Friday News



Friday news !

Friday news !

Today, we will talk about the next patch coming to servers near you, the new "evolution" of the Chronicles, a little
"not so friendly reminder" about last names with illegal characters, some hints about epic quests on Camlann and finally, information about the cooperative server.

But first, we wanted to say this :
Some extra news regarding yesterday's crash of Albion on Excalibur. The Albion's server crashed 20.55 GMT and certain areas were unavailable for about 5 minutes, and more seriously, a relic raid was ongoing at the time and the invasion of Caer Witrin was reset.
In co-operation with Mythic we have continually investigated the crashes that have been haunting the servers, especially in version 1.52, and it seems to be partly related to this version. It is not related to hardware, network issues or the European version in particular and we should see less crash once we patch to 1.54.
Regarding the event, the Geershas have launched a new successful attack on Caer Witrin, and it should continue where it was untimely interrupted. Further, a few modifications have been made : There should be no more exp deaths in this round of the campaign, the fairly powerful Lord should no longer leave his post and lastly, modifications were made to the spawn rates.
Again, we are very sorry about the crash.

Back to the news now,

The next patch :

Our translation team is still actively working on the French & German 1.54 files and preparing the coming of the first DAoC add-on Shrouded Isles at the same time. The amount of work is, as you can imagine, quite big and, with the Christmas holidays coming, many of our partners will take some well deserved days off.
We should have a 1.54 version in testing between Christmas and New Year's Eve. We will give you more information about this next week.

The Chronicles :

As some of you already noticed, you can now get the XML files with the information of Camlann. While the official Chronicles are not yet ready, you can already use them freely for fan sites and guild sites.
On our side, we are planning not only to open our own Camlann's Chronicles before the end of December, but also to publish the information about non-guilded players.
Of course, I will use the famous quote here : "If everything goes as planned"…

Last name with special characters :

Several times previously we have given "friendly" warnings to players using special characters in last names or guild names on our servers.
Since the "friendly" reminders don't seem to work, this is the last warning : If you have a special character in your name, go to your "name registrar" and change it as soon as possible. Starting next week, we will start taking more "severe" actions on the accounts not respecting this rule. Do not hesitate to inform your guild mates and friends. The only exceptions to this are the accents and the umlaut.

Camlann and Epic quests :

Some players on Camlann are waiting until level 50 before even starting their epic quests. Sadly for them, many dungeons you need to go into are level restricted, which makes Epic quests un-doable.
For players with this problem trying to do the "Departed Fellowship" quest (level 40 cleric/paladin epic quest), there is a solution : check the druid grove close to Keltoi Fogou, you will receive some help for your epic quest there.

The Co-op server :

Mythic recently released a new server type called co-operative server. Many of you asked if the European version of Dark Age of Camelot will ever have one. For now, we have taken no decision about it. We will keep a very close eye on how Gaheris (the US server) is doing, read your comments and reactions to it, before deciding if we will, open such a server in the future. In any case, there will be no real decision about this before the release of Shrouded Isles in Europe.

That's it for today. Again, sorry for all the relic raiders yesterday, and happy hunting everyone.


Ahh, thanks for the info, i couldnt have got it if it was not from you.


Originally posted by Tyka
Ahh, thanks for the info, i couldnt have got it if it was not from you.

my god you're a fuckwit

some people don't like to hammer refresh on all day long (unlike you I guess)

so I post it here for people browsing BW (where there's far more going on)



If they actually put in a option so you could remove your surname then perhaps that might help, i am one of those with a special character done it in the hope they would just delete it :) come on Kemor answer please ? a option to remove surname ?

also recieved no warning friendly or otherwise ?

ok whats a umlaut

yes i know thick as 2 planks but if u dont ask you never learn :p


I must say im sorry for the people with special character second names but i guess it disproves the old rule....

"You cannot make an umlaut without breaking a few regs"


Sorry - I know - Im tired and silly.... :twak:


Removing surnames

/lastname "None" (cant remember if its with a capital N or not), that should remove the surname


It doesn't. It will disappear from your own screen, but you'll appear as having the surname "None" to everyone else.

To be honest the whole thing is complete bollocks. Are they seriously trying to say that guilds like EoO are going to have "severe" action taken against them because they chose names that actually fit with the continuity of the game? There are quite a few guilds in Mid/Pryd with scandinavian characters in the names (funny that, given it's based on Norse legend) - they all gonna get deleted? And why are umlauts and accents ok - Excal and Pryd are ENGLISH servers. Sorry Goa you might be French but we don't have accents in our language, so that excuse won't work. If they're too incompetent to disable extended ASCII themselves how is it the fault of the players.


the things they are referring to, is the TM in small, the weird looking T, the cross thingy, and several other of its kind.

if they remove the Æ from Æresgarde, and the odd things in Eye of Odin, i agree, that would be a bad call.


rather completly remove EoO :p

nah kidding

/em gets ready to be namezerged again


Hm, OK. So no PvE server until Feb at the earliest.

Time for me to think about getting a US sub, I guess.


No -decision- on a PvE server until Feb!

To be honest, I'm not buying SI unless there's going to be a coop server for me to play it on (however silly that sounds). So they can either announce it at the same time as they put SI out, or I will more than likely let my sub run out and find another game or consider the move to the US servers, well, Gaheris I should say :)

Bleri McThrust

Last names are a farce :(

Tried having Windlepoons as a last name for one of my characters. It wouldnt let me sai it was unauthorised. I can have it as a first name mind.

Windlepoons ffs. A famous wizard from the Discworld series of books. Whats wrong with that ?????????


Maybe because of the "poon" part¿

I can´t make a char called "Allotriophagy" because, I assume, of the "phag" part being phoenetically similar to "fag".




Thanks for posting this Fingoniel, when I went to the DAoC/GOA site and tried to get this the links weren't working. :rolleyes:

We should have a 1.54 version in testing between Christmas and New Year's Eve. We will give you more information about this next week.

Hmmm... ok... 1.53 and 1.54 are not exactly small or without possible issues attached (see total fuck up with last patch and caster AF buff nonsense). So after they have been tested lets say end of January... gives 4 weeks or so for SI to be translated, tested and patched along with patches 1.55 AND 1.56. End of February... errr we can hope so! Will be a nice surprise if so.

Co-op server: no decision will be made until AFTER the release of SI... so add another month on top of the SI release date for decisions, translations, testing and so on. By which time 1.57 and very likely 1.58 will be upon us as well.

A busy time ahead for GOA I think.


Originally posted by stu
There are quite a few guilds in Mid/Pryd with scandinavian characters in the names (funny that, given it's based on Norse legend)

Erm... where does norse legends come from? and where is scandinavia?


Originally posted by old.Hobbes101
"You cannot make an umlaut without breaking a few regs"


Good news there, I'll be well impressed if we get 1.54 after 3 weeks of testing also. Fingers crossed.


Originally posted by lakih
Erm... where does norse legends come from? and where is scandinavia?

Scandinavia = Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland. You know, where the Vikings came from? The place that used to be called Midgard, that the realm of Midgard is supposedly based on in this game?

Oh and I think they've tightened up (or fucked up, rather) the lastname rules. I set my Thane's lastname on like the 2nd day the server was live - now when I try and set my Skald's to be the same, it tell me it's illegal, but my Thane still has it. Nothing offensive or potentially litigous about it at all.


Originally posted by stu
It doesn't. It will disappear from your own screen, but you'll appear as having the surname "None" to everyone else.

To be honest the whole thing is complete bollocks. Are they seriously trying to say that guilds like EoO are going to have "severe" action taken against them because they chose names that actually fit with the continuity of the game? There are quite a few guilds in Mid/Pryd with scandinavian characters in the names (funny that, given it's based on Norse legend) - they all gonna get deleted? And why are umlauts and accents ok - Excal and Pryd are ENGLISH servers. Sorry Goa you might be French but we don't have accents in our language, so that excuse won't work. If they're too incompetent to disable extended ASCII themselves how is it the fault of the players.

They're just trying to cut down on the "Ress for only £5" brigade I think.

I don't think they're gonna go fascist on ae (whatever the char is ;)) etc.

As for the co-op server:
It's probably:
"Lets see if it dies a death worse than PvP on the US before we say we'll make one."


Heh. My feeling on the PvP server is that they should wipe it every 3-4 months or so. Sure, that won't help people who like spending time on their characters, but for the people who find the first few months of a PvP server most exciting, it might keep it fresh.



Scandinavia was never really called Midgard. Midgard is what the world was called in norse legends... norse legends are from the nordic countries... i.e. scandinavia... so saying that its funny that ppl are haveing "nordic" letters (å,ä,ö,ae) in names in midgard is... well... funny :) And btw, you forgot iceland... even tho its far off and got pretty much its own legends and tales it still belongs to scandinavia...

Btw this is compleatly offtopic so lets just put a . here and hope for a cooperative server. ;)

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