aug 20, 2004 #10 When i have the slightest idea that it could be such a thing, i turn it off cuz i got scared shitless a few times i got paranoid really
When i have the slightest idea that it could be such a thing, i turn it off cuz i got scared shitless a few times i got paranoid really
xenia- Fledgling Freddie Joined Jan 6, 2004 Messages 697 Aug 21, 2004 #11 a little late with my usual follow-up joke: Q: Whats the difference between an experienced magician and a cheerleader line up? A: The magician has a cunning array of stunts....
a little late with my usual follow-up joke: Q: Whats the difference between an experienced magician and a cheerleader line up? A: The magician has a cunning array of stunts....
mercury Fledgling Freddie Joined Jun 27, 2004 Messages 1,044 Aug 21, 2004 #12 Flickin L G Zazz H Key Riced - I couldn't find any differences before the cardiac arrest. ps : Re Magician J/K : so what does the cheerleader line up have? pps : what's a cheerleader? (I don't get out much...)
Flickin L G Zazz H Key Riced - I couldn't find any differences before the cardiac arrest. ps : Re Magician J/K : so what does the cheerleader line up have? pps : what's a cheerleader? (I don't get out much...)
Liff Fledgling Freddie Joined Feb 18, 2004 Messages 581 Aug 21, 2004 #13 Ixoth said: Find three differences in these two photoes: clicky Click to expand... They always work on me I'm easy
Ixoth said: Find three differences in these two photoes: clicky Click to expand... They always work on me I'm easy
xenia- Fledgling Freddie Joined Jan 6, 2004 Messages 697 Aug 22, 2004 #14 mercury said: ps : Re Magician J/K : so what does the cheerleader line up have? pps : what's a cheerleader? (I don't get out much...) Click to expand... hehe, well youre supposed to figure out that unlike the cunning array of stunts, a cheerleader lineup is a stunning array of ***** sry for trying to push 'intelligent' humour :moo:
mercury said: ps : Re Magician J/K : so what does the cheerleader line up have? pps : what's a cheerleader? (I don't get out much...) Click to expand... hehe, well youre supposed to figure out that unlike the cunning array of stunts, a cheerleader lineup is a stunning array of ***** sry for trying to push 'intelligent' humour :moo: