Friday News



The Wee-News on a stick !

On the skewer this week : The coming patch, the official website and the game servers.

The version 1.62 is still being tested on Pendragon, the American test server and should be patched to their live servers next week. On our side, the patch 1.61 is about half done. Seeing the patching schedule for the 1.62, we will probably jump directly to the 1.62 on the European servers. It is still a bit early to give a more precise date, since we don't know yet if the 1.62 will be big translation-wise.

Official website :

The polling booth entered the testing stage in the middle of the week and no major bug has been detected so far. The first polls should be available in June. We will of course do an announcement for the first official poll.

The server population statistics, which you can check on the official website, have been slightly tweaked, some bugs were fixed and you should find it easier to use and read.

As we announced last week, the Chronicles will not be changed before the coming of the next patch and the new parsing system, getting the information directly from the servers. Next week, we will run the "best" parsing tool we have on each of our servers, understand, the least bugged. It takes about 24 hours for this tool to parse one server ; therefore it will take quite some time to parse everything. The results may vary as well, from "quite ok" to "totally out of the whack", but you should get a pretty good display of the guilds of each server, at least more up-to-date than what we have now, while waiting for the next version of the Chronicles.

Servers :

As announced a couple weeks ago, we are always improving our servers' network and the next server to be upgraded to the nice Bi-Xeon platform will be an Excalibur. No set date for now, but should happen in the coming weeks.
Following the same idea, we have been keeping a close watch on Orcanie's population and have seen it rise slowly but surely. If the curve keeps on moving the way it is now, we could have a new French server spawning this summer.

And that's it ?
Nope. You will also find two new background texts in our Library this week :

Be sure to check them out !
The promised E3 sum up had to be postponed to next week sadly. You all take care, have fun and raid some keeps until then !

now, the first thing i noticed was the lack of 'stuff'. I mean, basicly its all 'you know that thing we promised you? yeah, yeah that thing you've been waiting ages for (cough, server update, chronicles, date for 1.61) yeah, well you'll have to wait another two weeks'.
Tbh its bloody irritating how Mythic can release larger patch notes/updates every day, than goa can gather up in a week.
Another thing, GOA removed the Marriage thing from 1.60, and haven't added their own version of it.
Yes, they're busy translating, but why don't they hire more people to translate, it takes far too long :eek:

/whine off


errmm what the hell is this polling booth thing? and why is it so hard to set it up? offer free polls that even the monkeys at GOA could setup. it seems like they are taking it too seriously, what ever it is. its not like it will make a difference. if we want something putting in the game, GOA cant do jackshit about putting it their, all they can do is add their own 'quests' and 'events', maybe they should concentrate on something woth while.


(since we don't know yet if the 1.62 will be big translation-wise.)

Dont they use phones, modern inventions even enable emails.

Upgrade from pigieon mail me thinks would be nice step:)


Originally posted by Cala-more
(since we don't know yet if the 1.62 will be big translation-wise.)

Dont they use phones, modern inventions even enable emails.

Upgrade from pigieon mail me thinks would be nice step:)

Maybe it's because 1.62 isn't complete yet?


going from the notes, it seems like 1.62 is just a tweaking patch, no new quests or contents so i cant see it taking much translation. just the the "once you respec you cant go back" thingy.


what pissesme off is that they plan on a new FRENCH server , yet they constantly IGNORE crys and pleas for 3rd ENGLISH server :( NOW imo is a EXCELENT time to give a 3rd english server due to the imminent 1,62 with the /level command.. perfect way to populate a server new for us :) ..

how many servers do french germans have now ? 4 each or summin like that ? they ALL get to choose realm they want. where as we english speakign people can ONLY play 2 of the 3 ,,,

GOA ffs stop being assholes and give us a 3RD english server ,


We don't need another English server, the populations aren't big enough, on Prydwen especially. Also you might want to stop and think what will happen on your regular server if everyone buggers of to a new English one for months, you'll end up with about 700-800 people on each server at peak times, which is a bit too low, then a lot of people will get fed up of the new server after getting to 50 and go back to their original characters and guilds, which will gut the new server. We don't have a high enough influx of new English players to make it work.

Anyway, why don't you go and play on a German or French server? think of it as a learning experience :p a lot of them speak some English anyway if you get in a pickle. If I'd started daoc on a German server a year ago I'm pretty sure I'd be near fluent ;)


Originally posted by -yoda-
what pissesme off is that they plan on a new FRENCH server , yet they constantly IGNORE crys and pleas for 3rd ENGLISH server :( NOW imo is a EXCELENT time to give a 3rd english server due to the imminent 1,62 with the /level command.. perfect way to populate a server new for us :) ..

how many servers do french germans have now ? 4 each or summin like that ? they ALL get to choose realm they want. where as we english speakign people can ONLY play 2 of the 3 ,,,

GOA ffs stop being assholes and give us a 3RD english server ,

if your gonna be a twat then fuck off back to the USA servers kthxbye :sleeping:


so you dumb fucks think its fair that we only get 2 servers? orcaine unless im mistaken and dartmoor have crappy populations also but they getting new server . just because MANY people have made posts in the past doesnt mean we shouldnt get a 3rd servers .

and since when does asking for a 3rd server make me a twat ? are you both zerkers or sb's still crying like pussys cos you being brought into line dmge wise with other relams? i know arnor is a whiner cos all he ever does lately i whine about zerkers being toned down "not gonna say nerf cos its NOT a nerf" :p

and fyi my 1st and main server is Eu :p so hows about you fuck off :p


Right now, 23:18, there are:

9502 people spread over 5 German Servers which averages down to 1900 on each.

7472 people spread over 3 French Servers which averages down to just under 2500 on each.

3991 people spread over 2 English Servers which averages down to just under 2000 on each.

Didnt include camlann, since it has players from everywhere.

Now, compare the average figure of us to the Germans, looks about the same? Yes. Now look at the French figures and you will see why they are introducing another server or thinking of doing it.

The fact is, there is absolutely no need for a third English server at the moment, because the poplulation is too low to support it.

Oh and learn not to snap and insult every person who disagrees with you, it makes you look about 12.

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